› Foros › Feedback › Políticas de EOL › Proyectos I+D
Originalmente enviado por fostiator
Además,de momento,solo estamos nosotros por lo que creo que no va a ser muy necesario dar muchas explicaciones de como funciona el codigo,no?
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA"
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String,
ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String,
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Private Function fadetext()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim nTemp
red(0) = 0
green(0) = 0
blue(0) = 0
color(0) = Picture1.UBound
nTemp = 0
For X = 1 To Picture1.UBound
If Picture1(X).Tag = "a" Then
color(0) = color(0) - 1
nTemp = nTemp + 1
color(nTemp) = Hex(Picture1(X).BackColor)
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 4 Then
color(nTemp) = "00" & color(nTemp)
End If
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 5 Then
color(nTemp) = "0" & color(nTemp)
End If
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 2 Then
color(nTemp) = "0000" & color(nTemp)
End If
End If
If color(0) = 1 Then
MyMSG "Dos Colores!!", "Debes seleccionar al menos 2 colores!"
Exit Function
End If
Text2.text = ""
lenth = Len(Text1.text) / (color(0) - 1)
lenth = Round(lenth, 0)
For ntemocolor = 1 To color(0) - 1
xc = Left(color(ntemocolor), 2)
xb = Right(Left(color(ntemocolor), 4), 2)
xa = Right(color(ntemocolor), 2)
yc = Left(color(ntemocolor + 1), 2)
yb = Right(Left(color(ntemocolor + 1), 4), 2)
ya = Right(color(ntemocolor + 1), 2)
ncount = red(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(ya) - HexCon(xa)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = red(0) + 1 To ncount
red(X) = ya
GoTo reda
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xa) To HexCon(ya) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
red(ncount) = ntempb
red(0) = ncount
ncount = green(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(yb) - HexCon(xb)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = green(0) + 1 To ncount
green(X) = yb
GoTo greena
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xb) To HexCon(yb) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
green(ncount) = ntempb
green(0) = ncount
ncount = blue(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(yc) - HexCon(xc)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = blue(0) + 1 To ncount
blue(X) = yc
GoTo bluea
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xc) To HexCon(yc) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
blue(ncount) = ntempb
blue(0) = ncount
v = "Soy la pera limonera"
For X = red(0) + 1 To 1000
red(X) = red(red(0))
For X = green(0) + 1 To 1000
green(X) = green(green(0))
For X = blue(0) + 1 To 1000
blue(X) = blue(blue(0))
If Check1.Value = 1 Then
ntempb = 0
For X = 1 To Len(Text1.text)
ntempb = ntempb + 1
If ntempb = 5 Then
ntempb = 1
End If
If ntempb = 1 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If ntempb = 2 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If ntempb = 3 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If ntempb = 4 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If X = 1 Then
ntempgg = " size=" & optiona(1)
ntempgg = ""
End If
nTemp = Right(Left(Text1.text, X), 1)
Text2.text = Text2.text & "" & ntempc & nTemp
For X = 1 To Len(Text1.text)
If X = 1 Then
ntempgg = " size=" & optiona(1)
ntempgg = ""
End If
nTemp = Right(Left(Text1.text, X), 1)
Text2.text = Text2.text & "" & nTemp
End If
If Check3.Value = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
If Check4.Value = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
If Check2.Value = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
If optiona(2) = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
Exit Function
End Function
Private Function fadetext()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim nTemp
red(0) = 0
green(0) = 0
blue(0) = 0
color(0) = Picture1.UBound
nTemp = 0
For X = 1 To Picture1.UBound
If Picture1(X).Tag = "a" Then
color(0) = color(0) - 1
nTemp = nTemp + 1
color(nTemp) = Hex(Picture1(X).BackColor)
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 4 Then
color(nTemp) = "00" & color(nTemp)
End If
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 5 Then
color(nTemp) = "0" & color(nTemp)
End If
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 2 Then
color(nTemp) = "0000" & color(nTemp)
End If
End If
If color(0) = 1 Then
MyMSG "Dos Colores!!", "Debes seleccionar al menos 2 colores!"
