Problema GamesForWindows Live

Pues lo dicho me he comprado el juego StormRise que tiene para jugar Online, me he echo una cuenta, pongo la Key del juego, lo acepta pero apto seguido...


estoy muy quemado, me pone que no he iniciado sesion, pero leñe si tengo Internet conectado todo el rato

PD: puertos router abiertos... y sigue igual

espero que alguien sepa alguna solución, porque estoy muy triste...
lo solucione yo activando el UpNp ese raro,activalo
La conexion de area local 2 es la que usas para conectarte a internet?
Y sino mira a ver el firewall (el de windows o si usas otro, pues ese). Si GFWL no detecta conexión a internet puede ser porque esté capado por el firewall.

Tb prueba a descargarte la última versión del GFWL, que igual la que viene con el juego está demasiado viejuna.
Amatsu escribió:La conexion de area local 2 es la que usas para conectarte a internet?

Sip, PD: El firewall esta bien, de echo lo he desactivado por probar, pero sigue igual

PD2: UpNp Como activo eso?¿?

PD3: GFWL actualizado y sigue igual

PD4: Tengo un router Linksys (el azul)

PD5: UPnP: activado y sigue todo igual de mal [buuuaaaa] [buuuaaaa]
abre estos puertos

Port listings for Games for Windows - LIVE

The following ports are required to be opened to use Games for Windows � LIVE games
UDP 1024-5000 UDP 88
UDP 3074 UDP 3074
Puertos abiertos... tampoco a funcionado [buuuaaaa] [buuuaaaa]
lo unico que te queda es mirar los foros de gamesforwindows
El linksys tiene una opción de "abrir puertos dinámicamente" o algo así. No se exactamente qué hace, pero es algo así como que va abriendo puertos según hace falta. Prueba a activarla.

Los linksys tienen tb otra opción de "activar DMZ" (zona desmilitarizada) que abre TODOS los puertos. No es en absoluto recomendable usarla salvo que estés en una DMZ (una red con firewalls en todas sus entradas y salidas), pero para probar si es tema de puertos está guay. Si con la DMZ activada sigue sin irte, entonces seguro que NO es tema de puertos. Tan solo recuerda desactivar la opción después de probar o tendrás tu PC abierto totalmente a cualquier hacker.

Nada que no me funciona, he probado conectando el módem directamente y tampoco
estoy gafado con los servicios ONLINE de microsoft, ya que en la xbox 360 de un 1 a otro me salio error MTU desde hace ya unos largos años, y no lo pude solucionar, llame a todo cristo, pero como siempre la bola se la pasaban de unos a otros culpa es del operador culpa es de microsoft

Total que llevo sin Online en la x360 ya.. años, y ahora me pasa lo mismo en el pc

Si tampoco te va en la Xbox me hace pensar que quizá sea del router mismo o incluso de la compañía de internet aunque sería raro, si abres un puerto para algún programa como el emule o utorrent te lo abre bien? Estos programas tienen una opción para comprobar si el puerto está abierto.

También puedes intentar a ir a conexiones de red y desactivar las conexiones que salgan que no sean la que te da internet, que a veces si tienes más de una pueden estar en prioridad distinta, no creo que sea esto pero es un momento hacerlo.
Amatsu escribió:Si tampoco te va en la Xbox me hace pensar que quizá sea del router mismo o incluso de la compañía de internet aunque sería raro, si abres un puerto para algún programa como el emule o utorrent te lo abre bien? Estos programas tienen una opción para comprobar si el puerto está abierto.

También puedes intentar a ir a conexiones de red y desactivar las conexiones que salgan que no sean la que te da internet, que a veces si tienes más de una pueden estar en prioridad distinta, no creo que sea esto pero es un momento hacerlo.

todo eso ya esta echo, y la cosa sigue sin rular.

