Hola,es la 1º vez que compro en hulabshop, y la primera que uso paypal, el caso es que hago el pedido,en paypal me dice que ya esta pagado,pero en hubalshop, no me pone nada en pedidos,ni mandado,ni pendiente,ni nada, y veo que me mandan este email:
Sorry, Please Let Me Know Your Order Detail And
Shipping Method..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:32 PM
Subject: Notification of Payment Received
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Dear MSN,
This email confirms that you have received a payment of €93.45 EUR from MIGUEL EMILIO SICILIA CUBILLO(smiguele@hotmail.com).
View the details of this transaction online
Payment Details
Total Amount: €93.45 EUR
Currency: Euros
Transaction ID: 7G035517GV354602A
Total Shipping: €18.30 EUR
Quantity: 1
Item/Product Name: ULAVSHOP
Message: please sign it as a present of less than fourty euros
Shipping Information
Address: ***********
C/ *******
09004 BURGOS
Address Status: Unconfirmed
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
¿Teneis idea de que es lo que me piden y lo que tengo que hacer?
Muchas gracias de antemano.