Problema de Savegame con Nintendogs

Hola, básicamente comentaros que ha venido mi prima y ha estrenado mi Nintendogs, el problema es que ha guardado el progreso y ahora se han quedado todos sus datos y avances [burla3]

Tenéis alguna idea de como borrarlo todo eso o reiniciar el savegame o quitarlo?

He estado mirando por subopciones y no he encontrado nada.... que hago me quedo con el perro ese y sin el dinero ? --__--

Ya tengo la respuesta:

I don't have the cartridge in front of me, but I believe the universal "Delete Everything" command for the Nintendo DS is to boot up the game while mashing down on the A,B,X, and Y buttons as well as the L and R triggers. A menu will pop up asking if you're sure you want to delete the save file. It's not something supported in all games, but I think since Ouendan was published by Nintendo, this feature's in there.

-- Craig

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