Ofertas de juegos PS4 - SOLO OFERTAS

Hasta el 28 de diciembre Destiny (PS4, PS3, Xbox One y 360) por 39,95€ en GAME:

http://www.game.es/search/search.aspx?s ... codafi=TWI
Ofertas en xtralife como Destiny por 45€,AC unity por 50€,COD: Advanced Warfare por 47€..y alguna ofertilla más.
http://www.xtralife.es/playstation-4/to ... ombre/0/0/
Lo pongo para no postear más ofertas innecesarias:
AC Unity ha bajado de precio oficial a 44,95.
Farcry 4 nada. Edito porque solo han bajado las de anterior gen en este caso.
Destiny a 39,90.
CoD AW y Diablo III a 47,99.

Estos precios se mantendrán al menos hasta el día 24. Cualquier precio por encima es estafa, y por debajo, es digno de postearse :)

Un saludo.
NBA 2K15 a 41,50€ más o menos, casi un euro más si pagáis con Paypal (por la conversión de divisas)


Salu2 [bye]
Watch dogs 15.88 euros en alcampo Diagonal mar
Store USA

Platform Title Plus Price Regular Sale Original Price
PS4 Anomaly 2 $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS4 Blacklight Retribution: 100 Zcoin N/A $0.74 $0.99
PS4 Blacklight Retribution: 500 Zcoin N/A $3.49 $4.99
PS4 Blacklight Retribution: 1000 + 50 Bonus Zcoins N/A $7.49 $9.99
PS4 Blacklight Retribution: 2500 + 250 Bonus Zcoins N/A $18.49 $24.99
PS4 Blacklight Retribution: 5000 + 750 Zcoins N/A $24.99 $49.99
PS4 Blacklight Retribution: 10000 + 2000 Bonus Zcoin N/A $49.99 $99.99
PS4 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Day Zero Edition N/A $44.99 $59.99
PS4 Chariot $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS4 Child of Light $7.49 $8.99 $14.99
PS4 CounterSpy $7.49 $8.99 $14.99
PS4 DC Universe Online Ultimate Edition $11.99 $17.99 $29.99
PS4 Don’t Starve: Giant Edition $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS4 Duck Dynasty $26.99 $29.99 $49.99
PS4 Flockers $14.99 $17.49 $24.99
PS4 Flower $3.49 $4.19 $6.99
PS4 Hotline Miami $3.00 $5.00 $9.99
PS4 KickBeat Special Edition $5.99 $6.99 $9.99
PS4 Metro 2033 Redux $14.99 $17.49 $24.99
PS4 Metro: Last Light Redux $14.99 $17.49 $24.99
PS4 MouseCraft $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS4 Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition N/A $30.00 $59.99
PS4 Pier Solar and the Great Architects $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS4 Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition $29.99 $35.99 $59.99
PS4 Styx: Master of Shadows $17.99 $20.99 $29.99
PS4 The Crew – Silver Crew Credit Pack N/A $13.99 $19.99
PS4 The Golf Club $20.99 $24.49 $34.99
PS4 The Last Tinker: City of Colors $8.00 $10.00 $19.99
PS4 Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Gold Edition $35.99 $39.59 $59.99
PS4 Worms Battlegrounds $12.49 $14.99 $24.99
Store española:
Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition
Antes 69,99 €, ahora 34,99 €

Edito: 18 y 19 de Diciembre en Fnac
Killzone: Shadow fall, 9,96€ Alcampo de Vallecas. Metro Buenos Aires.
ofertaza. en game.uk alien isolation mas alien anthology 40 euros y en zavvi assassins creed unity specual edition 32euros!!!
(mensaje borrado)
(mensaje borrado)
Ahí van unas jugosas ofertas:

Metro Redux 22 euros incluido gastos de envio en Zavvi.
Sombras de Mordor 34 euros incluido gastos de envio en base.com.
Assassins Unity 32 euros incluido gastos de envio en Zavvi.
Evil Within 32 euros incluido gastos de envio en Game.uk.
Wolfenstein 29 euros incluido gastos de envio en ShopTo.
Tomb Raider 25 euros incluido gastos en base.com.

