NVIS - Nintendo Visor? revolution fake?

Pues nada parece que por estos lares se esta comentando muchas cosas sobre revolution posiblemente fakes, pero weno me animo a postear y resumir la información, posiblemente sea solo para aumentar el hype.

fuente poco fiable foro: http://theboard.zogdog.com/index.php?showtopic=11279&st=0

(aqui pongo la info completa se que es un tochaco, traducire al final lo mas importante )

Hello guys,

I have news that is 100% real. I am a very trustworthy member of these forums, Kevin can tell you that. My brother is a lawyer who has helped me un cover some patents and some to do with Nintendo, the information has been very interesting. I also have a half sister who is on her way to becoming quite the actress, my sister isn't that close to me. She is 31 years old and i had not spoken to her for about 3
months as she lives in New York and is usually quite busy but is free now as it's easter. I was talking to her yesterday thought it would only be a quick chat, during the conversation she asked if if was doing anything next month and i said 'yeah i am waiting for the BOMB' and she said 'what' i said the revolution is going to be revealed at E3. At that point the conversation became very interesting. She said to me that last summer she worked at LucasArts. She said that in her acting classes she had a friend who's father workerd for LucasArts and that the father was always pushing him to get into the games industry and that he wanted to
be an actor and at that point my sister said she told his friend how she has always wanted to have a little summer job for a games company. So this friend got her some position in LucasArts for about three and a half months. She was not doing anything for the summer so she took the job. My sister saud that her job was nothing fancy, she was to be a tea girl, to serve tea and coffee, biscuits, sandwiches, cakes, etc etc.
This tea job was about to change for the better, my half sister has a way with people. She is very good at manipulating people, she uses this to get ahead in life, well i got to say that a lot of women are like this, men as well. Anyone has to be like this if you want to get into hollywood. The film industry is so demanding everyone is trying to cut you up. Anyway she worked at LucasArts and said that she made a lot of friends
in the first few days. I think she dated some of the guys because when i told her that i really want to know just what Nintendo are doing with their new games console 'the revolution'. I said there is so much secrecy and she said maybe i can help you. So she says i will call them and get back to you half an hour later.

My sister calls and said the conversation went extremly good, she said that this guy named Hugh gave a lot of information, and she said that she dated this Hugh for about 2 months while she was working their and said that he kind of owed her for something she did for him while they were going out. Anyway so
instead of me typing everything word for word of exactly how the conversation goes. I will just get right to it.

Revolution comes in 5 colours at launch (red, green, white, silver, black,) more colours to be released during the launch window.

Revolution to get a world wide launch

Final name is Nintendo RS = Revolution System

At E3 final name will be told

4 revolution packages:

Pack 1 = Revolution Console, Revmote, Nunchuck, Red Steel
Pack 2 = Revolution Console, Revmote x2, Red Steel,
Pack 3 = Revolution console, Revmote x2, Red Steel, NVIS
Pack 4 = NVIS

Nintendo ON was real as in made to be only a prototype system and the video was to be leaked on purpose by Nintendo to cause a huge viral marketing campaign. The above packages i have mentioned NVIS this is the new visor that is made to blend in with the current and final Revolution deisgn that we have all seen. But expect the design to be smaller than what you saw at GDC at launch. NVIS stands 'Nintendo, Virtual, Imerssive, space'. NVIS is still a codename.

Worldwide Revolution lanuch June 1st, it needs to be launched in this month as after you see the
full package with NVIS at E3 people will be so hyped that having a worldwide launch for June is the
perfect way to win the console war. In my opinion it would be better to release NVIS on the
launch day of PS3. But Nintendo have bigger plans as they are going to have an even
bigger lanuch. Firstly 20 games at launch and to counter the PS3 launch there will be a further 10 top games launched on launch day of PS3. George Harrison said that a third of the 20 launch titles are firs t party Nintendo titles. Well the reason behind this is because those games will be made to use the NVIS. Only nintendo at this point have final devkits which include the NVIS. But the game Red Steel is one exception it is made to use the NVIS. Even though the article in the latest Game Informer said that red steel production started just after E3 2005 and your thinking how can this game be finsihed intime for June 1st launch. Well you have to remember what President Satouri Iwata said last year, that Revolution games can be made in half the time to the competetion, he stated 12-18 months. And Red Steel will be incredible and ready for launch, well this is according to the guy having the conversation with my sister.