Exit Function
End If
Text2.Text = ""
lenth = Len(Text1.Text) / (color(0) - 1)
lenth = Round(lenth, 0)
For ntemocolor = 1 To color(0) - 1
xc = Left(color(ntemocolor), 2)
xb = Right(Left(color(ntemocolor), 4), 2)
xa = Right(color(ntemocolor), 2)
yc = Left(color(ntemocolor + 1), 2)
yb = Right(Left(color(ntemocolor + 1), 4), 2)
ya = Right(color(ntemocolor + 1), 2)
ncount = red(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(ya) - HexCon(xa)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = red(0) + 1 To ncount
red(X) = ya
GoTo reda
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xa) To HexCon(ya) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
red(ncount) = ntempb
red(0) = ncount
ncount = green(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(yb) - HexCon(xb)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = green(0) + 1 To ncount
green(X) = yb
GoTo greena
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xb) To HexCon(yb) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
green(ncount) = ntempb
green(0) = ncount
ncount = blue(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(yc) - HexCon(xc)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = blue(0) + 1 To ncount
blue(X) = yc
GoTo bluea
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xc) To HexCon(yc) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
blue(ncount) = ntempb
blue(0) = ncount
v = "Soy la pera limonera ;)"
For X = red(0) + 1 To 1000
red(X) = red(red(0))
For X = green(0) + 1 To 1000
green(X) = green(green(0))
For X = blue(0) + 1 To 1000
blue(X) = blue(blue(0))
If Check1.Value = 1 Then
ntempb = 0
For X = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)
ntempb = ntempb + 1
If ntempb = 5 Then
ntempb = 1
End If
If ntempb = 1 Then
ntempc = "<sup>"
End If
If ntempb = 2 Then
ntempc = "</sup>"
End If
If ntempb = 3 Then
ntempc = "<sub>"
End If
If ntempb = 4 Then
ntempc = "</sub>"
End If
If X = 1 Then
ntempgg = " size=" & optiona(1)
ntempgg = ""
End If
nTemp = Right(Left(Text1.Text, X), 1)
Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "<font color=" & red(X) & green(X) & blue(X) & ntempgg & ">" & ntempc & nTemp
For X = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)
If X = 1 Then
ntempgg = " size=" & optiona(1)
ntempgg = ""
End If
nTemp = Right(Left(Text1.Text, X), 1)
Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "<font color=" & red(X) & green(X) & blue(X) & ntempgg & ">" & nTemp
End If
If Check3.Value = 1 Then
Text2.Text = "<u>" & Text2.Text & "</u>"
End If
If Check4.Value = 1 Then
Text2.Text = "<i>" & Text2.Text & "</i>"
End If
If Check2.Value = 1 Then
Text2.Text = "<b>" & Text2.Text & "</b>"
End If
If optiona(2) = 1 Then
Text2.Text = "<a href=" & Chr(34) & optiona(3) & Chr(34) & ">" & Text2.Text & "</a>"
End If
Exit Function
End Function
Originalmente enviado por carahuevo
Lo que no sé es si el código EOL admite todos los colores o sólo los que vienen en el desplegable
Originalmente enviado por billyberjas
nop ,sigue saliendo mal, pq no lo pasas como un txt adjunto?
creo q sale mal...
Private Function fadetext()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim nTemp
red(0) = 0
green(0) = 0
blue(0) = 0
color(0) = Picture1.UBound
nTemp = 0
For X = 1 To Picture1.UBound
If Picture1(X).Tag = "a" Then
color(0) = color(0) - 1
nTemp = nTemp + 1
color(nTemp) = Hex(Picture1(X).BackColor)
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 4 Then
color(nTemp) = "00" & color(nTemp)
End If
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 5 Then
color(nTemp) = "0" & color(nTemp)
End If
If Len(color(nTemp)) = 2 Then
color(nTemp) = "0000" & color(nTemp)
End If
End If
If color(0) = 1 Then
MyMSG "Dos Colores!!", "Debes seleccionar al menos 2 colores!"
