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We’ve been saying that OUYA will offer all kinds of games.
This morning, we are honored to announce that OUYA is partnering with Square Enix to bring you one of the most beloved franchises in gaming -- Final Fantasy. We will kick this off with Final Fantasy III, which will be a launch title on OUYA. This will be the first time gamers outside of Japan can play FFIII on their televisions through a console.
But that’s not the end of it: We’re promising to deliver Final Fantasy III like you’ve never seen it before – Hironobu Sakaguchi’s third installment in the role playing game franchise will be updated to exploit OUYA’s high-definition resolution in glorious graphic detail. For those of you who are new to Final Fantasy, we’ll offer a free demo so you can give it a go!
Previously unreleased in the U.S. until it appeared as a 3D remake for the Nintendo DS in 2006, Final Fantasy III was widely referred to as one of the “missing pieces” in the FF series. OUYA players can now proudly claim this piece of the puzzle.
We’re thrilled to bring this storied franchise to OUYA.
Project Update #8: VEVO music videos and a “last week of Kickstarter” special edition console and controller
Posted by OUYA
We’re counting down: This is our last week on Kickstarter!
Until now, we have been all about games and gaming, but--as many of you have noted--OUYA can go far beyond that. Because it’s based on Android, it can support anything built on Android--the sky is the limit. It’s with that dramatic preamble that we say this:
We’re bringing the party back to the family room! OUYA is partnering with VEVO
– the world’s leading all-premium music video and entertainment platform.
Not only will VEVO and OUYA bring high definition music video programming back to the TV -- we’re turning control over to you. Access music videos from your favorite artists like JAY Z, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Shakira, Kings of Leon, The Killers, Big K.R.I.T., Florence + The Machine, John Mayer and P!nk when you want them and where you want them: on your big, shiny television!
For OUYA, this means entertainment beyond gaming. Browse through the most-viewed music videos on the web, explore full video catalogs of top-selling artists, or venture into the realm of new staff picks, live concerts and original music programming. Getting ready to do some level grinding? Watch one of your favorite videos to get in the mood.
But enough from us, here’s the full scoop from VEVO:
At VEVO, our mission is to bring high quality music experiences to users wherever and whenever. We have always strived to embrace new platforms that developers, creative communities and consumers are excited about. OUYA is just that—it’s one of the most exciting new entertainment platforms we’ve seen and we think it’s a natural fit for VEVO’s premium music videos and original music programming.
This is why I am thrilled to tell you today that VEVO is committed to launch with OUYA when it comes to market in March 2013. Through this partnership, we will bring our rich catalogue of over 50,000 high definition music videos and new, original programming from more than 11,000 artists to OUYA’s groundbreaking new gaming console. We support and share OUYA’s vision that the future lies in being open and accessible for users looking for high quality entertainment experiences.
Our partnership with OUYA is grounded in our tireless effort to bring VEVO to every connected living room and home and we will continue to deliver our premium music video programming to the rest of our platform consisting of VEVO.com, mobile & tablet apps (including Android, iOS, Windows Phone), connected TVs like Xbox and partner sites such as AOL, CBS, Facebook, Viacom Media Networks, Yahoo! Music and YouTube.
Stay tuned for more news on our partnership with OUYA – and what it will look like for consumers - as we get closer to launch. We hope you are as excited as we are!
-Michael Cerda, SVP of Product and Technology, VEVO
We’re excited to bring the #1 music video platform to OUYA! Let’s start a world-wide dance party.
In addition to the VEVO news - we have something else to share with you as we count down to next Wednesday:
Our Kickstarter crew is unique. You guys have been here since the beginning and we wanted to honor you by acknowledging one of your most frequent requests: a special limited edition console and controller available only during our last week of Kickstarter.
Behold the limited edition OUYA and controller! Yves Behar personally selected the color for this special console and controller, and it will only be available NOW, through the end of Kickstarter campaign. (Scroll down to view.)
To collect one of these rare drops, stretch your donation to $140--the additional cost will cover the small production run.
Also note, the buttons now officially ready “O-U-Y-A”! (<--we heard you!)
KoopaKhan 21 puntos 17 horas ago
Is sideloading separate .apk flies to install apps not in the ouya store something that is possible without having to root and lose access to the ouya store?
Also do you have anything to announce with unity support? Will it be a separate plugin or part of the current android add-on?