George harrison has mentioned that they are thinking of having 2 revmotes in the Revolution box.
So your asking yourself why would they do that? Maybe so you can play 2 player, well that is one reason and there is another. The 2 revmotes can be used while using the NVIS, you can control both hands in the game and see them move in real time through the NVIS view.

The NVIS has motion sensing to sense where you are walking in the real world. Which is why instead of having the nunchuk to control movemnent you just have 2 Revmotes.

LucasArts are also working on a title that uses the NVIS. This is how they know all this information,
LucasArts is such a big company and i am sure whoever leaked this to my sister is not going to get into any trouble as how would they know. It seems that a lot of people at LucasArts know about the Revolution.

Red Steel screenshots are more of just to show fans what to expect, when you see the game running at E3 it will have graphics even better looking than the screenshots that we have all seen and everyone will say 'wow' but they won't then say oh but MGS4 on PS3 looks better or Gran Turismo or Oblivion or Fight Night Round 3 looks better. No they will actually say wow to Revolutions incredilbe graphics.

Revolution will be priced at $180. European price has not been set as of yet but will be made public at E3 along with the US price quoted above.

The reason why at last E3 Nintendo mentioned that they may not ever reveal Revolution specs is because the revolutions new architecture won't allow you to see the specs, as in you are not allowed to take apart the Revolution to find out it's hardware inner workings. The Revolution has gone thorugh some desgin laws and Nintendo holds a new kind of license, that in simple words is that if a user tries to open up
the system it will not only void the warranty but also make the system unusuable and only a Nintendo factory technician can fix the hardware. The hardware uses a special kind of battery built into the chipset so that when the revolution has been disconnected from the mains the Revolution is still on inside via this
battery power and if you try to tamper with the revolution it will cause the chipset which has a programming node that always stays on and it detects if any of the hardware is being tamperd with and if so it switches off all internal hardware which kills the board and stops people from hacking the box to prevent piracy. If you do tamper with it then the only way to fix this is to have it sent off to the factory for fixing.

How does the battery power last well every time you connect the Revolution back to the mains while playing games the battery recharges through the mains power, it only needs a very small recharge of about 15 minutes.

The revolution hardware can be upgraded, Nintendo believe that the hardware can last 10 years, at the moment it uses a whole range of incredible graphics that is on par with second generation XBOX 360 games. 5 years from now instead of having to redesign a new console they can use new grpahical tricks that can make the console last another generation. The architecture of both the graphic and central
procesisng chips were made to feature this much customisation for the future. By using all sorts of graphic tricks which it does not need to use now the hardware can last many years, well into 10 years from now. The chip has been designed so Nintendo in the future can release extra chips which you can purchase and plug into the revolution. Just like the N64 RAM add on that made the graphics in some N64 games better, i remember back in the days getting this, it made Perfect Dark to look souped up. But this is far more advance. That mystery port under the blue light that everyone is talking about on the revolution is where it will hold these graphic add ons.

Ubisoft playing a game with us, in the Game Informer Red Steel screenshots they had a photoshoot of them holding the Revmote and Nunchuk up to their eyes and then having a real sword held infront of their eyes, your thinking why did they do this? Well for a good reason, remember back at last E3, there were some videos released by Nintendo showing Perrin kaplan and Reggie Fills Aime aswell as some other Nintendo employee. They were a few second long clips and the camera zoomed into Reggie's eyes well this is all a hint to the NVIS. The sword that ubisoft held to their eyes as well as the Revmote is to show you that while wearing the NVIS in the game you can bring the motion sensing Revmote up to your eyes and in the game you will see it as a real sword through the NVIS and then you can draw the sword out and take a slash. All very clever hinting by ubisoft.

