Picodrive v.1.03 (s60) mutliplebuttons support
Picodrive v.1.03 (s60)
Oficial FORUM:
- Default Keys: Keypad, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 0=start
- Roms must be in the root of any drive (unzipped is better)
- No sound
---new version features----
* Right colours in 16bit mode. (nokia 6600)
* Flipped mode.. (press '9' to activate back and forth).
* Reconfigure keys..press '8' then press up, down, left, right, b,c,a,start to configure those buttons. (careful not to press 8 as a play key)
* Added DSA support (pressing application button might krash the whole thing). But should speed things up.
* multiple button support. So that should make it playable. (i.e jump and run at the same time).
gracias antfros
Una cosilla, id poniendo los juegos que vais probando y funcionan! Así tenemos una lista fiable