Me resulta raro que la noticia no se halla comentado por estos lares:
You gotta love the way Microsoft is approaching homebrew. With the release of XNA Game Studio Express, it has opened the floodgate of independent programming talent. And boy, the good results have been overflowing.
The latest XNA 'brew to come our way is a port of ScummVM for Xbox 360. For the uninitiated, ScummVM is a multi-platform program that allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games (i.e. LucasArts releases from past years). We've already witnessed releases of such kind making its way to the PS3, PSP, and even the DS, so it's just right that our green and mean machine got its own dose of ScummVM fun.
The release notes for ScummVM XNA v0.30:
Telex fixed (ADD A AbstractFilesystemNode into the fslist)
Fixed for warpmouse (mouse emergency supported on xbox360 whoops!)
Root path for file system is now "." by default
DO emergency CHANGE drawArea in about dialogue constructor!
Browser dialogue implemented and it almost works!
handleScreenChanged is NO more longer virtual in GUIObject
fixed for kLineHeight emergency being right for the current font
Message dialogue implemented (untested)
LINE COUNT: 54,809/411,667(ScummVM 0.9.1) = 13,31% rewritten
We came across it in a post made by kallez from a German website. We're guessing he's the creator of this cool 'brew, so to you our German friend, we tip our hats.
Breve traduccion: (no es literal)
"Con la reciente salida del pack de desarrollo, Ya ha hecho aparicion la primera aplicacion, en este caso un port del SCUMMVM acaba de salir a flote.
Las especificaciones no tengo ni idea de que van, pero la mas importantes parecen:
Que mejora la compatibilidad,
La implementacion para poder usar el analogico como raton? creo
y que ha sido rescrito el codigo del ScummVM 0.9.1 un 13.31%
Nosotros sacamos la información de un post creado por kallez en una web alemana. Suponemos que él es el creador de este wapa aplicacion.Asi que por nuestro amigo aleman, nos quitamos el sombrero."
No he tenido opcion de probarlo, entre otras cosas porque no se como cojones meterlo en la consola

, quizas halla que quemarlo en un cd o con un pendrive.
En el enlace de arriba lleva incluido el de descarga.
Si alguien lo prueba que reporte algo.