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Pues, si, parece que el hard de Wii hypea hasta después del lanzamiento...Quoteo de gonintendo con origen GameInformer:
The Wii HD rumors continue
I have been trying to steer clear of these rumors, but they just keep coming back. I feel it is a good idea to make mention of them before things blow up even more.
Rumors continue to circulate that the Wii will see an HD update sometime in its lifespan. Nintendo will not confirm/deny this, but they have been making some interesting statements. First up is a portion of a Reggie Fils-Aime interview from USA Today. We posted on this a few days ago.
“Tough choices about not including a DVD player at the start, tough choices about not including high-definition capability at the start. That’s because we wanted a mass-market price, and we believe the market will validate those decisions come launch day on this Sunday.”
Now Game Informer got in touch with Nintendo to discuss this comment, and a Nintendo rep answered with this statement.
“(paraphrasing) Microsoft was able to patch the Xbox 360 to support 1080p. After all, Nintendo has already released a patch to allow Wii gamers to transfer game saves to SD cards.”
Make of that what you will. Who knows what the Big N will do in the future. They may not even know themselves
Desde gonintendo decían que daban por zanjados este tipo de rumores, pero que han vuelto (Wii puede verse a 720p?).
Argumentan que Reggie dijo que Wii no reproduciría DVD y HD en un principio por estar orientadas a un mercado de masas y hacerla asequible. Destacan lo de "en un principio", porque en una reciente entrevista a nintendo han obtenido la siguiente respuesta sobre el tema:
"(parafraseando) Microsoft ha sido capaz de parchear Xbox360 para soportar 1080p. Despues de todo, Nintendo ya ha sacado un parche para permitir a los jugadores de Wii transferir partidas grabadas a tarjetas SD".
De todos modos, con todo lo que ha llovido, prefiero no pensar en ello. Pero no deja de hacer gracia el hype que levanta este sistema neo-nato.
Texto original de darthsirius