PD: Los puertos me los abre bien lo he comprobado con el Emule y el Utorrent
Vale, otras cosas que podrías probar (segun he leido en los foros de gamesforwindows) es a pasar esta utilidad de microsoft: ... fault.mspx

Lo que hace es comprbar tu conexion a internet o algo así, para ver si tienes algún error, además también recomiendan poner el último Service Pack que haya, no se que Windows tienes. Seguiré mirando a ver si veo otras cosas, supongo que no tendrás un antivirus con firewall incorporado o algun programa que esté interfiriendo...

Por cierto si pudieras poner el error que te da exactamente en caso de que salte algún mensaje iría bien.
Mikel24 escribió:Pues lo dicho me he comprado el juego StormRise que tiene para jugar Online, me he echo una cuenta, pongo la Key del juego, lo acepta pero apto seguido...


estoy muy quemado, me pone que no he iniciado sesion, pero leñe si tengo Internet conectado todo el rato

PD: puertos router abiertos... y sigue igual

espero que alguien sepa alguna solución, porque estoy muy triste...

Por si te sirve yo tube unos problemas con GFW, me pille el gta4 y cree la cuenta sobre la del msn y todo bien, inicie el juego y le di a login con mis datos y me dio error, el error que me daba es algo de que mi pais no soportaba GFW live, cuando españa si que lo soporta jeje.
Lo solucione cerrando el x-fire y el steam.
Una vez los cierras abres el juego y entras al GFW y sin problemas, despues las siguientes veces ya no hace falta cerrar esos programas, solo es la primera vez.
Igual no es tu error pero puede servir a algien mas. lol
No tengo ni x-fire ni el steam :(

EDIT: No tengo ningún firewall, tengo Windows 7 versión Final de 64Bits

EDT2: Prueba realizada con el IE 32 Bits, y me pone todo soportado



Version. - Report

Test 1 - Basic Internet Connectivity Test Supported 

Trying to construct an open request to the webpage : /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/connectivity/test.txt
Successfully constructed an open request
Trying to send the constructed open request
Successfully sent the constructed open request
Waiting for the response from the IGD test server
Successfully received the response from the test server
Querying the data size of the received content
Successfully queried the data size of the received content
Received 37 bytes of content from the IGD test server
IPv4 Connectivity succeeds through the Internet Gateway Device


Test 2 - Network Address Translator Type Supported 

Trying to resolve the Teredo server IP address
Primary Teredo server IP address:
Secondary Terdeo server IP address:
Starting exercise with primary Teredo server
Sending a Router Solicitation frame with ConeBit on
Waiting for Router Advertisement
Sending a Router Solicitation frame with ConeBit on
Waiting for Router Advertisement
Sending a Router Solicitation frame with ConeBit on
Waiting for Router Advertisement
Sending a Router Solicitation frame with ConeBit off
Waiting for Router Advertisement
Received a Router Advertisement frame
Starting exercise with secondary Teredo server
Sending a Router Solicitation frame with ConeBit off
Waiting for Router Advertisement frame
Received a Router Advertisement frame


Test 3 - Traffic Congestion Test Supported 

Trying to load library nsi.dll
ECN is disabled
Turning on ECN for testing
Trying to connect to the test server
Successfully connected to the test server
Fetching the webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ecn/test.txt from the test server
Received 28 bytes of content from the test server
Restoring the original ECN settings
Turning off ECN


Test 4 - TCP High Performance Test Supported 

Trying to load library nsi.dll
The current Auto Tuning Level is set to Normal
Trying to connect to the test server
Successfully connected to the test server
Testing with webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ws/test13.txt of size 8192
Fetching the webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ws/test13.txt from the test server
Received 8192 bytes of content from the test server
Testing with webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ws/test14.txt of size 16384
Fetching the webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ws/test14.txt from the test server
Received 16384 bytes of content from the test server
Testing with webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ws/test16.txt of size 65536
Fetching the webpage /windows/using/tools/igd/StaticContent/igdprobedocs/ws/test16.txt from the test server
Received 65536 bytes of content from the test server


