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* The PS3 will NOT be displayed, in either video or hardware form. While the company will talk about their upcoming console, they will not display what the unit will look like, nor will they show any video demonstrations of any software in action. They will also announce that the system is pretty far off and won’t be show for at least another year and a half.
* The PSP will be playable. This is pretty much a no-brainer, given the recent unveiling of Death Jr. at the Game Developers Conference. But, Sony will also surprise attendees with some interesting announcements about peripherals for the system, further staking its claim that the PSP will be more than just a gaming system.
* A number of PSP titles will be unveiled, including a football title, baseball title, ports of old PSone games and the kicker: a port of a previous Final Fantasy game.
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas will NOT be playable, although Rockstar Games will show off a short video trailer for their upcoming game. Also, the company will announce that they are working on both PS2 and Xbox versions of the game, with the Xbox version hitting consoles about a year after the PS2 version.
* Sony will unveil a sleeker and sexier PS2 model that will mimic the PSone. The unit will still resemble the PS2 in looks, but in a much more compact manner. Also, the company will announce that the unit will be available for a special budget price of $100.
* Sony will officially announce a unified and central server-based system for playing their titles online, mimicking the course taken by Microsoft and their Xbox Live online service. The main reason behind the announcement: online cheating.
* A number of new hard-drive compatible titles will be announced, games that you may not immediately think would be associated with it. Such titles will include: EyeToy, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Ratchet And Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Final Fantasy XII, and all of the EA Sports titles.
* Namco will announce, but not show, Soul Caliber III and will also announce that the game will feature online multiplayer.
* Capcom will announce a number of new titles, some new and some based on already established franchises: Maximo 3, Viewtiful Joe 1+2 (some sort of combo pack), some Mega Man game, as well as the most surprising announcement, an updated Bionic Commando title. Also, Devil May Cry 3 will be announced and development will once again be those of the first DMC title.
* Gran Turismo 4 will be playable and will now feature a huge number of cars and tracks to select from while at the event.
* The PS3 will be talked about, yet will not be shown. Some more information about system specs will make it out, but very little will be revealed. What would be a real treat is if Sony drops two little words: Blu and Ray.
* The PSP will be on display, and in full working order. After talking with our Sony reps this week, they would not disclose if the unit will be playable or not at E3. My honest belief is that Sony will have the unit playable on the show floor, as well as a truckload of software playable. Outside of upcoming PlayStation 2 games, PSP will be the main focus.
* Software for the PSP will be shown from a range of companies. Electronic Arts will be the largest third party supporter of the new unit. While Chris believes a port of an older Final Fantasy title will be made for the system I will agree with that, but I also think an all new Final Fantasy title will be debuted, and it will contain some sort of connectivity with the upcoming Final Fantasy 12. I also believe there will be a Grand Theft Auto title available for the PSP, and it will resemble the old school top-down view of the game.
* Sony will unveil a new smaller PS2 design and not shockingly call it the PStwo, much like the PSone. This unit will have a hard drive and broadband/modem built in. The unit will retail at $149, and will be available this Fall in Japan. Sony will drop the price of the original broadband PS2 pack to $129.
* There will be an announcement of a “punk buster” style software announcement that should counter PS2 online cheating efforts. I also think there will be some sort of universal login made possible. I do not, however, think there will be some sort of Xbox Live type all-in-one service. Sony will keep the majority of their online efforts free (unless it’s a MMORPG like Everquest or Final Fantasy XI) this round, but will change that with the PS3.
* Electronic Arts will begin charging extra for their EA Sports Nation online enabled titles.
* Many titles will be announced to have headset, online, as well as hard drive support.
* While Gran Turismo 4 will be playable online at the show, and many of its features unveiled, Grand Theft Auto 4 will not be playable, but it will be announced to have an online component.
* Sony will announce that the PSX will be released in North America and Europe this fall. Instead of releasing two different models with different capacity hard drives, there will be only one unit available – the 250GB version for a MSRP of $599.
* Gran Turismo 4 will have PSP connectivity somehow.
* A HDD update will be announced, to allow for MP3 playback, and other features.