JulieUhrman[S] 6 puntos 34 minutos ago
Yes, we will allow installation of your APKs.
khabox escribió:Dijeron que era totalmente libre y siguen con esa politica. por el momento ya hay juegos que saldran nada mas salir la consola lo que es un buen paso. Tampoco se sabe nada de lo que pasara si rooteas la consola. Pero por lo que se dice por los comentarios de la gente que lleva eltema no habra problema. Es decir tenerla root no te impedira entrar en el market. Actualmente en android si la tienes root te permite hacer lo que quieras incluido el market.
Ademas acaban de confirmar por el foro de reddit que si, se podran instalar apks..KoopaKhan 21 puntos 17 horas ago
Is sideloading separate .apk flies to install apps not in the ouya store something that is possible without having to root and lose access to the ouya store?
Also do you have anything to announce with unity support? Will it be a separate plugin or part of the current android add-on?JulieUhrman[S] 6 puntos 34 minutos ago
Yes, we will allow installation of your APKs.
Julie Uhrman es una de las fundadoras de OUYA
khabox escribió:por cierto la edicion marron que sale en las fotos es una edicion especial solo para 1294 backers. Que acaban de poner. Vale 140$ mas los 20$ de envio internacional mas los 30$ del mando adicional. En total 190$ la edicion especial marron.
PoderGorrino escribió:Genial entonces lo de instalar aplicaciones sin perder acceso al market, gracias por la respuesta!!! Lo cierto es que estoy tentado de pedirla xD y más con mi Xbox1 fallando más que una escopeta de feria. Pero voy a esperar a que salga aún así. Ojalá sea un gran éxito!!!
Lo que da miedo es que finalmente las desarroladoras se echen atrás o empiecen a dejar de apoyar los juegos o conversiones para Ouya. Por ejemplo, ¿qué sentido tendría una conversión oficial de FFVI si todo el mundo va a poder jugar gratis a través de un emulador? Veremos cómo reacciona la industria, las desarrolladoras, los usuarios...khabox escribió:por cierto la edicion marron que sale en las fotos es una edicion especial solo para 1294 backers. Que acaban de poner. Vale 140$ mas los 20$ de envio internacional mas los 30$ del mando adicional. En total 190$ la edicion especial marron.
Una pena!! Porque la consola y mando en ese color (¿bengué?) me parecen muy originales y bonitos!
"The Angel List. The entire first production run of consoles will have YOUR USERNAME and BACKER NUMBER ENGRAVED INTO IT (and of course you'll get one). We’ll invite you and a friend to a private dinner before our launch party with our inner circle of game developers and designers. And, of course, we’ll love you forever."
Project Update #9: iHeartWeekends
Posted by OUYA
Today--our last Friday on Kickstarter--we have some quick updates. Consider it a one-two punch. And, I’m going to get all “stream of consciousness” on you. Why? Because we’ve been talking a lot about streaming recently. First we announced that in addition to offering downloadable games through the OUYA store, we’d be streaming hundreds of games on demand through our partnership with OnLive. And today, we’re announcing streaming radio courtesy of ClearChannel’s iHeartRadio.
Here's what iHeartRadio has to say:
We are excited to share that Clear Channel’s iHeartRadio is coming to OUYA! Now we'll be able to take the experience to a whole new level, enabling OUYA to go beyond gaming and become a full service, affordable destination for people seeking great entertainment.
iHeartRadio brings users the only “all-in-one” free digital radio experience – the best live radio stations from all over America, PLUS user-created Custom Stations, like a playlist, inspired by favorite artists and songs. And the iHeartRadio HTML 5 App is a perfect fit for OUYA because it’s built for a large screen format and provides an intuitive and engaging audio and visual experience.
Brian Lakamp, President of Clear Channel Media and Entertainment Digital also adds, “We are excited to be the first radio app on an up-and-coming platform like OUYA, and we share their enthusiasm for offering users an innovative and customized product experience. Our HTML 5 application enhances the listening experience by incorporating a rich and intuitive visual component, and is a perfect fit for OUYA.”
What does this mean for OUYA users?
On OUYA, iHeartRadio allows you to FIND: The Best of Live Radio - Listen to more than 1,000 Live Stations from coast-to-coast including pop, country, urban, rock, sports, talk and college. Browse by music genre and location then hit the scan button to move from station to station within a format. Or check out our exclusive digital-only, themed stations.
