PES3 en XBOX??!!o es una trola??....


We speak to the executive producer and director behind the greatest football series in the galaxy - do not miss this

18:26 High in the pristine, snow-capped mountains of Switzerland, nestled snugly in the cosy backroom of an ice-encrusted wooden hotel sat a group of eager, football-loving journalists, and the team behind the finest football series ever, and some of the best games of all time. In attendance for the European Pro Evolution Soccer 2 Finals, this game the team and attendees opportunity for detailed discussion.
Since its first titles on PSone, KCET has rapidly become the name in football title for hardcore fans. From a mainstream point of view, EA's big-budget, flashy FIFA series has long been the most popular choice. But word has slowly spread and the popularity of PES has grown and grown, culminating in PES2 beating EA's FIFA 2003 to the top of the charts when released in Europe last month.

With PES2 widely regarded as a masterpiece, the big question is: "Where next?" Online seems an obvious option, and effervescent director Seabass and executive producer Inamoto-san addressed this issue and many more when we conducted the interview.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2 has recently shipped one million units in Europe - what's your reaction to this?

Inamoto: Since it's the year of the World Cup, it was upsetting for us that we couldn't release a game during that time. However, after discussions with our sales force in Europe it was decided that we deliver the game for the end of October, which is high season for the games industry itself.

We're happy the game has reached a million units in Europe itself, as we didn't expect to accomplish that this year. As you know, we also hit a million units with Winning Eleven 6 so it's almost like winning The Double. We're really pleased and happy.

Can you tell us a little about the development process. Other football games seem repetitive next to yours, so how do you achieve the variety?

Inamoto: There is no formula. We can only say that, within the team, we always play the game with lots of people and try to create as many variations as possible - just like real football.

How do you decide what changes to make between when making the transition from Winning Eleven to PES? Many hardcore fans of PES2, for instance, actually prefer Winning Eleven 6.

Seabass: We do not think of creating a Japanese version or a European version. After Winning Eleven 6 we had about four months to develop PES2 and that included the actual World Cup. We were inspired by some of the matches we watched and implemented some of the things we saw.

EA receives a lot of criticism for releasing FIFA every year without major updates - is there a danger that you will fall into the same trap?

Seabass: We will release the game and I can assure you it will be upgraded. I can't say when, but every time we release the game users will be satisfied. Specifically referring to the next version, we'll renew the graphic engine, upgrade the Master League considerably and gameplay-wise, of course, there will be more evolution.

But from ISS Pro to ISS Pro 98 to PES on PSone each game fely completely different, whereas the transition from PSone PES to PS2 PES and PES2 is essentially the same engine. Can we expect a major upgrade for PES3?

Seabass: The core gameplay will remain the same, however I have a couple of concepts I want to accomplish this year in terms of gameplay. One is the one-on-one battle between defender and attacker - I want to deepen this point as much as possible. At the end of the day, we hope it will feel like a different experience although the core game remains the same.

Things I would like to redo from scratch are doing new motion capture sessions, and implementing new moves. Another point is that, in the past we've tried to cram in everything in the allotted time, without leaving time to actually balance and tweak the game. Therefore this time we're planning to finish up as quickly as possible to allow more time to adjust the game's balance, by playing it within the team.

PES seems more of a realistic simulation than PES2 - have you consciously tried to make PES2 more arcadey?

Seabass: We have tried to create a game with new moves and motion capture. But I realise that, compared to the past, the balance is tilted a little more towards attacking than defending, so I would like to go back to the drawing board, motion capture new moves for defenders and implement them.

Licensing aside, are there any other features in competitor's games that you would like to include in the PES series?

Seabass: My personal feeling is that the detail of players is lacking when compared with the FIFA. Secondly, individual moves such as Beckham's free kick, we have but our competitor has more variety. Thirdly, the atmospheric sense you get in PES is weak compared to other titles, so they are my main areas of focus. [pauses] Also, commentary is another area... [laughs]

So you are aware of how much problematic the licensing and commentary are?

Seabass: Yes. [laughs]

Can you assure us that these are high on your priorities list?

Seabass: Yes, definitely. Concerning the commentary, we have a disadvantage because we are a Japanese developer. But we're always trying to find a way to make it better and with next year's version we'll have to find native speakers to help the team. Also, acquiring good voice talent is important.

In terms of licence, we feel we need to obtain one other than just FIFPro, and I've already raised awareness in Konami that we should aggressively pursue others. If we lack these two points, I'm aware our sales will drop, so it's very important.

With reference to the online side of things, Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution on GC and PS2 has downloadable content in Japan. Can you guarantee either this or full online play for PES3?

Inamoto: I'm sorry to say we can't guarantee the online option for PES3. This is not slacking on the R&D side - it's more to do with the infrastructure of Europe, which is a little complicated when compared with Japan and the US and depends on how SCEE wants to do it.

If the network is there, we'll definitely do it, but there's still much research to be done and we'll see how successfully SCEE launches its plans.

