Doom 64 for Dreamcast (updated 2025/01/05)
The ultimate and probably final update to Doom 64 for Dreamcast.
Please pay close attention to the README as the build instructions have changed significantly.
UNCAPPED FRAME RATE, variable with correct physics. 60 FPS in the majority of the game with full lights and normal mapping.
VMU SAVING IS NOW SUPPORTED. It all happens in the intermission screen after password/the 'Password' menu. I have only been able to test this with OEM Sega VMU.
Rumble/Vibration/Purupuru Pack is also now supported. Go to Options, Movement, and select Rumble: On. I have only been able to test this with a RetroFighters StrikerDC wireless pad.
Keyboard and mouse are also supported. I don't have much to comment on that, I got this from a pull request.
Custom Knee Deep In The Dead content with Dreamcast-exclusive enhancements. Maps by z0k (with mods by Mittens). Music by Andrew Hulshult.
Commercial redistribution is not allowed. It is illegal and also against the terms of use for the provided community content. You know I'm talking about you. You are a parasite, absolute trash.
Anyway, speaking of the lights and normal mapping mentioned a few lines above...
There is full world and weapon real-time normal mapping with dynamic lighting, with world geometry tesselation (bUt DoT3 BuMp MaPpInG oN tHe DrEaMcAsT iS iMpoSsIbLe?!?! because...)