Parche para el Tversity media

Segun comentan en xbox-scene han sacado un parche para solucionar el problema que da el programa tras la famosa actualizacion de mayo,una gran noticia para todos aquellos que como yo disfutaban de este programa

Aqui os dejo el texto en ingles:

xbox scene escribió:As you may know Microsoft has released today a new firmware update for the Xbox 360 and this broke compatibility with TVersity Media Server(info) (only with videos, audio and images work as before

We are glad to announce that we already have a patch that fixes this problem and also takes advantage of the new functionality of this spring update, letting you browse your video in a folder hierarchy instead of just a long flat list.

Thank you everyone for helping us test this. It will be great if people with a 360 from different regions in the world will test it since in the past we had cases where European boxes behaved different than American ones.

No he encontrado nada al respecto si ya esta posteado pido
disculpas y me autocollejeo

Ultima version de Tversity Media Server

El Parche
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