Is that with reference to downloadable content of full online play?

Inamoto: Both.

How close do you feel you've come to the perfect football game?

Seabass: When the game gets closer to the goal we have in our minds, the goal stretches out so we never get close. We quickly realised that we're still a long, long way from accomplishing what we really want to do. From the next game, we're visualising the whole concept of football rather than just individual moves, which will takes us back to page one again. So I'll probably never be satisfied!

In real football, defenders often race up the pitch to score goals, but this is very hard to achieve in PES2 - is this something you're looking to include in future?

Seabass: I find that defenders overlapping and scoring is a really fantastic thing and I want to recreate this, but a defender's top priority in the game is to defend, so to balance that is really difficult. But in Final Evolution, the flow has been restructured so you might see defenders attacking more.

Furthermore, in terms of set-piece AI, on corners defenders in PES2 hang back, whereas they're far more likely to rush out in real life...

Seabass: The person in charge of AI isn't here today, but we are aware that set-piece AI is a little bad compared to in-game, so I will go back and give him feedback> But we are aware of that.

What are your plans for the US market and how important is it to you?

Seabass: I'm aware soccer isn't popular in the US, but with children, especially under the age of fourteen, it's extremely popular. However, despite this, the game of football is not successful in the US. But when these children grow, I believe there will be a market in North America as well.

So starting from next year, we will release a version and start to challenge not just North America, but South America too.

How will the US version relate to PES2, aside from localisation matters?

Seabass: Currently we're not planning to make any changes.

In terms of other formats, WE has released on GameCube and PS2 in Japan. Although we're aware of your relationship with Sony in Europe, Western GC andXBOX owners would love to experience PES. Do you have any immediate plans to take the series multiformat?

Inamoto: Yes, we are definitely thinking of going multiplatform. However, this is something we would like to consider steadily, in terms of our relationship with Sony. It's not as simple as what we do in Japan we'll do in Europe, but I can assure you that in the near future we will make an official presentation on what were working towards in terms of other platforms.

Can you confirm that PES3 will be a PS2 exclusive?

Inamoto: I cannot say right now!

Source: CV&G

"Can you confirm that PES3 will be a PS2 exclusive?

Inamoto: I cannot say right now!"

sera verdad,sera mentira??al menos yo tengo esperanzas [angelito]
Eso es de hace mucho tiempo,sino recuerdo mal, yo mismo conteste en un post sobre ello XD

Y poco despues Konami dismintio algo sobre Xbox creo, no se, no recuerdo bien.
Escrito originalmente por TyPH
Eso es de hace mucho tiempo,sino recuerdo mal, yo mismo conteste en un post sobre ello XD

Y poco despues Konami dismintio algo sobre Xbox creo, no se, no recuerdo bien.

ala,ya me has quitado las esperanzas [snif]

de todas formas,espero que el tio bill haga algunos "arreglillos",para tener un PES en xbox

De una de estas me matais... [enfa]
Yo con que sacasen un PES3 que se quiten todos los demás juegos, lease PDO, Silent Hill, incluso incluso incluso... Halo 2... XD
Komo salga el PES3 pa la X, mi ermano y yo vamos a kemar la konsola y a desgastar los mandos.

[Mode offtopic On] EL_ZEROS, tu firma es demasiado grande y con una resolución de 800x600 solo se ve firma por todos lados... [agggtt] [Mode offtopic Off]
Yo creo que acabara saliendo, cuestion de logica, si ha salido en gc, porque no habria de hacerlo en xbox. Un juego que generaria tantas ventas como este, vale la pena el esfuerzo económico que deba hacer Microsoft. Todos los millones que se sacarian si esto juego saliera para xbox, digo yo que le convienen tanto a Konami como Microsoft, por lo tanto...

Si, pero si ese dinero que ganaría Konami con las ventas se lo da Sony para que no lo haga, pués un quebradero de cabezas menos para Konami... y un must have menos para Xbox...
Tu sabes el numero de consolas y de dvds que venderia?
Sony no puede pagarle tanto a Konami por tener una exclusiva que ya no tiene, porque sale en gc. Y lo que le pagara, Microsoft deberia pagarle mas, porque le conviene.

Escrito originalmente por EL_ZEROS
Komo salga el PES3 pa la X, mi ermano y yo vamos a kemar la konsola y a desgastar los mandos.

jeje yo tambien fundire la consola y vuestros mandos...............................
Respecto al tema del PES3 en la X, lei en una entrevista que no lo descartaban, llegara seguro, pero cuando?

Hombre, en el hipotético caso de que saliese (desgraciadamente lo dudo mucho), saldría a la vez que las versiones de las otras dos consolas, osea allá por Octubre de este año.
Ojala k saliera Es k si sale me kedaria [flipa] [flipa] [flipa]
Yo pagaría por que hiciesen un PES3 para Xbox, además del precio del juego claro... ;-)
El de gamecube es un port o es una version mejorada?

es una version mejorada,he tenido la oportunidad de jugar a las dos...........

