

If you received this email, it means we have successfully received your application to Beta Test the Phantom Gaming Console™. .

Dear Beta Tester Applicants,

We wanted to thank you for taking the time to fill out our Beta Tester Applications. We have received over 40k applicants for the US and Canada so far. Our Beta launch is expected to take place in October and we will choose 300 of the most qualified testers to test our device and provide Infinium Labs critiques about how we can improve our service.

Each applicant needed to be a US or Canadian citizen, be at least 13 years of age and already have a broadband connection to the Internet. If you are selected you will receive a email asking you to come fill out our Beta Contract which will be emailed to you in September 2003. We will notify everyone when the applicants have been chosen.

We will be launching the international beta testing in late 2004 and also adding on more US and Canadian testers around this time, so we will keep your information on file for future needs.

Again, thanks for your time, and stay tuned of our latest development. We are building The Phantom Gaming Console™ with the help and advice of those who know best and take every comment and critique very seriously.

Best Regards,

Timothy Munro Roberts

Chairman and CEO

Infinium Labs Corporation – corporate site – PhantomNet™ Service
ein? eres habitante de usa/canada???
juaz, debe tar caxondo probar esa "consola" :D
No no jejeje XD

Soy de Madrid....Pero lo intente [bad]

Me han mandado este mail...
Parece que lo de la "consola" esta va para largo...dicen que a finales del 2004 lanzaran el beta testing international [sonrisa]

Lo he puesto por si a alguien le apetecia saber mas sobre la consola
sinceramente, yo empiezo a ser un poco exceptico en cuanto a eso.... el diseño de la web.... el diseño de la web de los diseñadores de la web..... muy parecidos.. el beta testing only for USA.... lo de bajarse los juegos....

Tiempo al tiempo, a ver que sale de eso, lo que si es seguro, es que si finalmente sale, los que habitamos en españa vamos de culo, porque, o no llegará aquí, o nuestras magníficas conexiones harán que disfrutemos al máximo.....del tiempo de espera mientras se baja el juego :P
no creo que nos perdamos gran cosa la verdad, descargarte juegos via red.....compatible con juegos de PC? dios eso no es una consola es un PC solo para jugar:p
como requiera tanta conexion no creo que triunfe... mas luego el precio que tenga , prefiero mi xbox [babas]
5 respuestas