Usage for PS2 Owners:
Open your GTA San Andreas save using PS2 Save Builder (available from, right click on the file ending in .b (there may be several, if so repeat on each file you wish to alter the censor level for) and select Extract and save them somewhere. DO NOT CHANGE THE FILENAME!
Once you have extracted the files delete them from within the save by right clicking on them and choosing Delete (note: only the files you extracted earlier should be deleted).
Do not close PS2 Save Builder yet.
Now simply drop the files, ONE AT A TIME, onto this program, choose the new censorship status, uncensored obviously, and then simply hit the 'Set status' button.
Repeat for each file you extracted earlier.
Now simply drag and drop all your changed files onto PS2 Save Builder and they will be added back into the GTA save.
Save in your desired format and transfer back to your PS2.
Please note: this process will alter the timestamp of your save when you transfer it back and this affects the last saved date shown in GTA: SA and cannot be avoided.
IMPORTANT! PS2 owners cannot use the following devices/software for transfering the GTA saves: nPort, execFTPs, Xport (PS2 disc version 2.22 or below), Sharkport (PS2 disc version 2.22 and below), Action Replay (PS2 disc version 2.34 and below) - DO NOT USE THESE PRODUCTS WITH YOUR SAVE
aqui lo teneis en ingles
que programa hay q utilizar para transferir la partida del GTA guardada en la memory card al pc?? porque si no se puede hacer con ninguno de los programas que pone ahi no se me ocurre con cual