* The DS will be playable, with about five titles available for hands-on time by attendees. The five games will include on Mario title, one Zelda title, as well as one Monkey Ball title. The two others are still unknown. Also, they will announce that the DS will be backwards compatible with all GBA and Game Boy titles.
* Nintendo will come out and finally embrace online gaming, announcing a new title that will exclusively feature online gameplay.
* The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker II will be shown, but will NOT be playable. Metroid Prime 2 will be shown and WILL be playable. The next Mario title will be show, but will NOT be playable.
* Kid Icarus will be announced for the GameCube and will feature realistic graphics.
* Donkey Konga will be playable and will be fine tuned for US audiences with American music tracks. Unfortunately, Britney Spears will not be an included artist.
* Nintendo will announce their new console is currently in the works, but will NOT show off the hardware or any video of software in action. Along with featuring wireless controllers, the unit will feature DVD-based software and a built-in broadband adapter.
* A platform Kirby title will be announced for the GameCube, along with a new F-Zero title
* The Nintendo DS will be playable on the show floor, and will have approximately 10 titles playable, and the flagship title will be an all new Mario Adventure, which will feature some sort of wireless connectivity. Other first party titles announced for the system will be based on well known Nintendo franchises including Zelda, Metroid, Super Smash Bros., and Kirby.
* The first trailer for the Wind Waker 2 will be unveiled, yet, as Chris believes it will not be playable. The Wind Waker 2 will be released this Fall in Japan, and next Spring for North America and Europe.
* Nintendo will unveil their first online title, and it will take place in the Animal Crossing universe.
* While Nintendo will talk a little about their next home console, they will utter words that they haven’t said for a while – “wait until Spaceworld”. Nintendo will have a Spaceworld show this year, where they will unveil their next system, as well as promote the Japanese launch of the Nintendo DS.
* Nintendo will announce that the Nintendo DS will be released in Japan this fall, and that the release date in North America and Europe will slip into Q2 2005.
* Nintendo will have first party GameCube titles playable that will include Metroid Prime 2, Pilotwings, Star Fox 2, Geist, as well as some new title from Silicon Knights that will not be Too Human. On the Game Boy Advance front, expect a blow out on the Nintendo Classics, as well as another SNES port – this time Super Mario RPG, as well as a port from the N64, Yoshi’s Story. I also expect to see another Metroid title on the Game Boy Advance.
* While Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and Activision will remain strong supporters third party wise for GameCube, most other third parties will drop GameCube support for the rest of the console’s life cycle.
* While Microsoft will announce that they are currently working on their next console, but will not show the hardware or software in action, they will announce more developments for their Windows Media Center software.
* Perfect Dark Zero will be nowhere to be found.
* Microsoft will announce a new platform title with a lovable mascot (Blinx was a mascot, but hardly lovable).
* One level of Halo 2 will be playable on the Xbox.
* A new Splinter Cell title will be announced.
* Microsoft will announce that they have finally partnered up with Electronic Arts to offer online gameplay with that company’s games.
* A sequel to Ninja Gaiden will be announced, but the game will be described as being “at least two years” away.
* Microsoft will show off Dead Or Alive Ultimate with Bill Gates taking on Tomonobu Itagaki in a nail-biting match to the death.
* Microsoft will show a software demonstration of what Xbox 2 games could look like on the system. One game that will be highlighted will be Perfect Dark 2, meaning I believe that game will be confirmed to get bumped to Xbox 2. We’ll also find out what the system will be called, or in the least, the code name.
* Halo 2 will be the obvious Xbox highlight, and at least one single player level will be playable, as well as one multiplayer level – with units linked together to play the game over Xbox Live.
* Doom 3 will be playable on the Xbox. Half-Life 2 will be confirmed to be coming to the Xbox, or Xbox 2.
* Electronic Arts will officially announce that they’re now on-board for Xbox Live.
* Xbox Live 3.0 will be fully unveiled, and titles that will work with the new options will be abundant including MechAssault 2, Halo 2, and a newly announced Crimson Skies 2.
* True Fantasy Live Online will be playable.