On OUYA, iHeartRadio allows you to CREATE: Custom Stations with Unprecedented Control - Simply pick a song or artist to create your own commercial-free, uninterrupted Custom Station featuring music from your favorite artists and similar ones. Choose from our catalog of over 14 million songs and 400,000 artists. And you can use iHeartRadio's exclusive Discovery Tuner to control how much variety you want in your station.
On OUYA, iHeartRadio allows you to PERSONALIZE: Take Your Favorite Stations Wherever You Go - Log in to iHeartRadio through email or Facebook to make iHeartRadio uniquely yours. Create, save and share your stations from wherever you access iHeartRadio
*** We realize that some of you reading this from outside the US are probably saying, “Well that’s great for Americans but what about the rest of us?” Please know that we are actively reaching out to international partners as well. We won’t leave you in the cold.***
As many of you know, stream of consciousness refers to a literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur. And what’s occurring to me now is that you might like to hear something game focused too.
To that end, we’ve been overwhelmed by interest from developers eager to bring their titles to OUYA. Not all of them can act quickly enough (ahhh lawyers!) for us to announce their partnerships during our Kickstarter campaign. But that’s not slowing down the folks at U4iA. That’s right, the game industry vets who brought you Guitar Hero and Call of Duty will bring us OUYA’s first confirmed first-person shooter, Offensive Combat.
U4iA’s Founder and CEO Dusty Welch sums it up:
"Everyone here at U4iA Games is excited to bring our titles to OUYA! Given that consoles are so expensive and face an uncertain future, OUYA stands out as the perfect example of an affordable home-entertainment platform created specifically for core gamers like us. We've used our profound wisdom to create a cheeky, free-for-all shooting mash-up called Offensive Combat. Moving forward, we can't wait to bring all-new games in the Offensive Combat universe to the OUYA platform."
I don’t know about you but they had me at “cheeky, free-for-all shooting mash-up.”
With that, I’m going to wish you a happy Friday from your OUYA faithful. We’ll be working through this last weekend of our Kickstarter campaign, continuing to focus on bringing you the best gaming experience we can deliver. Some of the things I’ll be doing this weekend: thinking about the dpad design, continuing to respond to developer inquiries and prepping our new website.
And, in the spirit of James Joyce, master of the “stream of consciousness” narrative, I think I might have a Guinness as well.
- Julie
dark-kei escribió:Por lo que veo Ouya se esta comiendo el mercado de Nexus Q por la via rapida
Red_Night escribió:Yo estaba tentado de coger la opción con dos mandos pero es que en realidad acabaré jugando casi seguro sólo y tener mas cacharros por la casa no termino de verlo, que ya no es ni siquiera por los 30$ más. Puede que me arrepienta y acabe buscando mandos por algún sitio. Es más, me da que de los que la compraremos por aquí alguno se sentira defraudado y la acabará vendiendo con lo que si me interesa acabaré pudiendo encontrar otro mando.
Todavía no me ha quedado clara una cosa, ¿se podrá acceder a la playstore de google? Es que no me va a hacer gracia por ejemplo volver a pagar por el mass effect por decir uno. entiendo que posiblemente los controles no van a estar adaptados pero deberiamos poder usar nuestra cuenta de google.
A una malas ya que han confirmado que se puede rootear e instalar apk's se instala uno el aptoide, despues el android market y a volar (Spotify...)
Madafack escribió:Gracias a Khabox y Red Night por las cuestiones resolvidas, creo q pediré solo un mando
Sabe alguien a que correo podemos dirigir las peticiones para que incluyan el español en la consola? (dijeron que solo llevaria ingles pero harian caso a las peticiones de idioma)
Y las sujerencias sobre el mando? Me gustaria poder comentarles un par de cosillas...
redribbon escribió:Acabo de pillar la consola. Con dos mandos + gastos de envio serian 149$,pero en ningún momento me ha dejado elegir si quiero un segundo mando. Tengo que especificarlo en algun sitio? A ver si van a pensar que los 149$ son todos de aportación:-)
rules escribió:Yo veo una tontería pagar por dos mandos, ¿es que no hay ya programas para android que permiten el uso de mandos usb?
Project Update #10: 54 hours to go...
