Pesao en el css

CANIM-TURKIYE1 has joined the game
CANIM-TURKIYE1 (STEAM_0:0:1424913286) connected from Denmark
CANIM-TURKIYE1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : who is admin?
[Zirti] Rattlehead : meeeeee
[ZIRTI]Pablinho : Me
[Zirti] Rattlehead : pablinho no es admin
[Zirti] Rattlehead : es pkt
[ZIRTI]Pablinho : Si que lo es
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : who is owning this server?
[ZIRTI]Pablinho : me
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : can i be admin?
[ZIRTI]Pablinho : no me deja a mi, y te va a dejar a ti
[ZIRTI]Pablinho : lol
-Chat radio- (yo) NO
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : write it
[Zirti] Rattlehead : yo were in my server for 10 seconds
[Zirti] Rattlehead : join my clan at least
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : if i join can i then be admin?
-Chat radio- (yo) no
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : write it
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : can hear you
[Zirti] Rattlehead : no.
CANIM-TURKIYE1 (STEAM_0:0:1424913286) connected from Denmark
CANIM-TURKIYE1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : if i can be admin then i call all my friends to this server then it will be a cool server
[Zirti] Rattlehead : go fuck yourself noob. you dont have friends
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i have verry much freinds
[Zirti] Rattlehead : maybe if you be here 15 days...
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : but then you can be admin on my server
CANIM-TURKIYE1 is joining the Terrorist force
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: swapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 to team T

[Zirti] Rattlehead : i think your server suck a cock
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : if you want wcsmod server with free levels then its cool
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : can i be admin then you 2
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : can be admin
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : on my server
[Zirti] Rattlehead : that was a defitive NO.
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : if i install wcsmod can i then be admin`???
[Zirti] Rattlehead : you will be banned in 10 seconds
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
[Zirti] Rattlehead Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 17 Damage with the deagle in the CHEST
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : its i nice server!
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

[ZIRTI]Pablinho : dew
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 24 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM
[ZIRTI]Pablinho : luego vuelvo
CANIM-TURKIYE1 Hit [Zirti] Rattlehead For 15 Damage with the m3 in the RIGHT LEG
CANIM-TURKIYE1 Hit [Zirti] Rattlehead For 15 Damage with the m3 in the LEFT LEG
CANIM-TURKIYE1 Hit [Zirti] Rattlehead For 10 Damage with the m3 in the RIGHT ARM

(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 15 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM
0 Hit [ZIRTI]Pablinho For 348 Damage with the 0 in the CHEST
[ZIRTI]Pablinho left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: drugged player CANIM-TURKIYE1

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : stop plz
-Radio- Ok
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: un-drugged player CANIM-TURKIYE1
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: burned player CANIM-TURKIYE1

0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 22 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: burned player CANIM-TURKIYE1
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : or i wanna tell this server to css
[Zirti] Rattlehead : i cant!"!!"
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : then this server will be closet
[Zirti] Rattlehead : you suck cock noob
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : but i dont wanna do it
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : can you help me to make my server online?
[Zirti] Rattlehead : no
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i pay 20 euros
0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 69 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i give you a zombie server ok?
[Zirti] Rattlehead : you cant put a server o0nline and you wwant to dive one to me
[Zirti] Rattlehead : are you stupid or what
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i have 13 online servers
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : but 2 is not online
[Zirti] Rattlehead : go play on them
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : 3 zombiemod 4 wcsmod 3 rpg + DM 1 normal and 2 zombie horror
[Zirti] Rattlehead : u suck
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : nope you suck
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i can make a better server to yuo
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: drugged player CANIM-TURKIYE1
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: un-drugged player CANIM-TURKIYE1
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: burned player CANIM-TURKIYE1
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i am gonna tell css haha then your server wanna get closet
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : i have you server ip!
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: burned player CANIM-TURKIYE1
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : stop!!!!!!!
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: burned player CANIM-TURKIYE1
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : can whe be friends?
[Zirti] Rattlehead Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 61 Damage with the scout in the CHEST
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: drugged player CANIM-TURKIYE1
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: blinded player CANIM-TURKIYE1
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : you cant ban me!
[Zirti] Rattlehead : are you sure?
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: unblinded player CANIM-TURKIYE1
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: unblinded player CANIM-TURKIYE1
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: unblinded player CANIM-TURKIYE1

