¿Paso a nueva versión del unleashX?

Hola, pues resulta que tengo la versión anterior del unleash y he visto que la nueva versión tiene más cosillas. Lo malo es que ya tengo configurado de puta madre como quiero el unleash actual. La pregunta es si podré usar el fichero de configuración actual con la nueva versión del unleashX. Si no se puede, me parece que no la meto, me quedo como estoy, paso de tener que hacer todo el trabajo de configuración de nuevo.

Saludos y gracias.
Lo que tienes que hacer es mirar como es el nuevo archivo de configuracion del unleash. Si es como el antiguo que tienes si puedes usarlo. A veces varia solo la cabecera y la parte donde estan los menus permanece igual, por lo que solo tendria que cambiar esta parte (copy and paste).

Es lo que suelo hacer yo con los nuevos XBMC, copio el final del archivo con las direcciones SAMBA y el resto de cosas y las pego encima del nuevo xboxmediacenter.xml

Uolas yo lo haría como dice SPINeTe. Pero que novedades trae el nuevo UnleashX y que versión es la última que salió?
yo tengo la 0.36.0620A

PD: mando adj así es como tengo ahora el mio.
Oye como se llama ese skin tan guapo del unleash?

está modificado por mi y ta en el emule y se llama "xbox360 mod.rar" a el original cambia bastante como en las previews, informaciones en pantalla... Pero se llama xbox 360 ret v 2.0 o algo así. Aun así la página de xbox-skins hoy no se que les pasa que no rula.Que alguien ponga la última versión del Unleash con las mods :-)
está modificado por mi y ta en el emule y se llama "xbox360 mod.rar" a el original cambia bastante como en las previews, informaciones en pantalla... Pero se llama xbox 360 ret v 2.0 o algo así. Aun así la página de xbox-skins hoy no se que les pasa que no rula.Que alguien ponga la última versión del Unleash con las mods :-)

Editando: E aquí todos los cambios desde la vrsión 0.36 hasta creo yo que es la última, la verdad es que vale la pena actualizarlo.
For features and description, please see UnleashX documentation.

**** Change Log ****

UnleashX V0.38.0515 Build 565
Version: 0.38 Build 565
Status Alpha
Release Date: 05/15/2005

*Fixed Preview video looping bug introduced in build 564.
*Fixed Relative path wasn't working for "List" element type.
*Fixed Items that are not visible in FTP client window is not being deleted.
*Fixed A problem with the "Fonts" collection that could cause the font to
render huge display.
*Fixed Video screensaver renders semi-opaque when file explorer or music
player is active.

*Added Network link status to system info, and also to screen Text Item.
100Mbps/Full Duplex, 10Mbps/Half Duplex...etc.
*Added FreeMemory and TotalMemory added to screen text item.
*Added MMActiveForeColor to the color scheme.
*Added Force 24H time display format. Note: Time setting control is still
in 12H format (and will probably remain that way).

Note: This is a quick fix release intended to address the issues listed above.
Some unconfirmed/reported bugs may still exists.

"SITE FREESIZE" that was mentioned in 564 was supposed to read: "SITE FREESPACE"

UnleashX V0.38.0508 Build 564
Version: 0.38 Build 564
Status Alpha
Release Date: 05/08/2005

*Fixed Ambient sound stopped working.
*Fixed C:\xboxdash.xbe is used/inserted automatically when the Audio CD player
is blank and you modified the Autoplay option.
*Fixed Screen flashes when transferring files to/from the xbox.
*Fixed SITE FreeSize is reporting a wrong value if the free HD space on the
target drive is more than 3.5GB (approx.).
*Fixed Extracting Rar files was very slow.
*Fixed Auto-shutdown was not functioning properly.
*Fixed Playlist does not display the name of song when played using the file
*Fixed Removing the language file causes the xbox to reboot, but changes are
still saved.

*Added Auto-log off of FTP users after 5 minutes of inactivity.
*Added "Relative" attribute to the MusicPlayer section. This will cause the
coordinates of the items to be relative to the top-left coordinate of
the player window, rather than the screen. Default value is False.
Ex: Relative="True">
This means that an item with (0,0) coordinate will be shown at (10,96).
Note: Playlist window is still absolute.
*Added "Direction" attribute to the "Progress" and "Volume" element of the
music player, which controls the way these element are drawn. Acceptable
values are "Up", "Left", "Right" and "Down" with "Left" being the default.
*Added The button ("Element" element) sequence is now honored by the player,
meaning you can re-order them and the control sequence will follow that
order. It is also possible to omit a button and still keep the sequence

Note: For music player related skinning, take a look at
OrangeShapes_ConstantineMP.zip. This is a skin based on OrangeShapes
with Constantine music player theme.

*Changed ScreenSaver will default to Text mode if Slideshow path or video
file is not found.
*Changed On screensaver text mode, the "tick" sound is suppressed if
background music is playing.
*Changed All fonts has been modified to include characters above ASCII 127.
Hence, the caption should also display accented characters.

