Funny thing about Nvidia Ansel, its postprocess shaders contain code from MasterEffect. Its custom.fx contains almost 1:1 the colormod pass with my original descriptions. Same for the other files, where many variable names, code, comments and defines match MasterEffect code, also my 1D gausian blur solution, 1:1, just DX11 ported. There may be even more Framework code in it, I just recognized my own code, there might be SweetFX/other code in it as well. While it's an honour to be apprechiated by such a big company, they could at least drop some credits like we do. Like another ReShade Framework contributor said, "if we would do the same their legal army would crush down on us immediately".
El modder ha contactado con Nvidia y le han dicho que para la próxima versión sadrá acreditado
Hoberbion Cubitero
19.582 mensajes desde feb 2004 en Land of Confusion
Ingalius escribió:seguramente ahora nvidia patente dicho codigo en USA y el modder recibira una carta de nvidia indicandole que no puede seguir utilizando ese codigo
[EDIT] Update and conclusion on the Ansel thing: I talked with some guys from Nvidia and especially the lead developer of Ansel, it's all sorted out. It was a result of some testing, basically leftover code; the next Ansel update will have some code removed and me credited, so it's all fine now. I have seen that someone posted this on reddit, probably in an attempt to start a shitstorm or something, don't do that. It's not a big thing really and Ansel is no commercial product so case closed then
Joer esa ultima respuesta del propio desarrollador parece que le han querido callar con pasta acusando a la gente que descubrieron el tema. Vergonzosa esa bajada de pantalones.
Pues este marty mcfly era una pieza importante junto a crosire en el proyecto reshade. Ahora entiendo el porque del retraso de la version 3 final de reshade.