Ya está solucionado.
E encontrado un FAQ en el q dice q el cliente debe estar en modo No-Pasivo, ya q es la manera en q funciona bien un ftp q está detras de un firewall.
De esta manera ya se ve el contenido del ftp. Ahora el problema es hacer q se vea por web, q predeterminadamente parece ser q hace la conexion en modo pasivo.
He buscado alguna diectiva q evite esto para el proftpd.conf pero no e visto ninguna.
En el faq pone lo siguiente:
The FTP Specification defines that two sockets should be used for all communications. The first runs over port 21 and is the control channel over which all commands and response codes are sent. Whenever data is required to be transfered, for example for a file download, a directory listing etc etc. A second channel is created on demand, this socket can take one of two forms.
The server end of the data socket uses port 20. This is nice and easy to work into a firewall configuration.
The port at either end is dynamically allocated. This is virtually impossible to cater for in a firewall configuration given that the port mapping will be different for every data connection.
The solution is to force the users to configure their clients to use the non-passive mode (ie port 20).
Gracias por tu tiempo Ferdy.