Test 5 - UPnP Support Test Supported 

The operating system is Windows Vista
The firewall is enabled
Exceptions are allowed by the firewall
UPnP is enabled by the firewall
UPnP services are running
UPnP Discovery is enabled
Detecting Internet Gateway Devices on the network
1 IGD(s) found
IGD Device Information:
Manufacturer Name : Linksys Inc.
Model Name : WRT54G
Model Number : v7.00.0
3 existing port mappings were found:

External IP Address :
External Port : 3074
Internal Port : 3074
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : XLive ( 3074 UDP

External IP Address :
External Port : 52104
Internal Port : 52104
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : Teredo

External IP Address :
External Port : 18025
Internal Port : 18025
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : XLive ( 18025 UDP

This test will add 17 port mappings to the IGD
Using the local computer's IP address ( for testing

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61432
Internal Port : 61433
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme0

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61527
Internal Port : 61490
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme1

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61588
Internal Port : 61622
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme2

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61713
Internal Port : 61694
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme3

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61819
Internal Port : 61796
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme4

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61893
Internal Port : 61938
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme5

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 61983
Internal Port : 62012
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme6

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62054
Internal Port : 62126
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme7

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62194
Internal Port : 62183
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme8

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62243
Internal Port : 62324
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme9

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62391
Internal Port : 62434
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme10

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62497
Internal Port : 62524
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme11

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62551
Internal Port : 62632
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme12

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62682
Internal Port : 62682
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme13

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62788
Internal Port : 62847
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme14

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 62913
Internal Port : 62930
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme15

Adding a new port mapping to the IGD:
External Port : 63025
Internal Port : 62987
Protocol : UDP
Internal Client :
Enabled : TRUE
Description : removeme16

17 new port mappings have been added successfully
There are 20 port mappings on the IGD
Waiting for 60 seconds
There are 20 Port Mappings on the IGD
Deleting all the test port mappings from the IGD


Test 6 - Multiple Simultaneous Connection States Test Supported 

This test attempts to sustain 80 concurrent TCP sessions
Opening TCP session test thread 0
Opening TCP session test thread 1
TCP Session test thread 0 is started
TCP Session test thread 0 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 2
Opening TCP session test thread 3
Opening TCP session test thread 4
Opening TCP session test thread 5
Opening TCP session test thread 6
Opening TCP session test thread 7
Opening TCP session test thread 8
Opening TCP session test thread 9
10 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 1 is started
TCP Session test thread 1 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 3 is started
TCP Session test thread 3 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 5 is started
TCP Session test thread 5 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 7 is started
TCP Session test thread 7 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 9 is started
TCP Session test thread 9 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 2 is started
TCP Session test thread 2 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 4 is started
TCP Session test thread 4 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 6 is started
TCP Session test thread 6 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 8 is started
TCP Session test thread 8 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 10
Opening TCP session test thread 11
Opening TCP session test thread 12
TCP Session test thread 10 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 13
TCP Session test thread 11 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 14
Opening TCP session test thread 15
TCP Session test thread 11 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 16
Opening TCP session test thread 17
Opening TCP session test thread 18
Opening TCP session test thread 19
TCP Session test thread 13 is started
20 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 13 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 10 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 12 is started
TCP Session test thread 15 is started
TCP Session test thread 12 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 15 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 14 is started
TCP Session test thread 17 is started
TCP Session test thread 14 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 17 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 16 is started
TCP Session test thread 19 is started
TCP Session test thread 19 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 16 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 18 is started
TCP Session test thread 18 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 20
Opening TCP session test thread 21
Opening TCP session test thread 22
TCP Session test thread 20 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 23
Opening TCP session test thread 24
Opening TCP session test thread 25
TCP Session test thread 20 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 26
Opening TCP session test thread 27
Opening TCP session test thread 28
Opening TCP session test thread 29
TCP Session test thread 22 is started
30 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 21 is started
TCP Session test thread 22 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 21 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 24 is started
TCP Session test thread 23 is started
TCP Session test thread 24 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 23 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 26 is started
TCP Session test thread 25 is started
TCP Session test thread 26 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 25 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 28 is started
TCP Session test thread 27 is started
TCP Session test thread 28 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 27 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 29 is started
TCP Session test thread 29 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 30
Opening TCP session test thread 31
TCP Session test thread 30 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 32
Opening TCP session test thread 33
TCP Session test thread 30 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 34
TCP Session test thread 31 is started
TCP Session test thread 31 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 32 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 35
TCP Session test thread 32 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 36
Opening TCP session test thread 37
Opening TCP session test thread 38
TCP Session test thread 34 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 39
40 TCP session test threads are now running
TCP Session test thread 34 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 36 is started
TCP Session test thread 36 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 38 is started
TCP Session test thread 38 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 33 is started
TCP Session test thread 33 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 35 is started
TCP Session test thread 35 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 37 is started
TCP Session test thread 39 is started
TCP Session test thread 37 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 39 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 40
Opening TCP session test thread 41
Opening TCP session test thread 42
TCP Session test thread 40 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 43
TCP Session test thread 41 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 44
TCP Session test thread 40 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 45
Opening TCP session test thread 46
Opening TCP session test thread 47
TCP Session test thread 42 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 48
Opening TCP session test thread 49
TCP Session test thread 42 is starting to exchange data with the test server
50 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 41 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 44 is started
TCP Session test thread 44 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 46 is started
TCP Session test thread 43 is started
TCP Session test thread 46 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 43 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 48 is started
TCP Session test thread 49 is started
TCP Session test thread 48 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 49 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 47 is started
TCP Session test thread 47 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 45 is started
TCP Session test thread 45 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 50
Opening TCP session test thread 51
Opening TCP session test thread 52
TCP Session test thread 50 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 53
Opening TCP session test thread 54
TCP Session test thread 50 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 53 is started
TCP Session test thread 52 is started
TCP Session test thread 53 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 54 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 55
TCP Session test thread 51 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 56
TCP Session test thread 51 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 54 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 57
Opening TCP session test thread 58
TCP Session test thread 56 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 59
60 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 56 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 52 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 58 is started
TCP Session test thread 55 is started
TCP Session test thread 58 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 55 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 57 is started
TCP Session test thread 57 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 59 is started
TCP Session test thread 59 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 60
Opening TCP session test thread 61
TCP Session test thread 60 is started
TCP Session test thread 60 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 62
Opening TCP session test thread 63
TCP Session test thread 61 is started
TCP Session test thread 62 is started
TCP Session test thread 61 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 62 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 64
Opening TCP session test thread 65
TCP Session test thread 63 is started
TCP Session test thread 64 is started
TCP Session test thread 63 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 66
TCP Session test thread 64 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 67
Opening TCP session test thread 68
TCP Session test thread 65 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 69
TCP Session test thread 66 is started
70 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 66 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 65 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 68 is started
TCP Session test thread 67 is started
TCP Session test thread 68 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 67 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 69 is started
TCP Session test thread 69 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 70
Opening TCP session test thread 71
Opening TCP session test thread 72
TCP Session test thread 71 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 73
Opening TCP session test thread 74
TCP Session test thread 71 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 72 is started
TCP Session test thread 70 is started
Opening TCP session test thread 75
Opening TCP session test thread 76
TCP Session test thread 70 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 77
Opening TCP session test thread 78
TCP Session test thread 74 is started
TCP Session test thread 72 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 74 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Opening TCP session test thread 79
80 TCP session test threads are now running
Waiting for 10 seconds
TCP Session test thread 76 is started
TCP Session test thread 73 is started
TCP Session test thread 76 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 75 is started
TCP Session test thread 78 is started
TCP Session test thread 77 is started
TCP Session test thread 78 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 77 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 75 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 73 is starting to exchange data with the test server
TCP Session test thread 79 is started
TCP Session test thread 79 is starting to exchange data with the test server