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : you can ban me!
[Zirti] Rattlehead : sure i can
[Zirti] Rattlehead : k
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : then ban me
[Zirti] Rattlehead : i rather to laught at you noob
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : come on ban me!!!!!!!!!
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: drugged player CANIM-TURKIYE1
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: player CANIM-TURKIYE1 is now a beacon

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : you cant ban me fucking noob!
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: player CANIM-TURKIYE1 is now a beacon
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: player CANIM-TURKIYE1 is now a fire bomb
Blubb has joined the game
Blubb (STEAM_0:0:1467725260) connected from Germany

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : you cant ban me
Blubb is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 88 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM
0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 1 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM

Blubb : rpgmenu
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : you are a bitch!
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : rpgmenu
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : ban me!
Blubb : me
[Zirti] Rattlehead : noob
Blubb : iy itch
Blubb Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 111 Damage with the awp in the LEFT ARM
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: player CANIM-TURKIYE1 is now a time bomb

Blubb : ll
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : fuck you admin
0 Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 350 Damage with the 0 in the LEFT ARM
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

Blubb : admin
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
[Zirti] Rattlehead : ?
Blubb : where admin
Blubb : you
[Zirti] Rattlehead : yes
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : fuck you admin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blubb : ok
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
Blubb : no ban me
[Zirti] Rattlehead : dont worry k
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : he is a bitch!
[Zirti] Rattlehead : noob
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : the admin is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blubb : wath slax
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
[Zirti] Rattlehead Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 60 Damage with the scout in the CHEST
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

Blubb : no admin is good :)
[Zirti] Rattlehead Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 51 Damage with the scout in the LEFT ARM

- en esta parte, le empecé a slapear desde el spawn de surf japan y luego con toa mi potra le mate con el scout en el aire xDDD -

Target 'CANIM-TURKIYE1' is dead. Cannot perform command
[Zirti] Rattlehead : looooooool
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

Blubb : slap
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

Blubb : stop
[Zirti] Rattlehead : no
Blubb : admin
Blubb : cann you me slap
Server Tick Rate 100
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player Blubb with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player Blubb with 0 damage

Blubb : fengs
Blubb : woho
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player Blubb with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player Blubb with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

Blubb : slap
[Zirti] Rattlehead Hit CANIM-TURKIYE1 For 61 Damage with the scout in the CHEST
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 with 0 damage

CANIM-TURKIYE1 : stop admin!
Blubb : no clip mode please
Blubb : canim
[Zirti] Rattlehead : stfu
Blubb : go to ct
Blubb is joining the Terrorist force
Blubb : go to ct
CANIM-TURKIYE1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: slapped player Blubb with 0 damage

Blubb : slap me
Blubb : fengs
CANIM-TURKIYE1 : make me noclip
Blubb : can iy no clip
CANIM-TURKIYE1 is joining the Terrorist force
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: swapped player CANIM-TURKIYE1 to team T

Blubb : cann iy no clip
CANIM-TURKIYE1 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
-aqui se me escapó, le hubira querido banear pero bueno xD-
Blubb : no clip
Blubb : no clio
Blubb : clip
[Zirti] Rattlehead : gtfo
Blubb : wath
(ADMIN) [Zirti] Rattlehead: banned player Blubb
Blubb left the game (Added to banned list)

En fin, al menos me lo he pasao bien xD
no me importa.gif

edit: coñe, por un momento pensé que estaba en pruebas, sorry ^^, de todas formas eso xD

Un saludo ^^
braulio22 escribió:Imagen


jajajaj me mola el gif!!
Vaya tela jajajajajjaja, se nota que la gente se aburre en verano...

Pd. ¿Y si se lo cuentas a alguien a quien le importe?
Bueno, respuestas del tipo que esperaba, que sorpresa (no)
Bah, llevo bastante tiempo aqui [burla2] y creo que por hacer un hilo chorra no pasa nada xD
Bueno, que paseis un gran dia. :)
Edit: a los que no os interesa, al haber posteado en el hilo estais mostrando cierto interes hacia su contenido [oki]
7 respuestas