Programa para ver el contenido de tu EEPROM en la TV

Pequeño programa q sirve para ver el contenido de la eeprom de tu Xbox

Link del programailla

Xbox Xport Build 001 (23rd July 2002)

Program by Dysfunction.

Credits to Milksop Project & Jarin the Penguin for some of the info.

This program will dump the contents of your Xbox EEPROM device to the TV
screen, you can then copy the numbers down as a backup should you later
need to recover your Xbox should the EEPROM become corrupted. You would
have to remove the EEPROM from the motherboard to reprogram it but at
least you would still have your Xbox HD password and the ability to recover
the machine.

I hope that some bright spark out there will figure out how to recover the
HD password from the info, it could then be included in a PC driver to allow
the Xbox HD to be mounted without the swap trick.

Future plans for Xport are:

1. Ability to FTP the EEPROM to a host machine via ethernet.
2. Dump the BIOS and other memory areas via FTP
3. Ability to dump HD partitions via FTP
4. Abilliy to restore HD partitions via FTP.
5. Ability to re-write the EEPROM HD passowrd (Dangerous!!)

Of course now that I at least have my own HD image & EEPROM I'm reasonably
sure I can recover my Xbox in the event of some nasty malware attack.

Just write this ISO file onto a CR-RW and insert in your machine, once you get
the blue screen with the message:

"Waiting for command, (START to EEPROM dump)"

Press the start button on your controller, after 2-3 seconds the EEPROM
contents will appear on your display. Just copy down the contents.

Just to cover my arse in the event that something goes wrong on your machine.

I take no responsibility for any damage to your Xbox caused by running this
code. I've run it on my machine quite a few times without any problems at all,
during the coding and debugging of the appication.

Simple rule, if you are unsure, dont run this program on your Xbox.

A ver si alguien q tenga el chip se anima y nos dice q tal funciona [ginyo]

PD: Si esto no se puede publicar aki le pido a un moderador q borre el post
yo lo pruebo esta tarde y te digo si tira o no
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