Ya esta en fase de pruebas el nuevo firmware IXtreme LT+.
El primer video ya esta en la red donde se ve el nuevo NFS Hot Pursuit (AP2.5) funcionando con el nuevo dashboard.
Ahora falta muy poco
El enlace el video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I5zGCgJQccC4eva dijo que primero saldrá para los lectores liteon y luego para la nueva Slim.
[*****] just a thought, is lt+ coming for slim, or is that to follow as a different version?
[c4eva] slim comes after liteon
[*********] c4eva is the live testing going well ?
[c4eva] testing is going very well
[c4eva] all testing successful on all ap25 games on live, in hands of testers now!
[******] did anybody get ACB to play on their lite on?
[c4eva] ******:yes