UnleashX V0.38.0501 Build 562
Version: 0.38 Build 562
Status Alpha
Release Date: 05/01/2005

*Fixed Freezing in Game Saves Manager when downlading or trying to download a game
save file.
*Fixed Can't transfer 0 Byte to/from FTP Server
*Fixed Can't trasfer to/from FTP Server any filename with unicode characters
*Fixed File manager and FTP client doesn't correctly display filenames containing
characters above ASCII 127.
*Fixed FTP Server halts to a slow when more than one client is transferring files
*Fixed FTP client can now connect to EvolutionX FTP Server
*Fixed FTP Site editor only accepts/stores up to 20 characters for the address.

*Fixed Bug in ISO9660 Disc parsing routine
*Fixed Booting the dash from Drive G over writes its configuration file
*Fixed Xml parser fails to parse an xml document if a comment element contains ">"

*Added Formating option directly from the file manager. Just highlight the drive
then select Format. Disabled for Drive C, E, F & G. Use an script for that.
*Added Formating of Memory Unit. Use the file manager to do this. Uninitialized
memory unit, including those FAT/FAT32 formatted MU, can now be formatted.
*Added Audio CD playback capability. Leave the Audio CD Software Player option
blank to use the dash for playback.
*Added Ability to play MP3 and WAV (wma is still experimental) files directly from
an ISO9660 disc. Use the file manager to select your audio file.
*Added Fully skinable Music Player front end. See this XBS link for more info:
*Added Capability to localize some text and messages via external xml file. This
means that a lot of text can now appear in your favorite language.
See this XBS link for info:
Note: Not 100% of strings are localizable, yet.
*Added Xbox soundtrack manager. The same usual stuff found in MS Dash. Copy, edit,
rename, delete...etc, except CDDA to WMA or CD ripping.
*Added LED settings -See under system settings. You can now assign LED color
when the following events occur: ScreenSaver, File copying, FTP Send,
FTP Receive, FTP Boost, and when the system is busy doing background tasks.
All LED combinations are available, flashing and alternating.

*ADDED Mapped right thumbstick to lower-right portion on screen calibration.

*Changed Picture slideshow screensaver is now random
*Changed Upgraded UnRar engine to 3.40

-Improved Skinning support.
*Screen items can now be stacked/ordered by adding the zIndex attribute, i.e.,
zIndex="5". Items with the same zIndex value will be drawn in the order they
are found. zIndex don't have to be sequential or continuous, meaning you can
use 1,2,3,5,8,10...n. This means that you can now draw in this manner:
text, image, shape, text, text, image...etc.
However, menu item is still on top of everything else.
*Added Fonts collection. You can now have a fonts collection and use them where
they're possible. So, it is now possible to display Text items using different fonts.
The Format is:


Then use them like this:

*Added a few more items for text source
-SongTrack - concatenation of song and soundtrack
-SongBitRate - Ex: 128 KBPS...etc
-SongLength - Ex: 5:12
-SongFrequency - Ex: 44.1KHz (Almost always)
-SongChannel - Audio CD, Stereo or Mono

Live Update Server: Use this for the Server option as an
alternative server.

UnleashX V0.37.1218 Build 543
Version: 0.37 Build 543
Status Alpha
Release Date: 12/18/2004

*Fixed FTP Server transfer bug.
*Fixed Bug in FTP client where a 0 byte file will fail the process, and stop
the entire queue
*Fixed Bug FTP Client issuing/requesting for file/folder with invalid
*Fixed Bug where any disc you insert after inserting an ISO9660 disc won't be
recognize and requires a reboot.
*Fixed Lock up when switching from skins with video background.
*Fixed WMA Song title gets cut off after the 15th character.
*Fixed BGM not playing after boot up when there's a preview video on the first
menu item
*Fixed More accurate display FTP client transfer rate.
*Fixed Filter Level, not properly set on boot up.

*Added Cancel confirmation dialog when transferring (ftp client). Transfer
still continues in the background until you actually confirms.
*Added Network Settings: FTP Client - Minimum and maximum Port number when
using Active transfer (not PASV) for the ftp client (so it should be
firewall friendly now).
*Added Network Settings: FTP Client - option to turn off auto-search for Xbox
*Added FTP Client: Remote (Server) and Local(Xbox) Path to sites.
*Added Enable/Disable option for "Open Containing folder" in File manager
*Added Enable/Disable option for "Open Saves Folder" in File manager
*Added skin-configurable (replaceable) splash screen. For zipped skins,
just add "UXSplash.jpg" in the archive, no need to modify the xml.
For non-zipped skins, drop "UXSplash.jpg" in the same folder as the skin.

*Changed Color of the cursor bar is now the same as the text color
(virtual kb, text editor).
*Changed Removed Splash Screen fade out after menu is loaded.

Note: This is a Quick fix release addressing the issues listed above.

New Live Update Server: Use this for
the Server option as an alternative server.

Version: 0.37.1207A Build 536
Release Date: 12/07/2004

*Fixed corrupt transfer of files less than 1MB in size.
*Fixed Empty/shrinking message box.

Note: This is a Quick fix releas addressing the issues listed above.

