Nuevo shmup para Naomi-GD?

O eso parece después del anuncio de un nuevo shmup desarrollado por Triangle Service, llamado TRIZEAL (me gusta el nombre :-O )
Lo de que corre en una placa Naomi GD-ROM no está confirmado ojo...y más difícil todavía...lo veremos en nuestras Dreamcast? este yo creo que no...

Alguna captura de salón recreativo:




En las imágenes se ve bien poco, pero menos da una piedra... [fumeta]
Pues tiene un aspecto muy clásico, quizá demasiado clásico... hacía ya tiempo que no veía un shmup con disparos aumentables. ¿Qué otras cosas ha hecho esta gente? Porque así, de entrada, no me suena demasiado el nombre...


PD: el de al lado me suena... ¿no es el Psyvariar 2? :P
Si no me equivoco, es de los desarrolladores del XII stag, programado en la placa G-net de taito y disponible en ps2 a precio barato. Este nuevo no sé sobre que hardware funcionará. Desde luego que si es en naomi, recibiré con los brazos abiertos una conversión para dreamcast.
Más info del juego aquí (en perfecto japo :P):

P.D.: Sí Zyloj, creo que es de los desarrolladores de XII Stag, aunque a mí no me gustó demasiado aquel, así que no se si es una muy buena noticia... :-?

EDITO: Primeras impresiones de un japo que postea en los foros de :P

Got to try a new vertical Naomi Shooter tonight at a loketest in the new Taito arcade in Akihabara. Thought I'd better report about it in this thread.

The game is called Trizeal and it was developed and published by Triangle Service.

I'd never heard of the game or the company before tonight. In fact, the only reason why I decided to try the game out was because there was a large marquee that said 'loketest' on the cab. There were no crowds lined up to play it: in fact, no one was playing it at all. So I stuck my 100 yen in and decided to try it out.

Earlier in the day I'd seen some fan-produced PC shooter CD-R's on sale. This game looked exactly like one of those. You controlled a very standard looking spaceship, and your enemies were geometric shapes. The BG's were mostly clouds and space. It was the most bland shooter I've ever played. I think the game might have employed the 2D in 3D cell shading effect, but the sprites and BG's were so non-descript that it really was hard to tell.

RBJake, who was with me at the time, was the first to pick up on how bland it was (I was too busy trying to figure out which geometric shapes were power-ups, and which geometric shapes were enemy bullets). After I played my first game, he commented on how generic it looked, and I realized he was right as I played through it again.

The game had three buttons: shoot, transform, and bomb. Your ship can transform and fire in three different ways: laser, spread and laser, or shells. The bombs explode in the standard large circular pattern. Power-ups make all of your shots more powerful- if you power-up to Level 2 using laser, then transform to shells, you're still Level 2.

Although I'm happy to see another (2D?) vertical shooter on Naomi, this really was a very boring looking game. I didn't get very far either time I played, so it's hard to comment on how well the gameplay is executed, but it looks so plain that there doesn't seem to be much point in mastering it.

This is only the second shooting game by Triangle Service, and it appears to be the second game they've ever made, period. I got a few hits on Yahoo! Japan for some hentai games made by 'Triangle', so it might be the shooting division of an already existing software company. The Triangle Service website says 'Shooting Love' in Japanese on their main page, so there might be more in the works from them.

La cosa queda bastante aclarada, el juego es soso, insípido y pasará sin pena ni gloria por los salones de Japón... :(
Entonces nos ahorramos la petición XD
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