Exit Function
End If
Text2.text = ""
lenth = Len(Text1.text) / (color(0) - 1)
lenth = Round(lenth, 0)
For ntemocolor = 1 To color(0) - 1
xc = Left(color(ntemocolor), 2)
xb = Right(Left(color(ntemocolor), 4), 2)
xa = Right(color(ntemocolor), 2)
yc = Left(color(ntemocolor + 1), 2)
yb = Right(Left(color(ntemocolor + 1), 4), 2)
ya = Right(color(ntemocolor + 1), 2)
ncount = red(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(ya) - HexCon(xa)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = red(0) + 1 To ncount
red(X) = ya
GoTo reda
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xa) To HexCon(ya) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
red(ncount) = ntempb
red(0) = ncount
ncount = green(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(yb) - HexCon(xb)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = green(0) + 1 To ncount
green(X) = yb
GoTo greena
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xb) To HexCon(yb) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
green(ncount) = ntempb
green(0) = ncount
ncount = blue(0)
nstep = Round((HexCon(yc) - HexCon(xc)) / lenth, 0)
If nstep = 0 Then
ncount = ncount + lenth
For X = blue(0) + 1 To ncount
blue(X) = yc
GoTo bluea
End If
For nTemp = HexCon(xc) To HexCon(yc) Step nstep
ncount = ncount + 1
ntempb = Hex(Round(nTemp, 0))
If Len(ntempb) = 1 Then
ntempb = "0" & ntempb
End If
blue(ncount) = ntempb
blue(0) = ncount
v = "Soy la pera limonera "
For X = red(0) + 1 To 1000
red(X) = red(red(0))
For X = green(0) + 1 To 1000
green(X) = green(green(0))
For X = blue(0) + 1 To 1000
blue(X) = blue(blue(0))
If Check1.Value = 1 Then
ntempb = 0
For X = 1 To Len(Text1.text)
ntempb = ntempb + 1
If ntempb = 5 Then
ntempb = 1
End If
If ntempb = 1 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If ntempb = 2 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If ntempb = 3 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If ntempb = 4 Then
ntempc = ""
End If
If X = 1 Then
ntempgg = " size=" & optiona(1)
ntempgg = ""
End If
nTemp = Right(Left(Text1.text, X), 1)
Text2.text = Text2.text & "" & ntempc & nTemp
For X = 1 To Len(Text1.text)
If X = 1 Then
ntempgg = " size=" & optiona(1)
ntempgg = ""
End If
nTemp = Right(Left(Text1.text, X), 1)
Text2.text = Text2.text & "" & nTemp
End If
If Check3.Value = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
If Check4.Value = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
If Check2.Value = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
If optiona(2) = 1 Then
Text2.text = "" & Text2.text & ""
End If
Exit Function
End Function
Originalmente enviado por billyberjas
sigue sin salir bien, pero de todos modos (mira en las ultimas lineas if(optiona(2) ) , pero da igual ,ya tenemos la funcion y el q quiera verla, la puede bajar....