LucasArts employee also talks about a new game that uses the NVIS. Miyamoto and Iwata have worked with LucasArts on new Starwars game currently codenamed 'Jedi Master - There can only be One'. You play as either Luke Skywalker, Obi One Konobi or Darth Vader. You have a whole selction of light Sabers to Choose from and can do all your favourute moves with 2 Revmotes.

There is an addon that will be shown at E3 for the Revmote that allows you to wear the Revmote on a wrist band and wear a kind of key ring on your finger which holds a sort of grip in your palm and with this you can feel the weight and grip of things in games while usng the NVIS.

The NVIS works by using one laser projector that beams a video signal into some sort of optics via mirrors that split the image into two sperate images, one for each eye. Not much info here other than the fact that the reason Nintendo are not going HD is that to have a visor using this new laser projector would cost too much to manafacturer to have a 1280x720p image so the laser frequency will be enough to give a signal with a resolution of 800x600 resolution. Games will be expereinced in 480p on tv's and 800x600 in the NVIS. What really blew me away was when my sister said that the guy mentioned to her that the companys that are developing this visor tech is Leep VR and Siemens. Now Leep VR is the comapny that i mentioned that i had several email conversations with. If you don't know that then you can find the link to this thread that i posted all the conversations that i had here (cutting and pasting links is not working for me for some reason so just do a forum search for username ibelieve, the name of the post is 'The email that may prove the Nintendo ON is real, amazing email conversation with this VR company'.

So i told my sister all this news and i got her to call again this guy at LucasArts so she can ask
about this VR company and they said that some very high figures in this company know about them working with Nintendo, i had emails conversations with this guy who seemd to know a lot about their tech and you can read about their HMD's (Head Mounted Displays) and their tech on their website here http://www.leepvr.com obviously for secrecy reasons they wouldn't tell me if they are working on the Revolution. This company has been in the VR business for 25 years and all the top HMD' that have been used in the themparks all over the world and available to the consumer use their optics, the Leep optics which create Orthoscopic Stereo 3D. The guy that my sister spoke to from LucasArts mentions that the NVIS uses their optics in a new way with the laser projector to create a full 360 degree view for all Revolution
games, they of course work perectly for first person perespective games.

To stop a hazard while using the NVIS if you go and walk out of the infared motion sensing zone, then the NVIS automatically shuts off, this is to prevent someone from walking around there house and tripping over.

Nintendo ON is the name used for Revolution's Online gaming service.

All the above revolution packages will be released in all 5 diferent colors
for launch and more colour packages during launch window.

There will also be polariazed glasses that can be bought seperately. If you own a projector, a lot of XBOX 360 owner's do, Then you can experience the streoscopic 3D games via polarized glasses instead of using the NVIS and you will still get the pop out of the screen out of screen effects like in the imax cinemas.

2007 brings another addon which will allow you to experience 3D movies, LucasArts said more will be known on this near the end of the year. The NVIS was the most cost effective way that Nintendo could release full immersion than with just releasing polarized glasses. Everyone would have to have compatible TV sets and not everyone has a projector. So they wanted to make one system that everyone can use and the way to do this was to make the NVIS.

Well that is prety much all that my sister gave me, I will review this write up later to see if i missed anything.

Man i have been trying to type this as fast i can, now i need a break. It does look like this is all incredible news. And i wouldn't think my sister is lying to me nor this employee maybe the NDA's really are ending for some.


Aki voy a traducir lo que dice mas o menos el chaval , dice mas o menos lo de siempre que su hermana trabaja en lucas arts, y como es muy buena sonsacando información pues queda con un chico que sabe mucho y hablan de revolution... vaya lo normal... (jejeje ya uele a fake pero sigo)

Basicamente dice:

Nombre final: Nintendo RS (Revolution System)
Revolution tendrá lanzamiento mundial

Se lanzara en 4 packs:
Pack 1 = Revolution Console, Revmote, Nunchuck, Red Steel
Pack 2 = Revolution Console, Revmote x2, Red Steel,
Pack 3 = Revolution console, Revmote x2, Red Steel, NVIS
Pack 4 = NVIS (Nintendo visor)

(ya ves cuatro packs y con un juego que no es de nintendo y encima, marcado para mayores... cada vez menos creible pero sigue)

Nintendo ON es real segun comenta, forma parte de la gran campaña de marketing de nintendo, Pablo según comenta fue contratado por nintendo para crear eso y esto hype y mas hype...