Version: 0.37.1205A Build 534
Release Date: 12/05/2004

*Fixed Lock up when launching an app too soon when Network is enabled and no cable
is plugged in.
*Fixed Game Saves Manager doesn't create the proper destination when transferring
game saves from Memory unit to HD. HD to MU is fine.
*Fixed Text Editor is misalligned on PAL video mode.
*Fixed Scrolling text flickers.
*Fixed XML parser generates empty Xml element (<>).
*Fixed RSS feeds with URL not ending in .xml are filtered out.
*Fixed System settings does not reflect the changes until next reboot.
*Fixed Some MP3s gets cut off near the end.
*Fixed Music skips, or pauses when going in/out of a submenu, or opening the
Storage option.
*Fixed Random music, is now really random.
*Fixed WMA is now more skip-resistant.
*Fixed Video screen saver plays at a faster rate when activated the second time.
*Fixed Default Destination folder when copying is being ignored.
*Fixed Auto-File renaming generates invalid filename if the file extension is more
than 4 characters long.

*Changed FTP Server File IO routine improvement for faster, more efficient transfer.
*Changed Background music manager totally rewritten.
*Changed WMAs and MP3s can now reside in the same folder.
*Changed Smaller and faster MP3 decoding engine.
*Changed Transition of the Total progress bar indicator is now smoother and more
*Changed Music volume control now affects WMVs and XMVs too.
*Changed Default screen calibration data now uses smaller values.
*Changed Audio/Music settings has it's own section in config.xml. If you are using
BGM, you must reconfigure the music options.

*Added FTP client for your Xbox-to-Xbox, Xbox-to-PC file transfer needs.
*Added Live Dash Update with self-check feature.
*Added Auto-check for new version.
*Added Embedded Xml-only skins. There are currently 11 skins made by Jezz_X and
*Added File manager now supports ISO9660 format.
*Added Surround 5.1 for MP3 playback.
*Added Surround 5.1 for XMVs and WMVs (preview movie)
*Added Time elapse, estimated remaining time and transfer rate to the progress bar
indicator (File operation).
*Added and to the Color scheme tags. These
currently applies to the Text editor's background and foreground color,
*Added Exposed embedded fonts used by the dash. You can use the following tags,
in place of the font filename:
MenuFont -The font the main menu uses (Arial 16)
SmallFont, -font used in the dialogs, virtual keyboard...etc (xboxbook 12)
InfoFont -font used by InfoText (xboxbook 14)
CaptionFont -font used by dialog caption/Loading screen(Xbox 14)
Example: CaptionFont
*Added Used kernel calls to provide kernel version, Hardware info and hddkey(used to
come from eeprom data).
*Added FREESPACE site command to the FTP server. (SITE FREESPACE )
*Added Enable/Disable Recently launched title list.
*Added modifed mkjones' logo as a Splash screen. The logo came from Javienn, further
modified with kthulu's tip.
*Added Textured Settings' background.
*Added Ability to change sound effects (.wav) use by the dash (Initial implementation).
Pos no lo encuentro, no me lo podias pasar por privi o algo? es que es muy guapo.

Tienes un email [qmparto]
en la direc de hotmail. No estaba en la mula porque no estaba conectao por la mañana, de todos modos ahora si lo está. Comenta cualquier duda y que te parece son solo 4mb ;)
Oye que mil gracias, foreros asi hacen grande este sitio.

Saludos. [oki]
Oye, que tampoco va contra las normas del foro que os paseis una skin para un programaXD
Lo pruebo el sábado, que será cuando tenga tiempo pa cacharrear con la x.

Saludos a todos.

P.D. Temjin, tiene muy buena pinta el skin, si kieres lo posteamos para uso común de la comunidad. [360º]

Os lo agradecería mucho. Me encanta esa skin [tadoramo]
Y que tal esta skin basada en Windows Vista
Verdad que esta guapa?

La esta haciendo un chico de los foros de xbox-scene y dice que hoy o mañana la sube a xbox-skins . net y a allxboxskins . com y que ademas va a hacer una version de esta misma skin para el XBMC.
Muchas gracias por la subida 'nexio', es de las mejores skins que he visto :p

'hayguey', la verdad es que no está mal no. Podrías informarnos cuando la acabe el chico para que podamos descargarla? Mil gracias!
anavas44 escribió:Muchas gracias por la subida 'nexio', es de las mejores skins que he visto :p

'hayguey', la verdad es que no está mal no. Podrías informarnos cuando la acabe el chico para que podamos descargarla? Mil gracias!

Ya esta lista.


Su siguiente skin basada en Windows Vista es para el Dvd2xbox que ya tiene terminada pero es para la proxima version del Dvd2xbox que sale en unos dias ya hasta entonces no la subira.


Por cierto que este mismo chico ha hecho otras skins muy buenas para el unleashx basadas en la skin PM3 del XBMC.



Joer que guapas todas....me intriga esa nueva version dvd2x...espero que la hayan mejorado mucho porque lo pedia a gritos.

Saludetes y que la scene nunca muera. ;)
No puedo descargar ninguna skin de las 3!!! [tomaaa]
Creo que xbox-skins está petada o algo pq es muy raro.
17 respuestas