ahora queda mirarla y buscar fallos al fostiator...q por cierto, ta mu mal organizada
aliceblue (#F0F8FF) |
antiquewhite (#FAEBD7) |
aqua (#00FFFF) |
aquamarine (#7FFFD4) |
azure (#F0FFFF) |
beige (#F5F5DC) |
bisque (#FFE4C4) |
black (#000000) |
blanchedalmond (#FFEBCD) |
blue (#0000FF) |
blueviolet (#8A2BE2) |
brown (#A52A2A) |
burlywood (#DEB887) |
cadetblue (#5F9EA0) |
chartreuse (#7FFF00) |
chocolate (#D2691E) |
coral (#FF7F50) |
cornflowerblue (#6495ED) |
cornsilk (#FFF8DC) |
crimson (#DC143C) |
cyan (#00FFFF) |
darkblue (#00008B) |
darkcyan (#008B8B) |
darkgoldenrod (#B8860B) |
darkgray (#A9A9A9) |
darkgreen (#006400) |
darkkhaki (#BDB76B) |
darkmagenta (#8B008B) |
darkolivegreen (#556B2F) |
darkorange (#FF8C00) |
darkorchid (#9932CC) |
darkred (#8B0000) |
darksalmon (#E9967A) |
darkseagreen (#8FBC8B) |
darkslateblue (#483D8B) |
darkslategray (#2F4F4F) |
darkturquoise (#00CED1) |
darkviolet (#9400D3) |
deeppink (#FF1493) |
deepskyblue (#00BFFF) |
dimgray (#696969) |
dodgerblue (#1E90FF) |
firebrick (#B22222) |
floralwhite (#FFFAF0) |
forestgreen (#228B22) |
fuchsia (#FF00FF) |
gainsboro (#DCDCDC) |
ghostwhite (#F8F8FF) |
gold (#FFD700) |
goldenrod (#DAA520) |
gray (#808080) |
green (#008000) |
greenyellow (#ADFF2F) |
honeydew (#F0FFF0) |
hotpink (#FF69B4) |
indianred (#CD5C5C) |
indigo (#4B0082) |
ivory (#FFFFF0) |
khaki (#F0E68C) |
lavender (#E6E6FA) |
lavenderblush (#FFF0F5) |
lawngreen (#7CFC00) |
lemonchiffon (#FFFACD) |
lightblue (#ADD8E6) |
lightcoral (#F08080) |
lightcyan (#E0FFFF) |
lightgoldenrodyellow (#FAFAD2) |
lightgreen (#90EE90) |
lightgrey (#D3D3D3) |
lightpink (#FFB6C1) |
lightsalmon (#FFA07A) |
lightseagreen (#20B2AA) |
lightskyblue (#87CEFA) |
lightslategray (#778899) |
lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE) |
lightyellow (#FFFFE0) |
lime (#00FF00) |
limegreen (#32CD32) |
linen (#FAF0E6) |
magenta (#FF00FF) |
maroon (#800000) |
mediumaquamarine (#66CDAA) |
mediumblue (#0000CD) |
mediumorchid (#BA55D3) |
mediumpurple (#9370DB) |
mediumseagreen (#3CB371) |
mediumslateblue (#7B68EE) |
mediumspringgreen (#00FA9A) |
mediumturquoise (#48D1CC) |
mediumvioletred (#C71585) |
midnightblue (#191970) |
mintcream (#F5FFFA) |
mistyrose (#FFE4E1) |
moccasin (#FFE4B5) |
navajowhite (#FFDEAD) |
navy (#000080) |
oldlace (#FDF5E6) |
olive (#808000) |
olivedrab (#6B8E23) |
orange (#FFA500) |
orangered (#FF4500) |
orchid (#DA70D6) |
palegoldenrod (#EEE8AA) |
palegreen (#98FB98) |
paleturquoise (#AFEEEE) |
palevioletred (#DB7093) |
papayawhip (#FFEFD5) |
peachpuff (#FFDAB9) |
peru (#CD853F) |
pink (#FFC0CB) |
plum (#DDA0DD) |
powderblue (#B0E0E6) |
purple (#800080) |
red (#FF0000) |
rosybrown (#BC8F8F) |
royalblue (#4169E1) |
saddlebrown (#8B4513) |
salmon (#FA8072) |
sandybrown (#F4A460) |
seagreen (#2E8B57) |
seashell (#FFF5EE) |
sienna (#A0522D) |
silver (#C0C0C0) |
skyblue (#87CEEB) |
slateblue (#6A5ACD) |
slategray (#708090) |
snow (#FFFAFA) |
springgreen (#00FF7F) |
steelblue (#4682B4) |
tan (#D2B48C) |
teal (#008080) |
thistle (#D8BFD8) |
tomato (#FF6347) |
turquoise (#40E0D0) |
violet (#EE82EE) |
wheat (#F5DEB3) |
white (#FFFFFF) |
whitesmoke (#F5F5F5) |
yellow (#FFFF00) |
yellowgreen (#9ACD32) |
Originalmente enviado por fostiator
¿por que te sale la tabla a tomar por culo?![]()
MsgBox cColores("orange")
Dim cColores As New Collection ...
