Si os molestais en leer las nfo.. pone claramente que aun no se puede jugar con estas releases, pero que proponen que la peña investigue en su sistema de directorios para ver si pueden encontrar algo que ayude a ejecutarlos desde memorystick:
. S P E C I A L N O T E S . |
Of course you can't play this game yet, and you won't be
playing it anytime soon on a burnt umd disc (as sony has
already said they wont be releasing burners for these).
However maybe it will give you an idea of what PSP games are
like, and just what is hidden on those little discs
Hopefully it will give psp developers a chance to look into
the files etc used on a UMD. Knowing what files are present and
where in the filepath they can be found may help with loading
of 'driver' files etc from disc.