SCEE has announced the following bundles for the holyday season in Europe*. Please note that release dates are subject to change as always ( infact the date for the LBP bundle is already outdated).
PlayStation 3 80GB + SingStar PS3 + 2 microphones - 399€ - 17 Oct
PlayStation 3 80GB + FIFA 09 - 439€ - 22 Oct
PlayStation 3 80GB + LittleBigPlanet - 399€ - 5 Nov (now delayed)
PlayStation 3 80GB + FIFA 09 + LittleBigPlanet - 439€ - 12 Nov
PlayStation 3 80GB + Guitar Hero World Tour + Guitar - 459€ - 26 Nov
PlayStation 3 80GB + Resistance 2 - 399€ - 3 Dec
PlayStation 3 80GB + Mirror's Edge + LittleBigPlanet - 439€ - 3 Dec
PlayStation 3 80GB + Motorstorm Pacific Rift - 399€- 11 Dec
* This list doesn't include Blu Ray bundles which will be different from country to country and of course the limited edition 160GB with the 70€ voucher to buy stuff on the PSN at 449€.
sempre en loita
15.350 mensajes desde jun 2004 en na curva maxica (galiza)
Y no habrá ningun pack que incluya juego y 2 dualshock? Que asco x_x! Me tocara pillarmelo por importacion >_<. Me mola el pack del mirror's edge y LBP.
Yo me iba a pillar el pack de little big planet pero paso de esperar mas con el nuevo retraso, que ofertas buenas de packs hay actualmente y sus precios respectivos? en mi ciudad hay alcampo, fnac y urende. Un saludo!