Si no tenéis juegos es por que no queréis... [chulito]
Drive Club edición normal a 29,90€ en impactgame.
A.C unity a 32,99 en zavvi
FIFA 15 Deluxe ,nueva oferta de navidad, 44,99€
CALL OF DUTY AW 42.70€ en MediaMarkt "La Maquinista" en Barcelona..quedaban muy pocos en la estantería !
Driveclub por 30 euretes en Impact Games que está en el Paddock de Sabadell.
Ahora mismo en Gamedealdaily tienen códigos para cuentas USA de los juegos Far Cry 4, Nba2k15,Destiny y LBP3 a 37,5 dólares c/u. Código enviado al instante en mi caso. Un saludo
En game.es el DriveClub (la normal y la especial) a 35 €.
(mensaje borrado)
Sergirt82 escribió:En game.es el DriveClub (la normal y la especial) a 35 €.

Aquí en Castellón también está la oferta. Me huele a que pronto será gratis con el plus.
En la web de Game:

Watch Dogs Dedsec Edition (la de la figura) por 39,95€ GI

Call of Duty Ghost Prestige Edition (la de la cámara) por 39,95€ GI
En impact game alíen isolation 39,90€
(mensaje borrado)
En game.es, el Murdered: Soul Suspect a 20 €.

Nueva condomina media markt :

Driveclub 35€.
Edicion especial Driveclub 36,90 ( solo quedaba 1 unidad)

Farcry 4 39,90 €
Para miembros del Plus está el Injustice gratis ahora en la Playstation Store.
Y el Secret Ponchos
No se que tal será pero it's free.
En el nuevo MediaMarkt de Goya (Madrid) está el pack
Alien Isolation + Metro Redux por 60€.

...o 65, no recuerdo bien, pero sigue siendo buena oferta.
en el toysrus de plaza nueva leganes

el monopoly family pack 12.99€

PD: Felices Fiestas :)
Rebajas de enero en la store:

Fifa 15 Deluxe a 44,99
Dragon Age a 44,99
Cod a 49,99
PES a 29,99 o 26,99 siendo plus
Watch Dogs a 34,99
Battlefield 4 Premium a 29,99 o 26,99 siendo plus
Thief a 17,99
Murdered a 17,99
Valian Hearts a 4.99
y mas ...
el game de elche ( el que esta por la avenida de la libertad y bajas para el centro) de segunda mano killzone shadown fall 10€ , destini 29€, metal gear zeroes 20€, tomb raider edition 30€ creo....

