Problema PC conectado a TV 4K

Hola, pues algo extraño me sucede al tener conectado el Ordenador de sobremesa al TV 4K LG....
se ve todo el escritorio, con el raton y todo... tambien se ven peliculas con el VLC media player...

pero sin embargo al poner peliculas en blu ray con el total media player o videojuegos en pantalla completa no se ven las imagenes correspondientes al escucha el sonido, pero no se ve.... en el juego por ejemplo se ven las fotos y el menu interactivo con el fondo en igual que la introduccion...etc...

Tengo actualizados los drivers nvidia.... solo el problema es como que no se ven algunos videos ... nose si me podreis echar una mano a ver de que puede ser...

Tengo el anydvd hd instalado y otros programas de edicion de video....por ejemplo, con el KMP Player tampoco se veia ningun video.por eso lo desisntale. Pero con el VLC como dije antes, ningun problema.

Aqui teneis un ejemplo de lo que os digo, el menu principal del NFS Shift 2.
y deberia verse asi:
Prueba con otros controladores, pero antes usa el programa DDU desdeel modo a prueba de errors de windows, asi DDU desinstalara el controlador de vidfeo de nvidia, ya en modo normal de windows instala otra version del controlador de video.

Tambien, ¿como tienes configurada la entrada HDMI del televisor?, ¿esta en modo PC o modo game?, porque si es asi el monitor no esta escalando el video a 2160p, asi que el procesador de video de la PC es quien debe hacer ese escalado y aparentemente no puede hacerlo y con ello no se ve el render del juego [las imagenes generadas por el motor del juego] y solo se ve el video pregrabado [para el procesador de video de la PC es facil escalar video pregrabado]
TRASTARO escribió:Prueba con otros controladores, pero antes usa el programa DDU desdeel modo a prueba de errors de windows, asi DDU desinstalara el controlador de vidfeo de nvidia, ya en modo normal de windows instala otra version del controlador de video.

Tambien, ¿como tienes configurada la entrada HDMI del televisor?, ¿esta en modo PC o modo game?, porque si es asi el monitor no esta escalando el video a 2160p, asi que el procesador de video de la PC es quien debe hacer ese escalado y aparentemente no puede hacerlo y con ello no se ve el render del juego [las imagenes generadas por el motor del juego] y solo se ve el video pregrabado [para el procesador de video de la PC es facil escalar video pregrabado]

En el panel de control de nvidia, sale de resolucion a 2160p.
La entrada del televisor HDMI esta en modo PC si.
Lo curioso es que con el KMP player tampoco se me veian peliculas en mkv.... se ve en negro... no ocurre asi con el vlc media player...que se ve perfectamente.

Con juegos mas antiguos como el Soul reaver 2 no tenia problema alguno tampoco...

Sera acaso el cable hdmi? tendre que usar uno compatible con 4k?

PD: Segun he buscado, es probable que se la mala calidad del cable hdmi , yaque resoluciones en 4k no son capaces de ser transmitidas a la tasa adecuada de fps..... probare bajando la resolucion del PC o Juego.... porque siendo asi, deberia de verse el video... y entonces, cambiare el cable posteriormente.
¿que modelo de gráfica tienes?
Si fuese del cable verías todo negro. Sin señal. El HDMI no es selectivo, o llega toda la imagen o ninguna.

Pero tienes imagen realmente, lo incompresible es que te falte una parte. Parece problema de drivers, o del propio Windows y sus librerias o codecs de video. (VLC no usa codecs externos, los lleva incrustados en la programacion)

Por otra parte si quieres tener 4k60fps solo es posible si la grafica, cable y TV sean todos ellos HDMI 2.0.
Valkyrjur escribió:¿que modelo de gráfica tienes?

Tengo una GTX 970

Aunke viene una grafica integrada en la creo que interfiera...

