Like some of the people above, I didn't have the problematic Registry Entry. After some searching, I found this article. It is one of the best articles on how to fix this annoying problem (obviously Microsoft's idea of messing with Apple).
Note: Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit. iphone 4S. iTunes
While it didn't exactly describe how to fix my issue, it helped point me in the right direction. Here is what did to fix my issue.
1. Open up Device Manager
2. Portable Devices > Apple iPhone (in my case had an exclamation point on it)
3. Uninstall the driver.
4. Right click on the the computer in Device Manger and scan for hardware changes.
5. Go back to Portable Devices. If this works for you, the Apple iPhone icon should not have any exclamation points any longer and it will be accessible via My Computer.
Good Luck.
_zeroz_ escribió:Interesante, a mi me pasaba parecido con mi windows 2003 y resulta que tras mirar tantas web y no sacar nada en claro, empece a tirar del hilo con otro tipo de herramientas y vi que se quejaba que un inf no podia ser instalado por que le faltaba algo, ese algo era el driver MTP USB Device Driver y resulta que el driver mtp esta incluido en el windows mediaplayer (de hay lo extraje yo para mi windows 2003), así que yo probaría a instalar la ultima versión del WMP o a reinstalar el driver mpt que te lo puedes bajar de aquí, lo instalas y reinicias el equipo ... x?id=19153
Ya me contaras pero para mi fue mano de santo
Un saludo
_zeroz_ escribió:Ahra lo mencionas, si tuve que poner la comaptibilidad de windows xp en ele ejecutable.
Aun asi creo que tu caso es este y esat reportado por microsoft. ... 686d5f01cb
I contacted Apple about the issue and they said that I should contact Microsoft as this driver is being downloaded from Microsoft and causing the issue.
I have ran out of ideas and I have tried the following methods:
1. Deleting the Uppers key from the registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Class /{EEC5AD98-8080-425F-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}
2. Disabling Driver Signature Verification on Windows Start up
3. Reinstalling all Apple Software and Drivers
The problem lies with the driver file winusb.sys because it is not signed.
Si tiene windows 7 N o simialr es por que te falta instalar el windows media player
De todas formas seria genial que codigo de error te devuelve esos errores que te dan para poder investigar mas la jugada.