OVERCLOCKEA tus MD en Firmware 2.0

Franjita a sacado una app para PSP (aun en fase beta) para overcloquear los UMD con los que se juega en 2.0.


Fanjita has created an overclocking utility which he stresses might work to overclock some UMDs running on PSPs with firmware v2.0. What this program aims at doing is changing your PSPs CPU speed from 222MHz to 333MHz. This is not dangerous to the PSP at all because the PSPs CPU is regulated to 222MHz (the chip itself is 333MHz) to save battery life. This program does NOT work with GTA: Liberty City Stories, but may work with other games.

Follow these steps carefully or it won't work.
- Copy LOADER2.PNG to /psp/photo/loader2/loader2.png, and then view it with the PSP photo viewer. Set it as wallpaper.
- Put LOADER2.TIF into the same folder. This must be done after you set the wallpaper.
- Put A.BIN into the root (topmost) folder of your memory stick.

Now open the LOADER2 folder with the PSP photo viewer. You should see a corrupt data icon for LOADER2.TIF. This means the overclocking is now active, and your PSP is running at maximum speed.

The overclocking should stay active until power-off, or until some application resets the CPU speed. Unfortunately, for most UMDs this seems to be when they are run.

Lo que dice es que se puede vercloquear cualquier juego menos el GTA :|.

Se utliza con el xploit de la imagen y dice que el overclock estara activo hasta que reinicies o una aplicacion lo modifique. Un saludo.
K movida no?, k el unico k no deja sea el GTA...sera que el gta ya pone por defecto la consola en 333 y por eso no le deja...(puede ser una respuesta absurda,pero es k sino n ome lo esplico, aver k deparan nuevas versiones )
Pero si el chip d la psp esta hecho a 333 Mhz el overclocking seria cuando se sobrepasara esa cifra, no?
BoXTeR escribió:Pero si el chip d la psp esta hecho a 333 Mhz el overclocking seria cuando se sobrepasara esa cifra, no?

Teóricamente sí, pero la PSP por defecto trabaja a 222 MHz en vez de a 333.

Salu2, Snake! ;-)
Lo he probado con el Toca Race Driver 2 y va de lujo ^^ ya poder jugar totalmente (bueno casi) fluido a este juego :).
Edito: perdon, me equivoque
The overclocking should stay active until power-off, or until some application resets the CPU speed. Unfortunately, for most UMDs this seems to be when they are run.

Oseaque no sirve para nada en la mayoria de los casos
6 respuestas