Por eso mencionaba que tengo instalado any dvd hd.... y otros programas de edicion de video como ffdshow y avisynth

Como podria reinstalar los codecs de video? si fueran ellos el fallo...
Sin saber cual es el que falla no sabría decirte.
¿Hiciste lo de borroar antes los drivers con DDU en modo a prueba de errores y reinstaklar los ultimos disponibles?
De codecs no creo que sea ya que te pasa con diferentes reproductores pero curiosamente cone l VLC no (este ttrae sus propios codecs integrados.
Yo me decanto mas a problema de drivers de la gráfica que otra cosa.
Puedes lo que te dice Valkyrjur y probar con el reproductor smplayer que lleva mpv como reproductor (es lo mejor que hay y es de código libe)
KMPlayer [que ya es una basura dicho sea de paso] tambien trae sus decoders integrados aunque puede usar tambien los decoders del sistema [los instalados en windows]. PotPlayer es del mismo programador del KMPlayer y es mucho mejor opcion en estos dias, o bien la ultima version de MPC-HC.

Asi con la informacion mas detallala me queda claro que puede ser problema de la decodificacion con DXVA [decodificacion avanzada de video con DX], con lo cual es problema de controladores y de DX [instala DX9 de junio del 2010 de preferencia], o bien, solo deshabilita la decodificacion DXVA en el reproductor y en FFDSHow-TryOuts.

Y como ya te indican, HDMI no es selectivo, o tienes señal de video o no la tienes. Para video la intefaz HDMI 1.3/1.4 te dara resolucion UHD@30Hz que es suficiente para el tema de video pregrabado [peliculas y series], pero debe tener un cable [de preferencia de buena calidad] minimo hdmi ver1.3a pero mejor que sea hdmi ver1.4a.
TRASTARO escribió:KMPlayer [que ya es una basura dicho sea de paso] tambien trae sus decoders integrados aunque puede usar tambien los decoders del sistema [los instalados en windows]. PotPlayer es del mismo programador del KMPlayer y es mucho mejor opcion en estos dias, o bien la ultima version de MPC-HC.

Asi con la informacion mas detallala me queda claro que puede ser problema de la decodificacion con DXVA [decodificacion avanzada de video con DX], con lo cual es problema de controladores y de DX [instala DX9 de junio del 2010 de preferencia], o bien, solo deshabilita la decodificacion DXVA en el reproductor y en FFDSHow-TryOuts.

Y como ya te indican, HDMI no es selectivo, o tienes señal de video o no la tienes. Para video la intefaz HDMI 1.3/1.4 te dara resolucion UHD@30Hz que es suficiente para el tema de video pregrabado [peliculas y series], pero debe tener un cable [de preferencia de buena calidad] minimo hdmi ver1.3a pero mejor que sea hdmi ver1.4a.

Gracias por las respuestas.

Ahora que mencionas lo del direct x , lo tuve que instalar porque ni si quiera lo tenia en el equipo.... y me tiro un error... y al final tuve que apañar manualmente algun .dll ...... ( Por lo menos la version 9, que es la que me pedia el need for speed) .


Probare todo lo que cometais y os dire si ha funcionado.
Lo que comentas del directx 9 puede ser una fuente de los problemas. ya que en el caso de los reproductores algunos usan renderizadores de video que necesitan las librerias directx para funcionar. Y evidentemente los juegos directx 9 no funcionaran si estas librerias no están correctamente instaladas.
Descarga directx 9 desde aquí y ejecútalo como administrador. ... aspx?id=35
Es que ese sera elproblema, que aun por desgracia los reproductores no han hecho mucho por optimizar su motor de renderizado para las nuevas versiones de d2d [direct2D], d3d y siguen usndo las reliquias de dshow [directshow], con lo que tienes que tener instalado el paquete DX9, porque aunque DX10/11 y el 12 traen un soporte a las viehjas APIs de DX9, pues este soporte es muy malo. Asi que instala DX9 de junio del 2010, que seria lo que te puso @Valkyrjur y con ello deberia solucionarse el problema... o al menos es lo que pienso ;-)
TRASTARO escribió:Es que ese sera elproblema, que aun por desgracia los reproductores no han hecho mucho por optimizar su motor de renderizado para las nuevas versiones de d2d [direct2D], d3d y siguen usndo las reliquias de dshow [directshow], con lo que tienes que tener instalado el paquete DX9, porque aunque DX10/11 y el 12 traen un soporte a las viehjas APIs de DX9, pues este soporte es muy malo. Asi que instala DX9 de junio del 2010, que seria lo que te puso @Valkyrjur y con ello deberia solucionarse el problema... o al menos es lo que pienso ;-)