* Konami will have Winning Eleven playable, and it will have Xbox Live support.
* Gamers will be looking forward to Jade Empire more than Knights Of The Old Republic 2.
* Microsoft will showcase some sort of video conferencing peripheral – much like the EyeToy - that will be tied into Xbox Live somehow.
PC Games, Miscellaneous Announcements, And Other Goodies
* Army Men will rise from the grave with the license owner showing off a new title in the franchise.
* Fresh Games will announce two new very Japanese titles that will be headed stateside.
* Sega will announce special compilation discs that will contain two to three Dreamcast titles on each one, as well as a new Sonic The Hedgehog title, although what kind of game it actually is will surprise many. And, Altered Beast will finally be playable.
* EA Sports BIG will announce SSX 4, and NBA Street 3, as well as another new franchise in the Skateboarding realm.
* Fatal Frame III will be announced and will be subtitled “The Last Chapter.”
* Bungie and Microsoft will be handing out special demo discs for Halo 2, although the disc will only contain one playable level and a trailer.
* Half Life 2 will finally be playable.
* Both Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 will be playable on PC, yet there will be some new PC title shown on the show floor that will blow both of those games out of the water.
* The Phantom will be finally playable to the public, and official release details will be announced.
* Nokia will demonstrate some unannounced game that will really be an N-Gage killer app.
* A new iteration of Phantasy Star Online will be shown at the show and it will be playable across all platforms.
* This year’s game of the show will actually be a playable title.
Urashima escribió:Copy-paste de GI, bastante interesante:
* The DS will be playable, with about five titles available for hands-on time by attendees. The five games will include on Mario title, one Zelda title, as well as one Monkey Ball title. The two others are still unknown. Also, they will announce that the DS will be backwards compatible with all GBA and Game Boy titles.
* Nintendo will come out and finally embrace online gaming, announcing a new title that will exclusively feature online gameplay.
* The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker II will be shown, but will NOT be playable. Metroid Prime 2 will be shown and WILL be playable. The next Mario title will be show, but will NOT be playable.
* Kid Icarus will be announced for the GameCube and will feature realistic graphics.
* Donkey Konga will be playable and will be fine tuned for US audiences with American music tracks. Unfortunately, Britney Spears will not be an included artist.
* Nintendo will announce their new console is currently in the works, but will NOT show off the hardware or any video of software in action. Along with featuring wireless controllers, the unit will feature DVD-based software and a built-in broadband adapter.
* A platform Kirby title will be announced for the GameCube, along with a new F-Zero title
* The Nintendo DS will be playable on the show floor, and will have approximately 10 titles playable, and the flagship title will be an all new Mario Adventure, which will feature some sort of wireless connectivity. Other first party titles announced for the system will be based on well known Nintendo franchises including Zelda, Metroid, Super Smash Bros., and Kirby.
* The first trailer for the Wind Waker 2 will be unveiled, yet, as Chris believes it will not be playable. The Wind Waker 2 will be released this Fall in Japan, and next Spring for North America and Europe.
* Nintendo will unveil their first online title, and it will take place in the Animal Crossing universe.
* While Nintendo will talk a little about their next home console, they will utter words that they haven’t said for a while – “wait until Spaceworld”. Nintendo will have a Spaceworld show this year, where they will unveil their next system, as well as promote the Japanese launch of the Nintendo DS.
* Nintendo will announce that the Nintendo DS will be released in Japan this fall, and that the release date in North America and Europe will slip into Q2 2005.
* Nintendo will have first party GameCube titles playable that will include Metroid Prime 2, Pilotwings, Star Fox 2, Geist, as well as some new title from Silicon Knights that will not be Too Human. On the Game Boy Advance front, expect a blow out on the Nintendo Classics, as well as another SNES port – this time Super Mario RPG, as well as a port from the N64, Yoshi’s Story. I also expect to see another Metroid title on the Game Boy Advance.
* While Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and Activision will remain strong supporters third party wise for GameCube, most other third parties will drop GameCube support for the rest of the console’s life cycle.
Recordad, son rumores.
