Nuevo SDK Leaked!

Poes por lo visto se a vuelto a filtrar otro SDK de Sony.

***Final Release***
I Have issued a fix to address compiling with 1.92
There were some files corrupted in the last release!
If you have already migrated over to the last Multi SDK Release Please STOP Seeding and delete it!
I have tested this release compiling and recompiling over 100 times with apps created for both 1.92 and 3.41 without issue.
If you are compiling an app for use with 3.41 make sure to edit the .SFO of your app to have an APP Ver.

This is a VirtualBox Image of Ubuntu_x86 10.10 with tools to compile PS3 Jailbreak Files As Well As PS3 Applications/Packages.
This Release Has Multi SDK Support Both 3.41 and 1.92!

You will need:

VirtualBox - Included

Login info once you get up and running:

User = evilsperm
Pass = password
sudo su password = password

To switch back and forth from 3.41 SDK to 1.92 SDK is very easy.

To switch SDK's:

On the desktop you will see a folder called SDK_Selector
Open that Dir and double click on the SDK you woudld like to use.
Select Run In Terminal, type in the password and hit enter.
The Terminal will disappear and the SDK you selected is ready for use!

This is a **Final Stable Release** until a new SDK is leaked.

Credit goes to (jtanner) over at for this great idea of multi switching sdk's!

Ocupa 2.1GB comprimidos con 7z y para encontrarlo poner en google: PS3 Multi SDK 3.41 - 1.92Ubuntu VirtualBox - Jailbreak o PS3_Multi_SDK.7z.
Es una imagen para virtualbox con una ubuntu y el sdk listo
nunca se filtraba nada.. y ahora se cuela de todo... interesante
Realmente esto es una Imagen de Ubuntu preparada con el SDK, para que se pueda usar directamente en la Virtual Box (estilo las compilaciones para auditoria wireless XD )

Pero no es un SDK nuevo realmente, aunque si es muy útil ;)

O un liveusb. Te lo puedes hacer en un pis pas
que utilidad tiene esto para el usuario final? osea el que no tiene ni guarra de programacion y compilacion como yo xD
jur jur
perfecto para mi VB, justo lo que buscaba!
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