hola, no me la suelo jugar con los fakes, pero navegando me he encontrado con esta web, que dicen haber instalado lo que parece ser un cfw en ps4, que opinais?
PSBrew™ 0.1b Release:
The PSB Team is Proud to announce a successful installation build of PSBrew™ onto the PS4 console.
Since then we have the 0.1 release with the Changelog below:
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- PSBrew successfully installed over the the system app THE PLAYROOM, making the native app unusable (Working on making the PSBrew.app its own separate Native app in OrbisOS to fix this problem.)
- You can now install .PKG and .PUP files directly from the PSBrew.app by going to PSBrew.app and hit "Install PKG", From there a window will popup asking for the location of the .PKG OR .PUP you wish to install.
- Every App and Game you install can be accessed By going to "Load PKG". This is convenient instead of having to go into the system file directory everytime to load your Apps,Packages and Games.
- User and game licensing for Gamesharing is now bypassed with PSBrew, by installing your Apps and Games through PSBrew™, We have edited the host config with the PS4 into thinking every app id and game id is not maxed out.
- PSBrew now checks our update servers everytime you start up your console. No need to fear of being outdated! If you need to manually check for an update go to PSBrew.app/Brew Settings then "Check For Update".
- brew_codecs.pkg is now optional to install on your PS4 with PSBrew™. It installs the latest and majority of common video and audio codecs used today, this grants the ps4 the ability to play .AVI, .MP4, and .MKV in continuous 1080p. No use for users as of now, as it still needs finalization touches.
For the latest pkgs and addons visit see our current .PKG list here.
More Information and Updates soon to come.