pa cuando fear factory y rammstein?

sabe alguien cuando en 2009 salen los discos de estos 2 grupazos?

seran recopilatorios...directos...nuevos?

pq buscando en google nada he visto...algun fan que dijera que fijo caen a lo largo del año y nada mas....

El de Rammstein debería salir hacia el otoño, con el primer single antes del verano.

Newsletter de Rammstein (Noviembre 2008) escribió:“Stormy Times…”

While Rammstein are recording their newest studio album in sunny California, the first snow has fallen today in Berlin. You have sent us a lot of questions since news reached you via the Rammstein website about the recordings for the new album. Many rumours have flooded the internet since then. The production of the album will take some time and a release isn’t planned before autumn 2009. If everything goes according to plan, we’ll hear the first single before summer 2009 and be able to greet Rammstein at the beginning of their tour before the end of the year. This tour, which is to stretch far into the year 2010, will finally give you enough of a chance to see the band live again after the long period of waiting. Above all, there are some surprises in store for our loyal fans and Community members in the 2009/2010 tour year.

Web de Rammstein (Febrero 2009) escribió:OFF ON A GRAND TOUR...

After finishing the first part of their studio-recordings successfully, Rammstein have started to put the final touches to their new songs. For example, they’re thinking about the usage of strings and choirs. Therefore the band sat down with the orchestra arranger Sven Helbig last week.
Aside from the last musical changes the final lyrical changes are being made, too.
We’re highly awaiting the next steps of the album production: the mixing of the songs. It is supposed to start mid of march and will take about six up to eight weeks.

We’ll keep you posted...
Rammstein dijeron en su web oficial y en numerosas newsletter que tendrían disco nuevo para antes de verano de 2009...

Por otro lado, Fear Factory segun su myspace oficial "New album and world tour on 2009". Pero no se si será en verano, o despues, o antes...

El caso es que yo estoy deseoso de que ambas bandas confirmen cosillas nuevas. Aunque ya los he visto en directo, tengo muchisimas ganas de verlos otra vez, y de escuchar sus nuevos trabajos (aunque bueno, si van a sacar discos como los ultimos que han sacado que se estén quietecitos...)

Un saludo!
tomo nota....gracias peña

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