En el txt del slayer pone esto:
No Boot: Please note that the Xbox is very picky about CD/DVD media,
slow CD/RW (2x or 4x) have proven to be the most compatible.
No Boot2: If the Installer does not boot even on a good CD-RW due to a
brand new hard rive being set-up it's because of the bios on
your mod chip. Manually install the EvoX D.6 BIOS and it will
allow the CD-RW to boot properly. This "No CD boot on new HD"
problem has been reported with the Xecuter2 bios’s!
M$ Dash: If the Xbox Boots the M$ Dashboard instead of the EvoX Dashboard
after a "rebuild" then your bios does not support starting from
"evoxdash.xbe" and defaults to "xboxdash.xbe". You must upgrade
your BIOS to X2-4972 or EvoX 3.6 or newer!
Error13: You are using an old bios on your mod chip and must upgrade!
Use the latest MultiVersion X2-4976.02 or EvoX D6 or newer!
Error16: If the Xbox loses clock time, it interrupts the boot sequence
and tries to load the clock menu BEFORE booting from the
DVD drive. (thanks dcaruana)
Try using the D.6 Bios as it seems to handle this problem better
Pone que el 13 es el de la bios...no se, voy a ver si consigo otro aladdin con la bios Evox D6 y se lo meto mi consola haber si con esa tira...