Asi me he quedado ,
showusmiracle la famosa web sobre we/pes (en gran parte por los goles que sube) se ha currado un parche que os dejará con la boca abierta:
This option file for Pro Evolution Soccer 2 corrects all player and club names and also replaces the club flags with far superior versions. It also changes the club kits so they look more realistic.
El parchecillo corrige los nombres de jugadores y clubs y ademas de eso cambia los equipajes y banderas de los equipos!!
Hasta aqui todo perfecto pero lo chungo es la forma de usarle
How to use
Extract the "ShowUsMiracle PES2 Option 1-0.xps" file to somewhere memorable
(e.g. Desktop). Find the file and double click on it, this should open up
the X-Port/SharkPort screen. If it doesn't, copy the file to your "savedgames"
folder which can usually be found at C:\Program Files\Datel\XPort 2\Savedgames.
When the software has loaded, you should see "ShowUsMiracle PES2 Option File" in
your saves database, simply "Restore" this to your memory card (remembering to
back-up your current option file first).
Refer to the user instructions that came with the X-Port/SharkPort for details on
restoring and backing-up saves.
Once complete, boot up PES2 with your memory card inserted and that's it.
¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de convertirle en un parche ppf para parchear la bin?[triston]
Aqui os dejo el link: