Senores, esto fue extraido de la pagina official de yoyofr (teclado en ingles, sorry po la horrografia):
TRULY STRIKING discovery!!enabling save state(2.0)
« Thread Started on Today at 7:31am » [Quote]
ok.. i just found this out
(this is only for 2.0 psp users, who have had saving problems for the 0.3 version of the snes9x tyl)
most of you should still have you 0.2c version hanging around somewhere in your pc. otherwise, download it again.
now, if you already have the 0.3 version installed in your psp,
just delete the logo.bmp(which would be a black picture with a logo on the bottom-right hand corner)
and replace it with the 0.2c logo (which is a white picture with mario and his gang pullin vegies)
and for those of you who have converted back to 0.2c just to allow save state, just download the 0.3 and switch the eboot.pbp ONLY (leave the logo)
Tho it kinda* looks wierd on the menu, it enables you to save state!!!!
hopefully this could prevent yoyofr from goin through another crapload of work, though he could release a different logo that does not block save state & look better.
« Last Edit: Today at 7:36am by thecradle »
Lo que dice es que debemos usar el fondo (lease archivo .BMP) de la version 0.2c para poder salvar (el grafico de Mario y sus amigos con fondo blanco)!!!
Lamentablemente el texto se pone medio ilegible (tal vez se puede editar el fondo blanco a negro con Photoshop), pero funciona!, lo acabo de probar.
Espero les haya servidor tanto como a mi.
Edit: La verdad y no es ser por malo, pero son bastantes juegos que me funcionan mejor con la version .2c
Mejor a esperar que yoyofr saque la .3c