uno de los juegos mas adictivos de psp al parecer va tener su version de homebrew en ds, E-Eragon (es el programador) va a escribirlo en c++
The game will featuring:
-The first 15 levels of the original game (maybe more, I'm working on demand) + all boss fights
-custom levels made by me, like "300" or "Boss Rush"
-level editor (in-game, so editing on the go!) -->Making levels like three dinosaurs, with 5 pata-plains(warthog's), and desert-heat
-all mini-games (bonbonbooon tree, flower, talking mountain, ...)
-as many as possible patapon-mutants ( = Tree of life included)
-all the songs
-3D sprite use = 1024 sprites on the screen at once
-blood and eventually gore (very easy done !)
el projecto se ve interesante, esperemos que saque pronto para probarlo
problemas con sonyel autor envio un e-mail sony pidiendo permiso para poder usar partes del juego original, pero denegaron el permiso
Hello Eragon,
Thank you for writing us. We appreciate you giving us the courtesy of contacting us before deciding to use any of our material for the purposes outlined in your email. Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) regretfully requests that you do not use any of our materials (logos, trademarks, etc). For additional information we recommend that you review our policy regarding "Terms of Use" by visiting the following URL: ... termsofuseRegards,
Crystal L.
asi que decidio usar musica y sprites echos por el
por ahora podriais ayudarle de una de estas formas-un nuevo titulo
-idea para cutom Patapons, warthog's, y drums
-musica para el menu
ya sabeis si quereis dar ideas o ayudar, podeis decirlo