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Too Human No Longer Underway For GameCube
To the changrine of many a Nintendo fan impressed by the depth of Eternal Darkness, Silicon Knights and Microsoft have confirmed that the project known as Too Human -- which began its life on the PlayStation One as a four-disc game and was later reimagined for Nintendo's GameCube -- will finally be given a permenant home on the Xbox 360.
Microsoft's new exclusive, which will release as a trilogy, has been pinned with a retail debut during the blunt end of 2006.
En definitiva, que Silicon Knights, lo pasa a Xbox360... .... le extraña a alguien.?
Manos mal que con GC dijeron que los desarrolladores tendrian facilidades y que seria facil de programar etc.... (yo no digo lo contrario... ... pero esto no os recuerda a algo que REPITIERON la semana pasada en el ReggietON??? de los angeles??...