He probado instalando desde el enlace facilitado por @Valkyrjur y nada, me da error de instalacion.
Lo ejecuto como administrador y todo.

Me da reporte de error con dos archivos en la carpeta windows, con el siguiente log:
[03/07/17 20:23:08] module: dsetup32(Mar 5 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[03/07/17 20:23:08] module: dsetup32(Mar 5 2008), file: setup.cpp, line: 1701, function: CSetup::SetupForDirectX

InstallPlugIn() failed.

03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: WinMain()
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry.
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
03/07/17 20:01:53: DXWSetup: A newer version of DirectX have been installed already.
03/07/17 20:01:53: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%
03/07/17 20:03:13: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:03:14: DXWSetup: OnEngineProblem(): problem = 0x1
03/07/17 20:03:15: DXWSetup: OnEngineProblem(): problem = 0x1
03/07/17 20:03:17: DXWSetup: OnEngineProblem(): problem = 0x1
03/07/17 20:03:20: DXWSetup: OnEngineProblem(): problem = 0x1
03/07/17 20:03:24: DXWSetup: OnEngineProblem(): problem = 0x1
03/07/17 20:03:29: DXWSetup: OnEngineProblem(): problem = 0x1
03/07/17 20:03:29: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x800C0005, Phase = 2, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:03:29: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x800C0005, str = (null), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:03:29: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:03:29: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE
03/07/17 20:03:29: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
03/07/17 20:03:39: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
03/07/17 20:03:43: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
03/07/17 20:03:43: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
03/07/17 20:03:43: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: WinMain()
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry.
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
03/07/17 20:15:58: DXWSetup: A newer version of DirectX have been installed already.
03/07/17 20:15:58: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
03/07/17 20:17:07: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
03/07/17 20:17:07: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()
03/07/17 20:17:07: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:08: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:08: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:08: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0
03/07/17 20:17:08: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%
03/07/17 20:17:08: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:09: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:09: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:09: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:09: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE
03/07/17 20:17:09: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine()
03/07/17 20:17:09: DXWSetup: Use string section : [Strings.ENG]
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: DXVersion:
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Windows\system32\DirectX\WebSetup\ is trusted.
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C:\Windows\system32\DirectX\WebSetup\
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: Extracted file C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxupdate.dll from cab
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: Extracted file C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxupdate.inf from cab
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: Extracted file C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxupdate.cif from cab
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\.
03/07/17 20:17:10: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:11: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:12: DXWSetup: PlugIn size: 92263
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::Download()
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\.
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 92263, InstallSize = 0
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xinput_x86, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:18: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:19: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xinput_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:19: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xinput_x64, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:19: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:20: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xinput_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:20: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xinput_x86, DLSize = 44, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:20: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:21: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xinput_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:21: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xinput_x64, DLSize = 83, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:21: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:22: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xinput_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:22: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 179, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:22: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:23: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:23: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 203, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:23: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:24: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:24: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_xinput_x64, DLSize = 90, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:17:24: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:25: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_xinput_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:25: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2005_x86, DLSize = 990, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (February 2005)
03/07/17 20:17:25: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:29: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2005_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (February 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:29: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2005_x86, DLSize = 1055, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (April 2005)
03/07/17 20:17:29: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:32: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2005_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (April 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:32: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2005_x86, DLSize = 1041, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (June 2005)
03/07/17 20:17:32: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:36: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2005_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (June 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:36: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2005_x86, DLSize = 1053, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (August 2005)
03/07/17 20:17:36: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:39: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2005_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (August 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:39: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2005_x86, DLSize = 1051, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2005)
03/07/17 20:17:39: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:42: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2005_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:42: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_x86, DLSize = 1055, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:42: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:47: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:47: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_x86, DLSize = 1087, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:47: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:51: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:51: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_x86, DLSize = 1098, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:51: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:17:55: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:17:55: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_x86, DLSize = 1538, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006)
03/07/17 20:17:55: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:00: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:00: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_x86, DLSize = 1549, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:00: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:03: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:03: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 662, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:03: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:06: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:06: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_x86, DLSize = 1564, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:06: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:10: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:10: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 677, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:10: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:12: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:12: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_x86, DLSize = 1592, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:12: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:16: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:16: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 702, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:16: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:18: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:18: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x86, DLSize = 1664, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:18: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:23: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:23: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 775, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:18:23: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:25: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:25: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x86, DLSize = 1667, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:25: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:29: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:29: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:29: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:32: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:32: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x86, DLSize = 1667, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:32: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:35: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:35: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:35: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:37: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:37: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_x86, DLSize = 1667, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:37: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:40: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:40: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:40: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:42: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:42: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x86, DLSize = 1667, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:42: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:44: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:44: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:18:44: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:47: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:47: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x86, DLSize = 1667, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:18:47: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:50: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:50: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:18:50: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:52: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:52: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_x86, DLSize = 1667, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:18:52: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:54: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:54: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx10_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:18:54: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:55: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx10_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:55: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx11_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:18:55: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:18:56: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx11_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:18:56: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dcsx_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:18:56: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:02: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dcsx_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:02: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_D3DCompiler_x86, DLSize = 787, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:19:02: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:04: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_D3DCompiler_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:04: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2005_x64, DLSize = 1220, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (February 2005)
