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New use for movie theaters: Halo tournaments
Posted Aug 18, 2004, 12:39 PM ET by Peter Rojas
If Internet piracy ends ruining the film industry at least they’ll be able to put all those empty movie theaters to good use: a theater in Logan, Utah set up video projectors in four theaters, hooked each one up to an Xbox and is now holding a weekly giant-screen Halo tournament every Friday night at midnight. They’re even charging teams $60 to play and spectators three bucks a pop just to watch.
Este tio habla de un cine viejo fuera de uso en UTAH donde armaron 4 salas con proyectores y organizan torneos los viernes en la noche de Halo en la PANTALLA GIGANTE
![flipando [flipa]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/flipando.gif)
. donde cada equipo paga 60$ y el publico 3 $ con sus respecivas palomitas de maiz