Platform Title Plus Price Regular Sale Original Price
PS4 Alien: Isolation $29.99 $35.99 $59.99
PS4 Alien: Isolation Season Pass N/A $14.99 $29.99
PS4 Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag $20.00 $25.00 $49.99
PS4 Battlefield 4 N/A $12.00 $39.99
PS4 Battlefield 4 Premium Edition N/A $30.00 $59.99
PS4 Blacklight: Retribution 100 Zcoin N/A $0.75 $0.99
PS4 Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition $35.99 $39.59 $59.99
PS4 Escape Goat 2 $4.00 $5.00 $9.99
PS4 Fluster Cluck $6.00 $7.50 $14.99
PS4 Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Character Colors – PlayStation Plus Set Free N/A N/A
PS4 In Space We Brawl $7.19 $8.39 $11.99
PS4 Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut $4.00 $5.00 $9.99
PS4 Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes N/A $6.80 $19.99
PS4 Metro Redux $29.99 $34.99 $49.99
PS4 Mousecraft (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $14.99
PS4 NBA 2K15 N/A $49.99 $59.99
PS4 Nidhogg $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS4 Peggle 2 N/A $4.80 $11.99
PS4 Pro Evolution Soccer 15 N/A $41.99 $59.99
PS4 Race The Sun (3-Way Cross Buy) $5.99 $6.99 $9.99
PS4 Stealth Inc Ultimate Edition N/A $5.49 $14.99
PS4 The Legend of Korra $8.99 $9.89 $14.99
PS4 The Swapper (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $19.99
PS4 Thomas Was Alone (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $3.99 $9.99
PS4 Titan Attacks! (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $11.99
PS4 Trine 2: Complete Story $11.99 N/A $19.99
PS4 Trine Bundle $20.99 N/A $29.99
PS4 Trine Enchanted Edition $11.99 N/A $14.99
PS4 WWE 2K15 N/A $49.79 $59.99
PS4 WWE 2K15 Digital Deluxe N/A $66.39 $79.99
PS3 3-In-1 Mega Bundle $5.99 $6.99 $9.99
PS3 Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers N/A $9.99 $19.99
PS3 Alien: Isolation $24.99 $29.99 $49.99
PS3 Alien: Isolation: Alien: Isolation Season Pass N/A $14.99 $29.99
PS3 Arcade Darts – Minis N/A $0.99 $1.99
PS3 Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag $12.00 $15.00 $29.99
PS3 Battlefield 4 N/A $9.00 $29.99
PS3 Battlefield 4 Premium Edition N/A $30.00 $59.99
PS3 Castle of Illusion: Sega Genesis Bundle $7.49 $8.99 $14.99
PS3 Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – Overalls Set N/A $9.99 $14.99
PS3 Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – Pop Idol Costume Set N/A $9.99 $14.99
PS3 Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – Private Paradise Movies Set N/A $14.99 $24.99
PS3 Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – School Uniform Pack N/A $7.99 $12.99
PS3 Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – Tropical Sexy Costume Set N/A $9.99 $14.99
PS3 Forest Legends: The Call of Love N/A $4.99 $9.99
PS3 Grand Theft Auto V + Great White Shark Card N/A $28.00 $79.99
PS3 Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Character Colors – PlayStation Plus Set Free N/A N/A
PS3 In Space We Brawl $7.19 $8.39 $11.99
PS3 Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut $4.00 $5.00 $9.99
PS3 Luxury Fun Triple Scoop $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS3 Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes N/A $6.80 $19.99
PS3 Mountain Crime: Requital N/A $7.49 $14.99
PS3 Mousecraft (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $14.99
PS3 Pro Evolution Soccer 15 N/A $41.99 $59.99
PS3 Proteus (Cross Buy with PS Vita) N/A $3.99 $13.99
PS3 Race The Sun (3-Way Cross Buy) $5.99 $6.99 $9.99
PS3 Rock Band 3: Def Leppard Pack 1 N/A $6.99 $9.99
PS3 Rock Band 3: Foo Fighters Pack 4 N/A $4.99 $6.99
PS3 Rock Band 3: Foster The People Pack 01 N/A $3.99 $5.49
PS3 Rock Band 3: Linkin Park Pack 1 N/A $6.99 $9.99
PS3 Rock Band 3: Lynyrd Skynyrd Pack 1 N/A $4.99 $6.99
PS3 Rock Band 3: Ozzy Osbourne 8-Pack N/A $9.99 $13.49
PS3 Rock Band 3: Pretty Hate Pack 1 N/A $4.99 $6.99
PS3 Rock Band Blitz N/A $5.49 $14.99
PS3 Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death N/A $5.99 $11.99
PS3 Snark Busters: High Society N/A $5.99 $11.99
PS3 Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Cross Buy and Cross Play with PS Vita) N/A $3.99 $9.99
PS3 The Legend of Korra $8.99 $9.89 $14.99
PS3 The Swapper (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $19.99
PS3 Thomas Was Alone (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $3.99 $9.99
PS3 Titan Attacks! (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $11.99
PS3 Twisted Lands: Shadow Town (Trial) N/A $5.99 $11.99
PS3 Velocity Ultra N/A $3.99 $9.99
PS3 WWE 2k15 N/A $40.19 $59.99
PS3 WWE 2k15 Digital Deluxe N/A $53.59 $79.99
PS Vita Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair $23.99 $27.99 $39.99
PS Vita Indoor Sports World N/A $2.50 $4.99
PS Vita Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut $4.00 $5.00 $9.99
PS Vita Mousecraft (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $14.99
PS Vita Nidhogg $8.99 $10.49 $14.99
PS Vita Proteus (Cross Buy with PS3) N/A $3.99 $13.99
PS Vita Race The Sun (3-Way Cross Buy) $5.99 $6.99 $9.99
PS Vita Stealth Inc: A Clone In The Dark (Cross Buy and Cross Play with PS3) N/A $3.99 $9.99
PS Vita The Swapper (PS Vita) (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $19.99
PS Vita Thomas Was Alone (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $3.99 $9.99
PS Vita Titan Attacks! (PS Vita) (3-Way Cross Buy) N/A $5.49 $11.99
PS Vita Treasures Of Montezuma: Arena 150k Crystals Pack N/A $6.49 $8.99
PS Vita Treasures Of Montezuma: Arena 400k Crystals Super Pack N/A $10.49 $16.99
PS Vita Treasures Of Montezuma: Arena 1m Crystals Mega Pack N/A $34.99 $69.99
driveclub a 34.95 en amazon.es
cerberus22795 escribió:driveclub a 34.95 en amazon.es