Nintendo ON sera el nombre del servicio online de revolution.

El precio de revo en USA sera de 180$, (precio creible claro sino fuese por el casco el revocontrol etc..:))

Aqui no añade nada nuevo los tiempos de creacion de software de revolution seran muy reducidos.

Lucasarts esta haciendo un titulo llamado Jedi masters (vaya peleas con sables laser lo que todo fan de starwars esta soñando)

Ahora bien el nvis dice que funciona mediante una tecnologia que proyecta un haz laser en la retina... suena futurista la verdad (pero esa tecnologia ya lleva años eso si hace algunos años valia el casquito uns 1000 o algo mas)

dice q nintendo ha mejorado esa tecnologia con la ayuda de siemens e ibm entre otras, y otra cosa mas añade que nintendo puede tener precios tan bajos en el NVIS pq lleva trabajndo años en esa tecnologia (desde virtual boy)

comenta que saldra en 5 colores y mas o menos eso es todo.

tb en otra pagina del foro anterior comenta que nadie alquila el kodak center para enseñar solo el revomando, ademas tb recuerda las palabras de miyamoto, twilight princess será el ultimo zelda que veamos asi, o otras como queremos expandir el campo de juego, no nos queremos limitar a una pantalla etc...

tb comenta que nintendo ha patentado un sistema para evitar la pirateria, si intentas abrir la consola te quedas sin ella. (eso creo que lo dice en otro post)

y por ultimo tambien dice esperan q nintendo revolution dure unos 10 años... pues van a sacar numerosos perifericos y addons de hardware tipo al memory expansion de la n64.

y sigue la verdad que creo que eso seria el sueño de todo jugador, pero suena muy bien para ser verdad y tiene poca credibilidad.

quisiera creer , pero no puedo.

bueno esto es mas o menos todo y espero que esto acabe ya cuanto antes pues llevamos mucho tiempo esperando, aunque ya queda casi nada para que todo sea revelado.

(creo que morire en el E3 JAJAJA)

weno un saludo y lo siento por el pedazo de post.
yo ya no me creo nada hasta el dia 9. Asi de simple. Si Nintendo realmente tiene todo eso (el casco, e servicio "on" y los packs de salida de Revo, prefiero que sea ella misma la que lo diga antes que fiarme de un post. Lo dicho, No me creo na hasta que vea al SR Iwata encima del Kodak Machacando a Sony ) [chulito] [+furioso] [fumando] [poraki] [angelito] [borracho]
Uyy como me gustaria eso de las gafas... pero lo del pack de RedSteel, pues no me lo creo, no deberia hacer pack con un juego de Nintendo? porque con Ubisoft?

Solo queda..... esperar al E3 [boma]
4 revolution packages

Hasta aquí he leído.
Creo que el que escribió el tostón ese se aburría mucho.

Yo si sale la revo con un juego con un shooter (quitando al Metroid) no me la pillo, eso lo tngo más que claro, nadie como la propia Nintendo como para demostrar el potencial de su consola.
4 revolution packages??
Con juego de Ubi y no de Nintendo??
180$ por consola+dos mandos+ juego??
Worlwide launch on 1st June??

Sí, claro, Nintendo prefiere incluir el Red Steel como juego de salida antes que un nuevo Mario, un Zelda o un Metroid. ¬_¬

El resto ya se toma por fake por si solo, claro (el amigo del padre del hermano de un primo de un amigo de mi perro blah blah blah).
Si tiene el tamaño de una novela de ciencia-ficcion, suena como una novela de ciencia-ficcion, huele como una novela de ciencia-ficcion, y su autor es de ficcion, ¿que es?

No lo se, pero desde luego una noticia no. XD
Bidule escribió:
Hasta aquí he leído.


