Nuevos datos sobre revolution

Q: You mentioned Nintendo Revolution will have a totally new interface, a completely different look for gamers. Can you elaborate?
A: The new interface will allow some new forms of innovation. Already, you're seeing changes in Nintendo DS, which has a microphone, input pen, and touch screen. We have a number of candidates for a new interface but are not ready to reveal them. All I can say right now is that whatever we choose will be intuitive and easy to use for everyone.

Q: Well, you showed several new games that used voice commands. Is that one of your candidates?
A: It certainly makes a game better to have voice commands, because it can alter how the game is played. But the fact of the matter is, to realize voice commands, all you have to do is install a microphone. We realize a few of our competitors are already thinking of following us on this, so it will not be a defining feature of the new console. We may or may not use the microphone in the new [Nintendo Revolution] interface.

Q: You also challenged game developers to think outside of the box on new games. Why?
A: Games already pretty much have reached the point of photo-realism. Working on more intense graphics is not the only path we can take anymore. Simply relying on the sheer horsepower of the machine will not bring the industry a bright future.

Q: When will you get Revolution development kits out to game creators?
A: Development kits are already out there, depending on which stage you're talking about. All I can say right now is "in the near-future" for the basis platform information they will need to get started on games.

Q: A lot has been said about Microsoft's new Xbox console coming out later this year. If that's the case, it may have a year's lead on you, and many are predicting Nintendo will be the big loser, not Sony. What are your thoughts here?
A: Whether Nintendo is a winner or loser on Revolution totally depends on how our customers react to it, and since they do not know much about it, I can't respond. A year or two from now, it will be interesting to know who ultimately made the right choices. I'm confident we have made the right decisions.

Q: Still, a lot of people say there are lessons to be learned from previous mistakes with console introductions. What have you learned from Nintendo's missteps?
A: I should point out two lessons: We really needed to understand the differences and the needs of the territories, and also the importance of timing. It's important not only to have the right timing of when the hardware is going to be released but also when we are going to be able to introduce quality software.

Q: Nintendo is one of the biggest game software publishers in the world. Does having such big hits make it more difficult to get third-party publishers like Electronic Arts (ERTS ) on board, since they have to compete with you?
A: Of course, third-party publishers, like everyone, face increasing risks associated with creating games, and you have to target your resources to the right places and the right platforms. Our competitors [in the hardware business] are the ones who are willing to shell out big money to ensure third-party support, but I believe as long as Nintendo can find the appropriate strategy to make us stand out, they will develop for our platforms.

Personalmente me ha dejado un poco frio, despues de leer que la revolucion sera algo por el estilo a micro, pantalla tactil...k kereis k os diga....esperaba mas.....
No pone eso maximo_exponent :o

Dice que en el interface de Nintendo DS han apostado por los elementos descrítos y que no pueden comentar nada sobre los que tendrá Revolution.

Piensa que al ser compatible con GameCube ha de tener un mando y los mísmos botones o una forma de conectar un mando GameCube independientemente del interface de la consola.

Parece indicar que no usará micro. Parecen muy interesados en el momento exacto de sacar la consola, aunque realmente todo anda sujeto a la salida de PS3.

Lo que parece resaltar en todo esto es que ni siquiera los desarrolladores 3rd Party tienen idea del interface, que los development kits sean solo técnicos es decir entorno al hardware propiamente dicho. Puede que esa sea la razón por la que de momento no todos los 3rd parties se lancen, no deben de saber mucho tampoco :P
aunque tanto revolution, no són los únicos en innovar en interfície de juego:

bongos, alfombras, camara, micro(tb ya existe, en marioParty i pickachu de la n64), pistolas i el bazooka (mítico de snes), los sensores de posición que hay para juegos de lucha para play, volantes... etc.

aunqué como ya dije en otro hilo hace 10 u 11 días:


sobre lo qué serà y podrà o no revolution todo es especular (ahora ya no tanto). pero por lo que he leído bién podra connectarse a un monitor, mando no le faltarà. por lo que a juegos normales se podrà. (ya sabemos que sí, y a los de GC mismo!!)

yo creo que el tema irà hacia el uso de perifèricos de todo tipo para jugar (bongos, camera, alfombra, sensores...) que estaran disponibles a un módico precio y que qualquier juego podrá suponer que el usuario ya tiene. (cada vez aclaran màs que el kit de la qüestión estarà en la interface usada).

a esto le añades connectividad local y por internet (ya sabemos que si! i por wi-fi!!!!), mini-screens en los mandos o poder usar la Ds como tales, quiza un sistema de proyección hologràfica opcional (y caro). imagina tener un campo de futbol con los jugadores moviendose encima, o un tablero de mario party.. etc...


una interface podría ser una mezcla entre pistola y touch screen. me explico: tal y como ya existe para ordenadores un mando que apuntas hacia la pantalla y hace de puntero del mouse.

Pero en mi opinión cada interfície de estas marca mucho el tipo de juego. O hay muchas y variadas, o una que pueda abarcar mucho tipo de juegos... Me da un poco de miedo y il.lusión a la vez.

------- editado:

"Hablando" de proyección holográrfica:

web de un sistema de proyección holográfica

The Heliodisplay (TM) projects TV, streaming video and computer images into free space (i.e. mid-air). It is plug-and-play compatible with most video sources (TV, DVD, computer, videogame, etc.). The Heliodisplay is interactive -- a "floating touch screen" -- allowing a hand or finger to navigate and select.
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