He aquí una herramienta útil para extraer el contenido de los archivos PKG.
Here’s a useful tool for extracting the content of PKG files. PkgView supports retail PKG files, drag and drop, PKG file extension association, and “extract here” option for the Windows OS context menu.
Release info (roughly translated):
PkgView is a tool for extracting files from PS3 pkg. Tool is 100% legal it contains no code sony. PkgView also has a graphical interface that simplifies the extraction of both individual files and the complete package.
Changelog history:
version 1.1
* FIX: Failed to extract large files
version 1.0
* FIX: PARAM.SFO not appear.
* FIX: Empty folders not appear.
* Added support for retail pkg (thanks to the implementation of Mathieulh).
* Now accepts pkg passed as parameter.
* Added support for drag-Pkg to the application.
* Added option to extract the source folder
* Added extension association. Pkg
* Added option Extract here in the context menu of Windows.
beta 2
* FIX: Duplicate Folders and files out
* FIX: Check if the pkg is debug
* Added extraction of folders
* Improved extraction algorithm
beta 1
* first version
Download PkgView v1.1 »
http://forum.jailbreakscene.com/viewtop ... f=2&t=1788Fuente: jailbreakscene.com