For backers only,
Posted by OUYA
With 54 hours left in our Kickstarter campaign, this is a note to you and you only. It’s you--more than 50,000 of you around the world--that will get the credit for bringing OUYA to life.
You guys embraced OUYA early and believed it was possible. You didn’t sit on the sidelines. It’s something I will never forget.
Our goal now is to end strong. I realize that we reached our target (and then some!) -- but we also know that to truly enact change it would sure help to max out our Kickstarter.
Each reward of $99, or developer reward in a higher tier, represents an order for a console. All funds beyond that will go toward making OUYA better.
Whether it comes through new backers eager to get in before the deadline, or from folks like you who decide to ante up and increase your pledge, that money will go toward game developers and game players. (It all goes into OUYA, and not a dime of this money will go to profits or salaries.)
For developers, we will continue to build out features that you will love.
For game fans, we will continue to add new games. In some cases, we may even help fund unique games for OUYA -- an effort that would actually benefit both gamers and game makers.
Guided by our goal of using additional money to make OUYA better, we chose not to offer “stretch goals” through Kickstarter. Many of you requested them, but we wanted to be true to ourselves and to the project. We felt stretch goals were too gimmicky. We didn’t want to say, “Hey if you give us X more, or if we hit X many more backers, we’ll throw in X for you.”
We want to make the best game experience possible, and the extra funds will go to that. We will continue to deliver for you and make you proud to be an OUYA founder.
We hope that in our last few days, you continue to cheer us on, share our story, and encourage your friends to support us as well. As we sprint toward the finish, every step reminds us of how far we’ve come. Together.
Yours (and I really mean that!),
Kilmerio escribió:¿Se sabe si esta consola tendra IPs propias?
Alli es donde creo que se marca la diferencia entre exito y fracaso.
Project Update #11: Cue the global countdown: less than 40 hours to go, we've got global news to share
Posted by OUYA
With fewer than 40 hours remaining in our Kickstarter campaign, it’s still business as usual at OUYA headquarters. We continue to jam on the task at hand, but we’ve got four quick announcements to share with you in this update.
First: We’ve been hearing requests from all over the Internet for a media player. Well we’re proud to announce that we just partnered with XBMC.
That’s right. The award-winning, open source media player and entertainment hub is coming to OUYA. We’ve heard many of you buzzing about a potential OUYA-XBMC partnership since Day One of launch. (Something of a match made in open source heaven!) Now, with a few hours left in our drive, we’re delivering.
Believe it, friends: XBMC, on OUYA, on your TV, legit.
Here it is, straight from the XBMC team:
Maybe it was inevitable. Maybe it was because of the hundreds, if not thousands, of demands on Twitter, in blogs, on Facebook, in Reddit, and in Kickstarter comments. Maybe it's because many of Team OUYA support XBMC, and nearly a third of Team XBMC members are OUYA backers.
Regardless, we are delighted to announce that XBMC will be working with OUYA to ensure that XBMC works well on the OUYA platform. OUYA's Android underpinnings and XBMC's work on Android (soon to be merged into master, pending final sign-offs!) will dramatically speed up that effort, as will early XBMC dev access to OUYA prototypes.
The conversation between our two teams is young, but talk is ongoing and positive. We look forward to providing more exciting news on this front as it develops.
- Nathan Betzen, XBMC Community Manager
And to our friends outside the US: we hear you. XBMC runs in over 40 different languages.
But that’s not all.
We’re boosting our radio reception around the world. We’ve partnered with TuneIn, a free service that lets people listen to the world's music, sports and news from wherever they are. With over 70,000 stations and two million on-demand programs, TuneIn offers unmatched variety for listeners across 230 countries and territories.
Enough of the tell and tell, we’ve also got some show and tell: That’s right! New renders for you. Eager to answer your questions about the size of OUYA, the team at fuseproject created some images to demonstrate the scale of the console and controller. Scroll down to check them out.
And, I guess I will end this update on a housekeeping note. Throughout our run on Kickstarter, our campaign page has served as the official OUYA information resource. After the campaign closes, we will unveil a new OUYA site at http://www.ouya.tv that will serve as OUYA central moving forward.
So with that, I’d like to thank you all once more for believing in this project and supporting it from the beginning. Again, we only have a handful of hours remaining, so please tell your friends about what we’re trying to do here. It’s your support that makes OUYA possible.
khabox escribió:No no lo hace lo hara el dia 9