También lo he visto a ese precio en el mediamarkt
spirax escribió:Fez

GRATIS en la PS store [bad]

https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork. ... GAMEPOLYTR

Bajado y es una DEMO, el juego vale 2,99€
Battlefield 4 en la store usa a 12 dolares (unos 10 euros), y juego en castellano. También está la version premium por 30 dolares (24 euros)
Store USA

Title Platform Sale Price Original Price
AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead and Undressed PS Vita $23.99 $39.99
AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead and Undressed PS3 $23.99 $39.99
Assassin’s Creed Rogue PS3 $44.99 $59.99
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel PS3 $34.79 $59.99
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Digital Pro Edition PS4 $79.99 $99.99
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Digital Pro Edition PS3 $79.99 $99.99
Darksiders II Ultimate Edition PS3 $15.00 $59.99
Defense Grid 2 PS4 $12.50 $24.99
Destiny PS3 $44.99 $59.99
Destiny PS4 $44.99 $59.99
Destiny Digital Guardian Edition PS3 $67.49 $89.99
Destiny Digital Guardian Edition PS4 $67.49 $89.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4 $38.99 $59.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition PS3 $38.99 $59.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition PS4 $45.49 $69.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition PS3 $45.49 $69.99
FIFA 15 PS3 $30.00 $59.99
FIFA 15 PS4 $35.99 $59.99
Just Dance 2015 PS4 $37.49 $49.99
Just Dance 2015 PS3 $29.99 $39.99
Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris PS4 $13.39 $19.99
Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris + Season Pass PS4 $19.42 $28.99
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham PS4 $44.99 $59.99
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham PS3 $37.49 $49.99
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham PS Vita $22.49 $29.99
Madden 15 PS3 $30.00 $59.99
Madden 15 PS4 $35.99 $59.99
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS3 $41.99 $59.99
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 $41.99 $59.99
MX Vs. ATV SuperCross PS3 $20.09 $29.99
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution PS3 $25.00 $49.99
NBA 2K15 PS3 $40.19 $59.99
NBA 2K15 PS4 $49.79 $59.99
NHL 15 PS3 $30.00 $59.99
NHL 15 PS4 $35.99 $59.99
Risen 3 PS3 $29.99 $49.99
Sacred 3 PS3 $29.99 $49.99
Tales from the Borderlands – Season Pass PS3 $15.99 $19.99
Tales from the Borderlands – Season Pass PS4 $15.99 $19.99
The Evil Within PS3 $30.00 $59.99
The Evil Within PS4 $30.00 $59.99
The Walking Dead: Season Two PS4 $6.25 $24.99
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season PS4 $6.25 $24.99
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate PS4 $35.99 $59.99
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate PS3 $29.99 $49.99
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate PS Vita $23.99 $39.99
Watch Dogs PS4 $44.99 $59.99
Watch Dogs PS3 $44.99 $59.99
Tomb Raider a 20€ en la store.
Wolfenstein the new order por 16£ + 3£ del envío en Game UK: http://www.game.co.uk/en/wolfenstein-th ... -Deep_link. Total, unos 24 €.
Watch dogs edicion dedsec 39e en los Game. Mirad en la web en cuales les queda,a pesar de que en la web pone no disponible,en algunas tiendas si lo hay. Yo me llevé el ultimo del de Moratalaz
Driveclub a 27,99 en la web de fnac (para socios)
Y el Assassins Unity a 39,90€ en Fnac
10312 respuestas