lect - Not used
2.1 *** Walkthrough ***
Stage 1 - As you enter the first stage, your ship moves to
the middle of the screen. For new players it would be a good idea to
move your ship backwards to the bottom of the screen. After about 5
seconds, a pack of 8 Rotomechs will cross diagonally in front of
you. Another 8 repeat the opposite direction. Then 8 Protodroids will
use a swooping motion in front of you, the last 4 have guns. This will
repeat in the opposite direction. Shoot the butterfly-shaped Power Pod
in front of you and when it flashes, get it. Then 4 Rotomechs will
come from the left and 4 Harriers from the right. Watch out, the
Harriers, when horizontally even with you, will side-swoop you. This
will repeat opposite but instead of Rotomechs, there will be Protodroids.
Afterwards, 16 Rotomechs fly diagonally both directions. Just fire
straight in the middle of the screen. Get the Power Pod. Now Rotomechs
and Protodroids will come, all have guns. Then Cruisers and Rotomechs.
Now the Cruisers will come alone from only one side. The Cruisers will
then come from the opposite side. Then from both. Then Harriers will
attack from both sides. Be ready for Harriers and Protodroids next.
From both sides. Then Cruisers from both. The double-sided Rotomechs.
Stage 2 - Rotomechs will continuously attack from both sides twice. Now
three Pinchers will attack from each side. Next, Harriers will attack
from the sides while two Pinchers attack from the middle. Now Arrowheads
will fall from each side. Get the Power Pod after the Arrowheads are gone.
Now Rotomechs will randomly attack. !Be AwArE! Now Cruisers will attack
from one side, then the other, then both. Now the scenery speeds up when
the Pinchers attack continuously from the left then the right. Now
Harriers and Pinchers from each side, alternating.
Stage 3 - Watch for Skimbots attacking from Side, Side, Middle. The sides
alternate. Now Skimbots and Zig-zags fill the roads ahead for four turns.
now watch as three Macks, starting left moving right, shoot at you. After
the Macks, Skimbots attack. Zig-zags moving from the right to the left
follow. After that, Skimbots come down the middle. Then from each of the
sides. Now, Macks come down the middle as Skimbots guard from the side.
OK. LISTEN UP GOOD! Terra Cannons are not easy to shoot down, so either
have Turbo Missiles or dodge the bullets and get past. After the TCs,
Zig-zags go by in both directions. Now a large arsenal of Skimbots, Macks
and Zig-zags.
Stage 4 - Now a large arsenal of Vexors go by, shooting triple missles.
Dodge and shoot, Dodge and shoot. Be ready for Batwings from the left
and then from the right. Now Batwings come from both sides quickly. Right
here, I recommend not trying to shoot them all.

Now an easy set of
Harriers comes by, followed by six Arrowheads and some fast moving Twerks.
Watch for two sets of random firing Rotomechs followed closely by two sets
of Vexors.
- Sub Boss - Just fire at one of the surrounding spikes until the middle
is exposed, then finish him off.
Now a few straggling Rotomechs followed by six Twerks finish the level.
Stage 5 - A short burst of Rotomechs. BLAZERS FALL LEFT AND RIGHT DIRECTED
AT YOU! Just dodge them carefully. A small bunch of Scarabs fire at you but
they are easily blown away.
- Sub Boss - BLAZERS fall while you are defeating him. Just fire at each one
of his spikes until he is no more.
Watch out for bunches of Anthrops which fire huge missles at you. BLAZERS.
The Miditrons are next in line for explosions. A larger bunch follows. Now,
Scarabs are easily finished off. Six Arrowheads attack next. BLAZERS are
quick to follow. A medium sized bunch of Rotomechs are next. Now Miditrons
and BLAZERS fill the skies. Watch for fast-firing Anthrops and BLAZERS. Now
Scarabs and BLAZERS, then Anthrops and BLAZERS.
Stage 6 - About eight Octopods come at you. Now watch for the War Hawks that
come at you quickly. Miditrons are next in line to be demolished.
- Sub Boss - Watch for BLAZERS and Harriers as you beat each side.
War Hawks move across the screen both ways. Now watch for the Rotomechs
which come without mercy. Protodroids alternate each side. Then Pinchers
come. BLAZERS precede the Harriers which come from both sides. Scarabs are
next to explode. Batwings now come straight down the middle. You should be
nearing your 350,000 mark if not already passed it. The Vexors are next,
followed by a line of Rotomechs. BLAZERS precede the Vexors that are coming.
Stage 4 Sub Boss. Level 5 Sub Boss. Level 6 Sub Boss.
2.2 *** Bosses ***
Stage 1 - EASY! Just dodge the bullets and shoot OR just sit in
the top-right hand corner until he leaves.
Stage 2 - Fairly easy, just shoot at the plane and move to the
bottom-left when he come at you.
Stage 3 - A little harder. Now just watch out for the horizontal
bullets he fires.
Stage 4 - Very hard. If you have at least four ships, ram him
three time and then shoot for about ten seconds.
Stage 5 - Pretty hard. Dodge and Shoot. Dodge and Shoot.
Stage 6 - Extremely hard. Dodge all the diagonal, horizontal,
and vertical bullets WHILE shooting him.
Congratulations! You have just beat a very challenging classic
game. Nice Job!
2.3 *** GameShark ***
Invincibility - 010295CF
*** I Hacked These Up ***
Upgraded Gun - 01
Auto-shoot - 01
3.1 *** Disclaimer ***
This document is Copyright ©2000, MB±. All Rights Reserved. This
document is intended for the sole, private, non-commerical use of it's audience.
This document may not be: published, copied, edited, altered, sold, attempted
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3.2 *** Additions ***
I am always free to add any information you may have that you would
like to contribute with your credit. Your name can be witheld with
your permission. All contributions become the property of GameFAQs.com.
3.3 *** Thank-Yous ***
I would like to thank GameFAQs for putting up such a wonderful site in
which people can express themselves. Also I would like to thank anyone
(in advance) who would like to contribute.