He probado tropecientas versiones, he borrado cualquier fichero de configuración de Rufus, así que cuando se inicia me pregunta eso de actualizar y le doy que si.
Es que es flipante, el mismo exe en dos PC's distintos se comporta de forma diferente, en otros PC cuando le das a descarda, se muestras dos opciones, en cambio a mi directamente se me abre el explorador de fichero.
frank1986 escribió:Cuando abres la primera vez Rufus te pregunta si quieres actualizaciones automáticas. Si le dices que no, el botón de Descargar no aparece, si le dices que si, el botón si aparece.
OK, premio!!!, si las actualizaciones están desactivadas no te permite la opción de descarga.
Ahora solo queda el segundo problema, el del fallo que muestro a continuación.

Pego un log
Search for conflicting processes was interrupted due to timeout
Format operation started
Requesting disk access...
Will use 'H:' as volume mountpoint
Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive4 for exclusive write access
Analyzing existing boot records...
Drive has a Zeroed Master Boot Record
Clearing MBR/PBR/GPT structures...
Erasing 128 sectors
Initializing disk...
Partitioning (GPT)...
● Creating Main Data Partition (offset: 1048576, size: 29.2 GB)
● Creating UEFI:NTFS Partition (offset: 31405844992, size: 1 MB)
Writing UEFI:NTFS data...
Waiting for logical drive to reappear...
Formatting to NTFS (using IFS)
Using cluster size: 4096 bytes
Quick format was selected
Closed Windows format prompt
Creating file system...
Format completed.
Writing Master Boot Record...
Using Rufus protective MBR
Writing protective message SBR
Found volume \\?\Volume{5aee2ad8-a032-11ec-ad2f-00e04c0e8274}\
Disabling file indexing...
Warning: Failed to refresh label: Windows error code 0x00000003 (FormatMessage error code 0x00003AFC)
Failed to open H: for flushing: Windows error code 0x00000002
Extracting files...
Image is a UDF image
Extracting: H:\autorun.inf (128 bytes)
Unable to create file: Windows error code 0x00000003
Found USB 2.0 device 'SanDisk Cruzer Blade USB Device' (0781:5567)
1 device found
Disk type: Removable, Disk size: 32 GB, Sector size: 512 bytes
Cylinders: 3818, Tracks per cylinder: 255, Sectors per track: 63
Partition type: GPT, NB Partitions: 2
Disk GUID: {1A8265A2-C5E1-4C2C-8D7E-0F85E2194A30}
Max parts: 128, Start Offset: 17408, Usable = 31406914048 bytes
Partition 1:
Type: Microsoft Basic Data Partition
Name: 'Main Data Partition'
Detected File System: NTFS
ID: {5408EE8F-86F5-4740-A2D4-4E6DC3BE1CB2}
Size: 29.2 GB (31404796416 bytes)
Start Sector: 2048, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000
Partition 2 (UEFI:NTFS):
Type: Microsoft Basic Data Partition
Detected File System: FAT12
ID: {82C38949-ABAB-4A8D-8201-C803A64C7005}
Size: 1 MB (1048576 bytes)
Start Sector: 61339541, Attributes: 0x9000000000000000
Found USB 2.0 device 'SanDisk Cruzer Blade USB Device' (0781:5567)
1 device found
Disk type: Removable, Disk size: 32 GB, Sector size: 512 bytes
Cylinders: 3818, Tracks per cylinder: 255, Sectors per track: 63
Partition type: GPT, NB Partitions: 2
Disk GUID: {1A8265A2-C5E1-4C2C-8D7E-0F85E2194A30}
Max parts: 128, Start Offset: 17408, Usable = 31406914048 bytes
Partition 1:
Type: Microsoft Basic Data Partition
Name: 'Main Data Partition'
Detected File System: NTFS
ID: {5408EE8F-86F5-4740-A2D4-4E6DC3BE1CB2}
Size: 29.2 GB (31404796416 bytes)
Start Sector: 2048, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000
Partition 2 (UEFI:NTFS):
Type: Microsoft Basic Data Partition
Detected File System: FAT12
ID: {82C38949-ABAB-4A8D-8201-C803A64C7005}
Size: 1 MB (1048576 bytes)
Start Sector: 61339541, Attributes: 0x9000000000000000
Da lo mismo el pen o el puerto, en cambio con versiones viejasde Rufus, por elemplo la 3.5 no hay problema, lo malo es que no me permite hacer lo del
No TPM para Win11