Recordatorio y Actualización de ofertas:
Ofertas Free Play Days:Gears of War 4 -
- Ultimate Edition -
The Crew 2 - 70%
- Gold Edition - 70%
- Deluxe Edition - 70%
- Season Pass - 50%
Ofertas temporales:Alien; Isolation - 60% (Hasta el 29 de Abril)
- The Collection - 60%
- Season Pass - 60%
Albeldo: Eyes from Outer Space - 80% (Hasta el 7 de Mayo)
ATOMINE - 50% (Hasta el 6 de Mayo)
INDIE Darling Bundle Vol.3 - 75% (Hasta el 4 de Mayo)
RuneStone Keeper and I am the Hero PIxelArt Bundle - 10% (Hasta el 01 de Mayo)
Xbox Live
- 1 mes - 1€ (17 de Mayo, para
NO suscritos)
- 3 meses - 10€ (17 de Mayo, para
Xbox Game Pass
- 1 mes - 1€ (17 de Mayo, para
NUNCA suscritos)
- 3 meses - 1€ (17 de Mayo, para
NO suscritos)
- 3 meses - 15€ (17 de Mayo, para
Zeroptian Invasion - 20% (Hasta el 9 de Mayo)
Ofertas Pre-Order:Age of Wonders: Planetfall
- Premium Edition - 10% (Salida 5 de Agosto)
Casi Llegamos: The Platformer - 20% (Salida 30 de Abirl)
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - 15% (Salida 30 de Abril
Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - 10% (Salida 13 de Mayo)
Ofertas contínuas o sin fecha:Artifex Mundi Adventure Collection - 30%
Artifex Mundi Essential Bundle - 20%
Artifex Mundi Fantasy Bundle - 20%
Artifex Mundi First Encounter Bundle - 25%
Bridge Constructor Bundle - 25%
Enigmatis Collection - 20%
Enigmatis Bundle - 20%
Eventide Collection - 20%
Eventide Bundle - 20%
FIFA 18 - 30%
Gobetrotter Bundle - 20%
Grand Theft Auto V
- Premium Online Edition - 10%
- Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card - 25%
- Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card - 10%
- Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card - 5%
- Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack & Megaodon Shark Card - 15%
- Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack & Whale Shark Card - 10%
- Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack & Great White Shark Card - 10%
Grim Legends Collection - 20%
Grim Legends Bundle - 20%
Light & Dark Bundle - 25%
Lost Grimoires Bundle - 20%
Madden NFL 18 - 40%
Madden NFL 19 - 30%
NBA 2K19
- 20th Anniversary Edition - 10%
Nightmares from the Deep Collection - 20%
Nightmares from the Deep Bundle - 20%
The Fall Bundle - 15%
The FMV Bundle - 20%
The Jackbox Party Quadpack - 25%
The Shadow Warrior Collection - 15%
Unit 4: Couch Attack Bundle - 15%
Vermintide Digital Value Pack - 20%
Wales Interactive Publisher Bundle - 20%
WRC Collection - 25%
UFC 3 - 20%