Yo no he podido llegar tan lejos !... Que bueno !... al principio me he reido bastante, pero luego intenta ser serio y pierde la gracia... La hermana con el amigo que trabaja en Lucasart... grande!... y luego, resulta que el tio ese, se había debido liar con su hermana y sabe más de la Revo que el Iwata...

Álguien debería hacer una versión almodovariana de la historia, en plan... que Pikachu se lia con un chapero de Montera, y le cuenta que su padre es DK. Éste le manda una carta reconociendo su paternidad y para recompensarle por los años perdidos, le adjunta los white papers de todos los proyectos de hardware de Nintendo a 10 años vista. El chapero, utiliza esa información para presionar a la compañía, y gracias al lenguaje aprendido en la calle, diciendo frases en plan de: " voy a patear culos " y cosas así, en conferencias multitudinarias, se convierte en una celebridad...
Me ha encantado el matiz que le dan las historias paralelas de relaciones personales.
y por ultimo tambien dice esperan q nintendo revolution dure unos 10 años... pues van a sacar numerosos perifericos y addons de hardware tipo al memory expansion de la n64.

yo espero que no se pasen con las expansiones, para que la consola "tire" mejor o con mas graficos :s es algo que siempre critique de N64 y no me gustaria que le tocase ahora a "Revo"
ya estamos con los fakes...
bartews3 está baneado por "Clones"
En sony gastándose millones de dólares para crear supervideos superimpresionantes para generar hype... y en cambio con Nintendo lo hacen gratis los usuarios.
bartews3 escribió:En sony gastándose millones de dólares para crear supervideos superimpresionantes para generar hype... y en cambio con Nintendo lo hacen gratis los usuarios.

Es la "majia" [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]
LLamadme iluso...

pero yo sigo creyendo que en el E3 veremos el NINTENDO ON [toctoc]
XD que cantidad de burradas juntas XD, yo creo que la mejor es esta:
The NVIS has motion sensing to sense where you are walking in the real world. Which is why instead of having the nunchuk to control movemnent you just have 2 Revmotes.

Y aparte de eso, en el juego de los jedis yo quiero ser
Obi One Konobi

No me puedo creer que nadie pueda ni siquiera plantearse que esto sea remotamente cercano a nada real. No tiene ni pies ni cabeza.

Jeje, hay que ver lo facil que os lo he dejado,eh?

Eso si, como el 9 de Mayo se demuestre que yo tenia razon no me voy a conformar con un simple gallifante. Sino que os lo estare restregando por la cara hasta que sea baneado ;-)

PD: pero weno, vosotros id preparando grandes fotos de OWNED por si me equivoco
y tu ve preparandote para recibir muchos OWNED, por si acaso...
porq creo q pides mucho (por mi mejor si tienes razon XD)
Esto va en el hilo de fantasmadas de el rincon
jaja la verdad que yo al leerme to el toston me quede igual fakazo!!!... pero digo weno porque no voy a postearlo y asi lo vemos todos :D

weno un saludo
Estoy escéptico con casi todo lo que se dice ahí, incluido lo de "si abres la consola te quedas sin ella". En fin... que llegue el E3 ya.
Nintendo ON was real as in made to be only a prototype system and the video was to be leaked on purpose by Nintendo to cause a huge viral marketing campaign.
¿No se habia dejado ya bastante claro que lo de Nintendo ON era un fake como una casa, y encima hecho por un Español? Vamos, al menos eso he leido en muchos sitios ya, con lo cual me temo que con el Revomando tendremos suficiente, nada de gafas de realidad virtual ni cosas por el estilo.
Pfff, a mi me parece increible que aun se siga hablando de nintendo on, realidad virtual y hologramas.
Grimnir escribió:¿No se habia dejado ya bastante claro que lo de Nintendo ON era un fake como una casa, y encima hecho por un Español? Vamos, al menos eso he leido en muchos sitios ya, con lo cual me temo que con el Revomando tendremos suficiente, nada de gafas de realidad virtual ni cosas por el estilo.

cito textualmente escribió:Nintendo ON es real segun comenta, forma parte de la gran campaña de marketing de nintendo, Pablo según comenta fue contratado por nintendo para crear eso y esto hype y mas hype...