03/07/17 20:19:04: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:07: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2005_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (February 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:07: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2005_x64, DLSize = 1317, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (April 2005)
03/07/17 20:19:07: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:10: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2005_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (April 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:10: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2005_x64, DLSize = 1328, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (June 2005)
03/07/17 20:19:10: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:15: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2005_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (June 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:15: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2005_x64, DLSize = 1320, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (August 2005)
03/07/17 20:19:15: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:18: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2005_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (August 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:18: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2005_x64, DLSize = 1320, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2005)
03/07/17 20:19:18: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:22: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2005_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2005), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:22: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_x64, DLSize = 1325, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:22: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:25: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:25: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_xact_x86, DLSize = 123, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:25: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:26: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:26: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_xact_x64, DLSize = 169, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:26: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:27: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2006_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:27: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_x64, DLSize = 1362, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:27: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:31: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:31: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xact_x86, DLSize = 126, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:31: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:32: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:32: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xact_x64, DLSize = 172, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:32: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:33: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:33: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2006_xact_x86, DLSize = 130, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:33: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:34: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2006_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:34: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2006_xact_x64, DLSize = 176, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:34: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:36: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2006_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:36: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xact_x86, DLSize = 133, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:36: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:37: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:37: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xact_x64, DLSize = 177, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:37: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:38: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2006_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:38: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_x64, DLSize = 1377, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:38: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:43: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:43: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_xact_x86, DLSize = 131, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:43: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:44: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:44: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_xact_x64, DLSize = 174, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:44: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:45: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Oct2006_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (October 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:45: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_x64, DLSize = 1503, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:45: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:49: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:49: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_xact_x86, DLSize = 133, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:49: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:50: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:50: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_xact_x64, DLSize = 177, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006)
03/07/17 20:19:50: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:51: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Dec2006_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (December 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:52: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2007_xact_x86, DLSize = 140, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2007)
03/07/17 20:19:52: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:53: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2007_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:53: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2007_xact_x64, DLSize = 188, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2007)
03/07/17 20:19:53: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:54: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2007_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:54: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_x64, DLSize = 1553, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:19:54: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:19:59: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:19:59: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 671, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:19:59: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:05: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:05: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:05: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:06: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:06: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_xact_x64, DLSize = 184, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:06: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:07: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2007_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:07: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_x64, DLSize = 1569, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:07: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:13: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:13: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 684, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:13: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:16: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:16: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_xact_x86, DLSize = 145, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:16: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:17: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:17: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_xact_x64, DLSize = 191, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:17: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:19: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2007_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:19: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_x64, DLSize = 1599, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:19: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:25: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:25: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 709, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:25: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:28: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:28: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_xact_x86, DLSize = 145, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:28: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:29: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:29: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:29: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:31: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2007_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:31: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x64, DLSize = 1754, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:31: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:39: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:39: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 833, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:39: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:43: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:43: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x3daudio_x86, DLSize = 15, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:43: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:38: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x3daudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:38: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x3daudio_x64, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:38: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:39: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_x3daudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:39: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:39: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:40: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:40: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007)
03/07/17 20:20:40: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:41: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2007_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2007), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:41: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x64, DLSize = 1757, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:41: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:45: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:45: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:45: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:48: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:48: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x3daudio_x86, DLSize = 15, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:48: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:48: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x3daudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:48: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x3daudio_x64, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:48: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:49: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_x3daudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:49: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:49: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:50: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:50: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:50: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:51: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:51: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:51: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:52: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:52: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:52: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:54: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2008_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:54: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x64, DLSize = 1757, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:54: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:20:58: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:20:58: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:20:58: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:00: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:00: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x3daudio_x86, DLSize = 15, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:00: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:01: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x3daudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:01: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x3daudio_x64, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:01: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:01: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_x3daudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:01: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:01: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:03: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:03: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:03: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:03: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:03: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:03: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:04: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:04: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:04: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:06: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2008_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:06: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_x64, DLSize = 1757, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:06: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:10: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:10: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:10: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:13: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:13: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:13: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:14: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:14: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:14: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:15: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:15: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:15: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:17: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:17: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:17: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:18: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2008_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:18: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x3daudio_x86, DLSize = 15, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:18: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:19: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x3daudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:19: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x3daudio_x64, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:19: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:20: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x3daudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:20: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:20: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:21: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:21: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:21: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:22: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:22: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:22: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:24: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:24: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:24: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:26: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:26: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x64, DLSize = 1757, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:26: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:32: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:32: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008)
03/07/17 20:21:32: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:34: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Nov2008_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (November 2008), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:34: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x64, DLSize = 1757, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:34: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:38: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:38: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:38: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:41: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:41: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x3daudio_x86, DLSize = 15, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:41: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:42: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x3daudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:42: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x3daudio_x64, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:42: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:43: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_x3daudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:43: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:43: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:44: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:44: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:44: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:45: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:45: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:45: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:47: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:47: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:47: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:49: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Mar2009_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (March 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:49: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_x64, DLSize = 1757, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:49: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:51: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:51: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx10_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:51: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:53: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx10_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:53: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx11_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:53: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:21:54: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dx11_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:21:54: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dcsx_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:21:54: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:02: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_d3dcsx_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:02: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_D3DCompiler_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:22:02: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:06: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_D3DCompiler_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:06: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:22:06: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:07: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:07: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:22:07: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:08: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:08: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:22:08: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:10: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:10: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009)
03/07/17 20:22:10: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:12: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Aug2009_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (August 2009), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:12: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_x3daudio_x86, DLSize = 15, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:12: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:13: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_x3daudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:13: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_x3daudio_x64, DLSize = 42, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:13: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:13: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_x3daudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:13: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:13: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:15: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:15: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:15: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:16: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:16: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:16: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:18: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:18: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:18: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:20: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Feb2010_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (February 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:20: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_d3dcsx_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:20: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:23: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_d3dcsx_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:23: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_D3DCompiler_x64, DLSize = 844, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:23: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:27: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_D3DCompiler_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:27: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xact_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:27: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:28: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xact_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:28: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xact_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:28: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:29: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xact_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:29: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xaudio_x86, DLSize = 139, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:29: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:31: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xaudio_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:31: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xaudio_x64, DLSize = 189, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010)
03/07/17 20:22:31: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:32: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Jun2010_xaudio_x64, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (June 2010), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:32: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2902.0_x86, DLSize = 1169, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2902.0)
03/07/17 20:22:32: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:37: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2902.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2902.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:37: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2903.0_x86, DLSize = 1234, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2903.0)
03/07/17 20:22:37: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:41: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2903.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2903.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:41: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2904.0_x86, DLSize = 234, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2904.0)
03/07/17 20:22:41: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:43: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2904.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2904.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:43: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2905.0_x86, DLSize = 235, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2905.0)
03/07/17 20:22:43: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:44: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2905.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2905.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:44: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2906.0_x86, DLSize = 239, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2906.0)
03/07/17 20:22:44: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:46: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2906.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2906.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:46: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2907.0_x86, DLSize = 240, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2907.0)
03/07/17 20:22:46: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:47: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2907.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2907.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:47: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2908.0_x86, DLSize = 240, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2908.0)
03/07/17 20:22:47: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:49: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2908.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2908.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:49: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2909.0_x86, DLSize = 240, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2909.0)
03/07/17 20:22:49: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:50: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2909.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2909.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:50: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2910.0_x86, DLSize = 246, InstallSize = 0, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2910.0)
03/07/17 20:22:50: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:52: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_MDX_1.0.2910.0_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = Managed DirectX (1.0.2910.0), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:52: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86, DLSize = 896, InstallSize = 0, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006)
03/07/17 20:22:52: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
03/07/17 20:22:55: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = DirectX SDK Update (April 2006), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:55: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:55: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
03/07/17 20:22:56: DXWSetup: start installation
03/07/17 20:22:56: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 000404A8 dwFlags: 02010098