Waiting for TCP session 0 to exit
TCP Session test thread 76 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 4 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 79 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 49 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 26 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 55 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 60 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 1 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 53 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 27 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 19 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 57 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 30 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 8 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 12 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 22 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 47 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 10 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 34 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 36 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 33 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 2 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 39 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 41 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 68 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 15 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 23 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 59 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 14 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 43 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 46 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 32 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 44 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 11 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 52 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 56 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 13 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 9 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 25 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 24 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 48 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 61 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 65 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 66 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 6 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 35 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 73 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 42 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 77 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 72 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 29 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 54 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 16 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 7 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 40 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 28 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 74 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 20 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 50 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 18 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 3 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 51 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 17 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 64 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 45 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 63 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 67 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 69 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 0 is exiting
TCP session 0 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 1 to exit
TCP session 1 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 2 to exit
TCP session 2 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 3 to exit
TCP session 3 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 4 to exit
TCP session 4 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 5 to exit
TCP Session test thread 37 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 31 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 70 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 21 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 38 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 71 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 78 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 58 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 62 is exiting
TCP Session test thread 5 is exiting
TCP session 5 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 6 to exit
TCP session 6 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 7 to exit
TCP session 7 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 8 to exit
TCP session 8 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 9 to exit
TCP session 9 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 10 to exit
TCP session 10 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 11 to exit
TCP session 11 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 12 to exit
TCP session 12 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 13 to exit
TCP session 13 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 14 to exit
TCP session 14 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 15 to exit
TCP session 15 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 16 to exit
TCP session 16 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 17 to exit
TCP session 17 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 18 to exit
TCP session 18 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 19 to exit
TCP session 19 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 20 to exit
TCP session 20 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 21 to exit
TCP session 21 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 22 to exit
TCP session 22 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 23 to exit
TCP session 23 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 24 to exit
TCP session 24 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 25 to exit
TCP session 25 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 26 to exit
TCP session 26 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 27 to exit
TCP session 27 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 28 to exit
TCP session 28 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 29 to exit
TCP session 29 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 30 to exit
TCP session 30 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 31 to exit
TCP session 31 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 32 to exit
TCP session 32 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 33 to exit
TCP session 33 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 34 to exit
TCP session 34 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 35 to exit
TCP session 35 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 36 to exit
TCP session 36 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 37 to exit
TCP session 37 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 38 to exit
TCP session 38 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 39 to exit
TCP session 39 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 40 to exit
TCP session 40 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 41 to exit
TCP session 41 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 42 to exit
TCP session 42 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 43 to exit
TCP session 43 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 44 to exit
TCP session 44 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 45 to exit
TCP session 45 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 46 to exit
TCP session 46 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 47 to exit
TCP session 47 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 48 to exit
TCP session 48 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 49 to exit
TCP session 49 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 50 to exit
TCP session 50 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 51 to exit
TCP session 51 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 52 to exit
TCP session 52 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 53 to exit
TCP session 53 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 54 to exit
TCP session 54 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 55 to exit
TCP session 55 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 56 to exit
TCP session 56 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 57 to exit
TCP session 57 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 58 to exit
TCP session 58 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 59 to exit
TCP session 59 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 60 to exit
TCP session 60 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 61 to exit
TCP session 61 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 62 to exit
TCP session 62 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 63 to exit
TCP session 63 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 64 to exit
TCP session 64 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 65 to exit
TCP session 65 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 66 to exit
TCP session 66 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 67 to exit
TCP session 67 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 68 to exit
TCP session 68 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 69 to exit
TCP session 69 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 70 to exit
TCP session 70 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 71 to exit
TCP session 71 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 72 to exit
TCP session 72 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 73 to exit
TCP session 73 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 74 to exit
TCP session 74 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 75 to exit
TCP Session test thread 75 is exiting
TCP session 75 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 76 to exit
TCP session 76 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 77 to exit
TCP session 77 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 78 to exit
TCP session 78 has exited
Waiting for TCP session 79 to exit
TCP session 79 has exited
The Internet Gateway Device sustains 80 concurrent TCP sessions

14 respuestas