Pues eso, ahí dice que el creador de FAKE fue contratado por Nintendo, por lo que de FAKE nada sino una estrategia para crear hype y que pareciese que era fake aun siendo cierto que se estaba desarrollando esa tecnología.
De eso nada. El creador es Pablo Belmonte y de hecho ya posteo algo hablando del tema en Vandal y no tenía absolutamente nada que ver con nintendo.

De hecho, aun despues de que se dijera claramente que era fake, aún se hablo durante meses (sobre todo en foros guiris) de si era real o no.
Ya se dijo ace tiempo que ON era un Fake... pero ha ocurrido lo mismo que con aquello de sorpresa, sorpresa y ricky martin, que se extendió como la polvora y no era mas que un bulo que difundio una radio...
Y si estoy equivocado, el dia 9 me lo demostrará todo.
Por cierto, la foto de miyamoto es para contestar al Miyamoto ON de FanDeNintendo. Si os fijais, es la misma foto ;)
Ya, si no digo que sea cierto, al contrario, pienso que es FAKE. Solo estaba respondiendo al otro usuario citando la traducción del artículo ese.

Evidentemente me parece de ciencia ficción que el FAKE al final resulte ser una realidad, pero vamos, si es así ya tendremos tiempo de comprobarlo en el E3. Si alguien cree en ello que tampoco se haga muchas ilusiones [burla2]
yo ya no me creo nada hasta que nos lo muestre nintendo.
ObiJuan escribió: Imagen
Ya se dijo ace tiempo que ON era un Fake... pero ha ocurrido lo mismo que con aquello de sorpresa, sorpresa y ricky martin, que se extendió como la polvora y no era mas que un bulo que difundio una radio...
Y si estoy equivocado, el dia 9 me lo demostrará todo.
Por cierto, la foto de miyamoto es para contestar al Miyamoto ON de FanDeNintendo. Si os fijais, es la misma foto ;)

Todavía me acuerdo de esa época del TGS del año pasado. Madre mía, salieron cada pedazo de fakes con esta imagen... [looco]
brigate escribió: Pues eso, ahí dice que el creador de FAKE fue contratado por Nintendo, por lo que de FAKE nada sino una estrategia para crear hype y que pareciese que era fake aun siendo cierto que se estaba desarrollando esa tecnología.

Me refería justamente al decir que era fake, que no habia sido "patrocinado" o filtrado por nintendo ni nada por el estilo, si no inventado por un autor particular. Si te soy sincero no he pasado de esa frase al leer el primer post, ya que yo tambien lei una entrevista (me suena en Gamerah) con el hombre que lo hizo, y dijo que relacion con Nintendo ninguna.

Toca esperar al dia 9 de Mayo entonces a ver si Nintendo trae alguna sorpresita, aunque me temo que suficiente nos ha preparado ya ^^
Ojala saquen un casco de esos para dejarse los ojos.
CaronteGF escribió:Ojala saquen un casco de esos para dejarse los ojos.

Mientras el señor Matías Prats de informativos Antena 3 no ponga el grito en el cielo diciendo que "se ha detectado una plaga de epilepsia infantil relacionada con el último producto de realidad virtual diseñado por la compañía japonesa Nintendo".... [looco]
el creador de on es pablo belmonte el cual se de el desde la difunta magazine64 donde enviava renders sobre zelda mario etc..

aqui os dejo el video del nintendoon y una entrevista que le hizo un compañero de curso donde explica bastante bien todo lo relacionado con el tema del video de los supùestos contactos de microsoft y sony por contratar sus servicios y demas cosas

video: http://www.nintendoon.com/

entrevista: http://www.gamerah.com/leer.php?id=167

leed y a seguir comentando XD
Onsokomaru eso ya lo sabia tol mundo -_-

Weno yo no creo q sea cierto simplemente por el batakazo q me lleve en el pasao e3 pero me gustaria q lo fuese, me emocione mucho con el nintendo on pero weno si es cierto sere el primero en dar saltos y destrozar el suelo [Ooooo]

Un Saludo [bye]
37 respuestas