Este es mi primer post en eol pero os sigo desde hace ya mucho. No se si tendria que ponerlo en otro pero si es asi perdonad.
Estoy muy al tanto tanto de programas como de todo lo que rodea a la ps3 ya que en 2 semanas ya tengo la mia y leyendo y leyendo creo que han encontrado un bug que en realidad son dos en ps3 news.
Me explico: El primer bug consiste en que al jugar o cargar el motorstorm online algo le pasa al xmb de ps3 y proboca un paron y un reinicio. Esto es mi traduccion y resumen por asi decirlo aunque aqui dejo el original
-Hey guys, I know this is a discussion into PDX loading method but I had a good crash on my 1.5 PAL PS3 today.
Whilst waiting for a game to start (after selecting a vehicle, when the loading screen appears ) in motorstorm online my router crashed and traffic stopped. After a few secs the XMB came up as if the console had restarted. Everything seemed normal at this point, the XMB was ok etc. Then I tried to start the game and the screen went black and nothing came up, the xmb was still running in the background though because I could hold the PS button and hear the standard noises when the quit game screen comes up. nothing actually appeared on screen though. When i selected what i think was quit game nothing happened and same again with shut down console.
Sure this isn't too exciting but just thought I'd post a bug report.
Cheers guys,
Y el segundo es uno que pasa con el ps3 browser (netfront) que al parecer lo que hace es que utiliza toda la memoria o algo asi y produce un desbordamiento y cargandose el xmb.
pego el original tambien.
Well following on from my tests last night using my homemade version of the PS3 browser, (NetFront) on my Mobile, as promised I'm now home and have used all avail memory on PS3 causing a buffer overflow.
It also causing XMB to crash. (outside of the browser).
I'll post a couple of vids, just gonna pop in IRC and chat to a few people.
Bueno en fin espero que al menos valga para algo y tambien espero ayudar en lo que pueda.