Nada mas entrar a fanatec le das a support, escojes CSR y abajo pone contact US, y luego salen dos direcciones de venta y ....una que pone TECH SUPPORT
Por cierto, tardan dias y aveces muchos en responder, no les mandes 50 correos, y ah, tienes que seguir todas sus pautas de correo una por una, o no te van a responder.
In order to help us to process your request quickly you will get a higher priority if you follow these rules:
...include a copy of your invoice (pdf) or order confirmation (e-mail) so that we have all order data
...write down the product name (s) and serial number (s) (can be found on the bottom of the product) not send to multiple e-mail addresses . The request will only be processed if is the only recipient
...make sure you always include the full email history with every e-mail you send to support.
...make a video of your problem. Please send it directly by Email or u pload the video to . Please try to keep it small! If we can verify the issue t his will allow us to send you a replacement unit without waiting for a return of the product. Please do not use youtube or a similar service – we will need to download the file easily!
...make sure you have a problem which is not described in the FAQ the manual. Sounds trivial but 20% of requests could be avoided if the user reads the manual.
...list the following info
Tested operating systems or game consoles on which the problem occurs
Tested games which show the problem
Only if you follow all of these rules, your request will be handled fast and smooth. Thank you.
Please send your e-mail to .