Escrito originalmente por Psikonetik ¿quin coño es Dragon?
Es solo un tio, no??
Pues creo que lo pone bien claro
"The directing of the story portion is done by film director Ryuhei Kitamura -- the "hottest man" gathering global attention for his works such as "VERSUS" and "AZUMI". Based on the MGS scenario created by Hideo Kojima, the storyboard has been re-created from scratch. All motion capturing is given detailed direction, all voice-overs redone. Ryuhei Kitamura's blood is poured into the real time polygon demo technology nurtured through MGS, MGS2, and ZOE2. A deep drama "beyond games" now acquires flesh more powerful and dynamic."
Resumiendo, es un director de cine, que hara las veces de Director para las escenas animaticas.