primer emulador tipo mame?

esto va muy rapido!!! aqui os dejo un video del posible primer emulador mame para ps3, es un proyecto llamado zerogame.

mi pobre ingles no permite decir poco mas!!!. ayuda!

fuente: psx-scene
Esto ya tiene tiempo y si no recuerdo mal funcionaba con linux, es mas el video es de diciembre del 2009
En dos palabras:
Eso es una aplicacion que se usaba en linux, un emulador creo, no lo he llegado a probar, pero creo que la noticia dice que ha llegado a la version final. zerogame v0.52 se llama.
luisuko escribió:Eso es una aplicacion que se usaba en linux, un emulador creo, no lo he llegado a probar, pero creo que la noticia dice que ha llegado a la version final. zerogame v0.52 se llama.

salió hace 1 semanita.

Zerogame v0.52 final

Sorry...a few hours later than I anticipated...

OK, it's time to have Zerogame 0.52 FINAL, so that things can move forward from a fairly stable base.

This is being released 2 ways...a zg052stepup.tar.gz package which should update 'beta 4' users to 0.52 final, and a zerogame-0.52.tar.gz package for doing a complete Zerogame install. Until we get them up here, they'll first be downloadable from billb's site.

Changes from 'beta 4' (from ChangeLog...attached w/ Readme):
- Removed SegaCD ISO creation script due to cdr application not being able to
rip properly from PS3 Blu-ray drive (and removed cdr application)
- Updated all HD backgrounds to remove 'Exit to PS3' text for PS button and to
fix some irregular font usage and correct some console naming
- Changed operation of 'Switch C64 Scaling Option' script to not use separate
scaler scripts, but instead set a 'flag' for the scaler script to use
- Added ability for scaler script to determine how many controllers are active
before launching Genesis/SegaCD games and use a (1/2/3/4)-controller config
(and removed script for setting the default # of controllers)
- Corrected some console naming conventions in Wah!Cade console list (e.g.
changed "NEC Turbo-Grafx 16" to read as "NEC TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine")
- Changed "Tools" option in console menu to "Tools and Extras" and changed
Tools HD background headers to reflect more than just tools
- Readme updates
- Updated installer script to reword a few things and to take into account an
expected MAME change ("sdl" being removed from v0.139+repo package names)
- Fixed scaler script calculation bug that may have kept some arcade games
from scaling to their optimal factor (i.e. some that could be scaled to
1.5x or 2.5x were only scaling to 1x (unscaled) and 2x)
- Updated scaler script and MAME .cfg files for all FROGGER, GALAXIANS, MOON
CRESTA, MOON WAR and SUPER COBRA clones (didn't have time to search for
other titles using the same hardware w/ funky native resolution, and future
MAME versions will have a few renamed romsets, so needed to handle both new
and old names)
- Added function to scaler script to pass any arcade game w/ a reported
resolution higher than the display to launch unscaled rather than fail to
launch at all. Most such games need a specific exception added to the
scaler script and altered Video Options in the MAME config screen to launch
w/ the correct scaling & aspect ratio. Feel free to report others you find.

FULL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ('StepUp' instructions after these)
1) Format your PS3 hard drive and allot at least 10GB of hard drive space to Other OS.
Create a backup, format and restore the backup afterwards if you don't want to lose any
PS3 data. You will need an external FAT32-formatted USB drive for your backup, if you
need to do one.
2) Download the Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 ISO image (yellowdog-6.2-ppc-DVD_20090629.iso), burn
it to a DVD and insert it into the PS3. Note: Other YDL install methods are DIY.
3) Install the Yellow Dog Linux bootloader to the PS3 ('Install Other OS' in PS3 System
4) Boot Other OS ('Default System' in PS3 System Settings) and install Yellow Dog Linux 6.2
to your PS3 with the default options, choosing a 'root' password of your choice.
You can disable Office & Productivity software set for faster installation of YDL and if
you don't plan to use YDL for other purposes.
5) Boot into Yellow Dog Linux.
There is no need to create a user (it is recommended not to). Firewall can be enabled
or makes no difference, except if you choose to install in non-autologin
mode and want to access files via LAN or be able to manage Zerogame files via FTP, in
which case it should be off or have FTP/SAMBA enabled on it.
6) Once post-installation setup is complete and you are at a graphical login screen, swap
to a console login (via Ctrl-Alt-F1), login as 'root' and type in your root password
chosen during YDL install
7) Run the following command to download the Zerogame install package:

Code: Select all
wget descargalo en su página

8) Decompress the tarball using the following command:
tar zxvf zerogame-0.52.tar.gz
9) Make sure the pre-install and install scripts executable with the following commands:
cd zginstall
chmod 755 ./*.sh
10) Run the pre-install script to fix YDL update issues:
11) Run the following command to update YDL to fix some Bluetooth bugs and auto-reboot:
yum update && reboot
12) Swap to a console login again and run the install script with the following commands:
cd zginstall
13) Follow on-screen prompts (read through complete Readme for special info you may need).
14) Reboot before use.

1) Be ABSOLUTELY sure you currently have 'beta 4' installed or this may not work correctly!
2) After booting YDL to a login screen, swap to a console login (via Ctrl-Alt-F1), login as 'root' and
type in your root password. If 'beta 4' was installed in autologin mode and Wah!Cade
auto-launches after YDL boot, swap to a console login (via Ctrl-Alt-F1), login as 'root' and type in
your root password chosen during YDL install, then press Ctrl-Alt-F7 to switch back to Wah!Cade
and hit Esc to exit Wah!Cade back to the root login, type "gdm" and Enter to bring up the
graphical login screen (you have ~10 secs. after exiting Wah!Cade to do this), and then go back
to the console root login (via Ctrl-Alt-F1). NOTE: Wah!Cade CANNOT be running during install!
3) Run the following command to download the Zerogame StepUp install package:

Code: Select all
wget descargalo en su página

4) Decompress the tarball using the following command:
tar zxvf zg052stepup.tar.gz
5) Install using the following commands:
cd zg052steupup
6) Non-autologin users may just exit the console root login and re-login as the zerogame user,
but autologin users should probably reboot.
4 respuestas