Hombre, es un port con cuatro cosillas retocadas... teniendo en cuenta que desde que salió el Winning Eleven 6 para PS2 ha pasado casi un año, pero tampoco son cambios muy llamativos.
el de gamecube es un port a pelo en toda regla...

sobre el tema del pes3, hace tiempo alguien casi me aseguro qeu en el 2003, o qeu la versión del proevolution de ps2 del 2003 saldría en xbox. Yo pienso que realmente las posibilidades son cada vez mayores, teniendo en cuenta el parque de consolas que tiene ya xbox, y comparando por ejemplo las ventas que tienen los juegos deportivos en gamecube con las que tiene xbox, lo que hace bastante mas apetecible sacar ese juego en xbox qeu en gamecube.... y en gamecube ya ha salido asi qeu....qeu asi sea...
la verdad esk xbox creece cada dia mas gente k ha tnido la ps2 y ahn sido sonyers afanados desde k salio psx se ahn ido adaptando a la caompra d xbox y no es d estrañar k ese parke k dice filetefrito VA ser cada vez mayor, y sobre todo con live
de todas formas, creo que hay un problemilla... Sony tiene la exclusiva de "Pro Evolution Soccer" y no me refiero al juego, si no al nombre, en Europa, no así en el resto del mundo (Los "Soccer Crazys" somos los EmPALados ¬_¬, no los japos (esos solo lo intentan) o los USA (son felices con sus juegos sosos y lentos tipo baseball o NFL, no vaya a ser que tengan que pensar y coordinar el cuerpo a la vez).

Yo lo primero que quiero ver es si Pro Evo de GameCube sale en Europa... si sale, que salga en Xbox es solo cosa de Konami... si no llega, es que Sony tiene demasiada pasta metida en Konami para el Pro Evo...

por mi qeu lo llamen patata soccer, pero qeu lo saquen , jejej
Ya te digo.... o que le dejen "Winning Eleven"... no creo que el nombre sea un obstaculo.
Hombre, ay posibilidades, si estara para las otras 2 consolas...

el de gamecube es un port a pelo en toda regla...

Si, pero tiene PEKEÑAS mejoras [oki]
si si claro, lo de port a pelo en toda regla quiero decir qeu es como podrian ser los iss2 de todas las consolas, qeu son ports directos de la versión ps2 sin cambiar prácticamente nada,( si se pudiese, diria qeu ni han tocado una linea de código, jejej, que no que si se notan alguna diferencia en los campos).
A si, en eso tienes razon, pero bueno, si de verdad el pes3 llega a las 3, no creo que los usuarios de cube y xbox nos kejemos mucho de eso no?? :p , weno, aver si en el e3 dicen algo sobre este tema (y dentro de xbox me muero de ganas de ver el trabajo de rare de una vez [chulito] )

PuMa está baneado por "se acabó lo que se daba"
Pensad que nos faltarian un par de gatillos para poder jugar bien a ese juego ..
Escrito originalmente por PuMa
Pensad que nos faltarian un par de gatillos para poder jugar bien a ese juego ..

te faltaran a ti :P
yo lei por ahi que el grupo este de konami que hace los pes querian sacar uno para todas las consolas no se si fue en vandal o en meristation y que en un futuro tenian pensado sacar uno online para 22 jugadores cada uno en una posicion de campo (flipante) [flipa] esto que cuento no es trola era algo que venian pensando los del grupo del pes y lo dijeron en la entrevista lo que no me acuerdo si lo lei en vandal o en meristation. yo siempre he dicho.... tiempo al tiempo
pes en xbox se hara realidad.
joder, ojala, acabo de provar este finde la ultima version del we de ps2 y es que te cagas, ¡¡y con licencias!! salian hasta las camisetas de los equipos iguales, (la del madrid con lo de siemens, la del man utd con vodafone...) al empezar los partidos el imno de la champions, lo unico que era mas rapido que el correcaminos.

salu2 y hasta otra
Escrito originalmente por ERICARTMAN
joder, ojala, acabo de provar este finde la ultima version del we de ps2 y es que te cagas, ¡¡y con licencias!! salian hasta las camisetas de los equipos iguales, (la del madrid con lo de siemens, la del man utd con vodafone...) al empezar los partidos el imno de la champions, lo unico que era mas rapido que el correcaminos.

salu2 y hasta otra

tranki ke la velocidad se ajusta ;)
je je je cojonudo, esta noche a ver si se la bajo un poco, por que no veas, y lo peor controlar los chutes, por que la barra de energia sube a una velocidad de vertigo je je je, con el vicio que tengo yo a los we... y no ganaba los partidos mas que por un gol o 2 de diferencia... por cierto, la pared como se hace, con el gatillo izquierdo y pase no hace la pared aquella tan guapa (o con el del gatillo izquierdo y el de pase en profundidad tampoco)

salu2 y hasta otra
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