Estos dias esta circulando el rumor de que MS esta empezando a banear a usuarios que juegan con con sus copias de seguridad en consolas flasheadas. Y me da canguelo entrar en el Live con mis copias de seguridad.
Os pongo la noticia:
Microsoft Bans Modders & Flashers From Xbox Live
As you know TheSpecialist and his team were working on a modified firmware for the Xbox 360 and has succeeded. By doing so allows you to backup your games and play them with no problem and even on Xbox Live. We have confirmed that over the weekend MS has baned over 500 accounts already. You can still play your backups but not on Xbox Live and for upcoming games the update will not allow you to play the latest games. They have also reported for the Elite Edition, the new dvd drive will not work with the latest hacks at all. It seems that Microsoft has been working overtime on getting those pirates, stay tuned for tommorows announcement from Microsoft!