* A number of PSP titles will be unveiled, including a football title, baseball title, ports of old PSone games and the kicker: a port of a previous Final Fantasy game.
* Software for the PSP will be shown from a range of companies. Electronic Arts will be the largest third party supporter of the new unit. While Chris believes a port of an older Final Fantasy title will be made for the system I will agree with that, but I also think an all new Final Fantasy title will be debuted, and it will contain some sort of connectivity with the upcoming Final Fantasy 12. I also believe there will be a Grand Theft Auto title available for the PSP, and it will resemble the old school top-down view of the game.
* The Phantom will be finally playable to the public, and official release details will be announced.
* Donkey Konga will be playable and will be fine tuned for US audiences with American music tracks. Unfortunately, Britney Spears will not be an included artist.
* Nintendo will unveil their first online title, and it will take place in the Animal Crossing universe.
The Phantom will be finally playable to the public, and official release details will be announced.
Sony will unveil a new smaller PS2 design and not shockingly call it the PStwo, much like the PSone. This unit will have a hard drive and broadband/modem built in. The unit will retail at $149, and will be available this Fall in Japan. Sony will drop the price of the original broadband PS2 pack to $129.
The Phantom will be finally playable to the public, and official release details will be announced.
Gaiden escribió:[...]
La verdad es que este E3 promete bastante más que el pasado...en principio a quien veo más "floja" por presunta falta de pelotazo, es a Ms, cosa que solo con el hard nuevo de Sony y N estas 2 ya garantizan...sea como sea, nos lo vamos a pasar bien, seguroque ganitas
The DS will be playable, with about five titles available for hands-on time by attendees. The five games will include on Mario title, one Zelda title, as well as one Monkey Ball title. The two others are still unknown. Also, they will announce that the DS will be backwards compatible with all GBA and Game Boy titles
Psikonetik escribió:asi, al leer las cosas veo muuuucha secuela![]()
Bungie and Microsoft will be handing out special demo discs for Halo 2, although the disc will only contain one playable level and a trailer.
Y que yo lo vea.Urashima escribió:* Sony will unveil a sleeker and sexier PS2 model that will mimic the PSone. The unit will still resemble the PS2 in looks, but in a much more compact manner. Also, the company will announce that the unit will be available for a special budget price of $100.
Thats the source of the "rumors"
Anyone knows this site?
Ubi Soft Announces UBU
Ubi Soft Entertainment announced today a new action platformer from Rayman and Beyond Good and Evil creator Michael Ancel. The title, tentatively titled UBU: Search for the Lost Treasures, is based on a young boy named UBU who leaves his home after hearing of a lost treasure in a neighbouring village. The game is designed to give the players a perspective from a childs point of view, and is said to use a new innovative game mechanic- imagination. Ubi Soft has not disclosed as to what this new game mechanic can do, but has assured us that it will be unlike anything we have seen before.
UBU: Search for the Lost Treaures is to be unveiled at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. Stay tuned for more details.
Kemco has officially confirmed the existance of its long rumoured action adventure title for Gamecube, Bloody Moon. The title, set in ancient China and Japan, revolves around the a character named Chin Lau who makes the sea voyage from China to Japan. The game is set to take place in both China and Japan, as Chin Lau routinely travels between the two lands.
With reportedly having cutting edge graphics, and a mature theme, Bloody Moon could be a Gamecube title to look out for. Expect an official unveiling at E3 2004.
A senior official of Microsoft Games Division, asking not to be named, has revealed to Polygon magazine that Microsoft plans to purchase Canadian RPG developer BioWare . The announcement of the purchase is expected at E3 2004. The announcement is expected to be MS' big "surprise" for the show.
BioWare, the developer of the PC and Xbox hit KOTOR, as well as other critically acclaimed PC RPGs such as Neverwinter Knights, is one of the most well respected RPG makers in the industry.
We will keep you updated if there are any developments.
A number of PSP titles will be unveiled, including a football title, baseball title, ports of old PSone games and the kicker: a port of a previous Final Fantasy game.
un remake de algun Final Fantasy de la epoca PSX (FF7, FF8 y FF9) en mi GC