03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: Mar 5 2008 15:45:01
03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: SetupForDirectX(): query dxsetup command: result = 2.
03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
03/07/17 20:22:56: DXWSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
03/07/17 20:22:56: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Windows\system32\DirectX\WebSetup\ is trusted.
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C:\Windows\system32\DirectX\WebSetup\
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\DX966.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\DX966.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\DX966.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\DX966.tmp\.
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
03/07/17 20:23:04: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\DX966.tmp\.
03/07/17 20:23:08: DXWSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 2, Steps = 241
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: CSetup::InstallPlugIn(): DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: CSetup::SetupForDirectX(): InstallPlugIn() failed.
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: start finalizing: phase: 241 - 241, total: 0 - 28
03/07/17 20:23:08: DXWSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 3, Steps = 0
03/07/17 20:23:08: dsetup32: Installation ended with value -9 = Internal or unsupported error
03/07/17 20:23:23: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDINSTALL
03/07/17 20:23:23: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
03/07/17 20:23:26: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
03/07/17 20:23:26: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
03/07/17 20:23:26: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: WinMain()
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry.
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
03/07/17 20:24:51: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
03/07/17 20:25:02: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
03/07/17 20:25:02: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.
03/07/17 20:25:02: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\inseng.dll.

Se puede desinstalar manualmente los archivos mal instalados, recuerdo que la primera vez llego a la mitad de la instalacion y dio el error... esta vez apenas tardo en darlo.

Vale, parece que el problema ESTA RESUELTO, reinstale el controlador de la grafica y si me dejo instalar directX sin problemas.

PD: perdon por la tardanza.
En hora buena, ¿a disfrutar entonces!
14 respuestas