y seguimos con las ofertas de amazon
1. Medal Of Honor Warfighter $29.99 - 11/23-11/26
2. Need for Speed Most Wanted - $19.99 - 11/23 and 11/26
3. Battlefield 3 Premium Edition - $29.99 - 11/23 and 11/26
4. Sleeping Dogs - $19.99 11/23-11/26
5. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition - $14.99 - 11/23
6. Pint Sized Paradox Package - $5.99 - 11/23-11/25
7. Plentiful Paradox Package - $9.99 - 11/23-11/25
8. Payday: The Heist 4 Pack - $14.99 - 11/18-11/26
9. Kingdoms of Amalur + both DLCs - $11.99 - 11/26
10. ME 1 + ME 2 + Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate + Dragon Age 2 - $14.99 - 11/23
11. Syndicate - $4.99 - 11/26
12. WB Combat Bundle - $9.99 - 11/23-11/26 contains:
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY
Mortal Kombat Collection
Lord of the Rings War in the North
13. Batman Arkham Action Pack - $9.99 11/23-11/23 contains:
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY
Batman Arkham City
14. F.E.A.R. Collection - $8.99 - 11/24-11/25 contains:
Fear Ultimate Shooter Edition
Fear 2
Fear 3
15. The Harry Batman Pack - $13.99 - 11/26 contains:
Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7
Lego Batman 2: DC Heroes
16. Inversion - $4.99 - 11/26
las cuentas bancarias echan humo señores...