Private Sub Form_Load()
cColores.Add "aliceblue", "#F0F8FF"
cColores.Add "antiquewhite", "#FAEBD7"
cColores.Add "aqua", "#00FFFF"
cColores.Add "aquamarine", "#7FFFD4"
cColores.Add "azure", "#F0FFFF"
cColores.Add "beige", "#F5F5DC"
cColores.Add "bisque", "#FFE4C4"
cColores.Add "black", "#000000"
cColores.Add "blanchedalmond", "#FFEBCD"
cColores.Add "blue", "#0000FF"
cColores.Add "blueviolet", "#8A2BE2"
cColores.Add "brown", "#A52A2A"
cColores.Add "burlywood", "#DEB887"
cColores.Add "cadetblue", "#5F9EA0"
cColores.Add "chartreuse", "#7FFF00"
cColores.Add "chocolate", "#D2691E"
cColores.Add "coral", "#FF7F50"
cColores.Add "cornflowerblue", "#6495ED"
cColores.Add "cornsilk", "#FFF8DC"
cColores.Add "crimson", "#DC143C"
cColores.Add "cyan", "#00FFFF"
cColores.Add "darkblue", "#00008B"
cColores.Add "darkcyan", "#008B8B"
cColores.Add "darkgoldenrod", "#B8860B"
cColores.Add "darkgray", "#A9A9A9"
cColores.Add "darkgreen", "#006400"
cColores.Add "darkkhaki", "#BDB76B"
cColores.Add "darkmagenta", "#8B008B"
cColores.Add "darkolivegreen", "#556B2F"
cColores.Add "darkorange", "#FF8C00"
cColores.Add "darkorchid", "#9932CC"
cColores.Add "darkred", "#8B0000"
cColores.Add "darksalmon", "#E9967A"
cColores.Add "darkseagreen", "#8FBC8B"
cColores.Add "darkslateblue", "#483D8B"
cColores.Add "darkslategray", "#2F4F4F"
cColores.Add "darkturquoise", "#00CED1"
cColores.Add "darkviolet", "#9400D3"
cColores.Add "deeppink", "#FF1493"
cColores.Add "deepskyblue", "#00BFFF"
cColores.Add "dimgray", "#696969"
cColores.Add "dodgerblue", "#1E90FF"
cColores.Add "firebrick", "#B22222"
cColores.Add "floralwhite", "#FFFAF0"
cColores.Add "forestgreen", "#228B22"
cColores.Add "fuchsia", "#FF00FF"
cColores.Add "gainsboro", "#DCDCDC"
cColores.Add "ghostwhite", "#F8F8FF"
cColores.Add "gold", "#FFD700"
cColores.Add "goldenrod", "#DAA520"
cColores.Add "gray", "#808080"
cColores.Add "green", "#008000"
cColores.Add "greenyellow", "#ADFF2F"
cColores.Add "honeydew", "#F0FFF0"
cColores.Add "hotpink", "#FF69B4"
cColores.Add "indianred", "#CD5C5C"
cColores.Add "indigo", "#4B0082"
cColores.Add "ivory", "#FFFFF0"
cColores.Add "khaki", "#F0E68C"
cColores.Add "lavender", "#E6E6FA"
cColores.Add "lavenderblush", "#FFF0F5"
cColores.Add "lawngreen", "#7CFC00"
cColores.Add "lemonchiffon", "#FFFACD"
cColores.Add "lightblue", "#ADD8E6"
cColores.Add "lightcoral", "#F08080"
cColores.Add "lightcyan", "#E0FFFF"
cColores.Add "lightgoldenrodyellow", "#FAFAD2"
cColores.Add "lightgreen", "#90EE90"
cColores.Add "lightgrey", "#D3D3D3"
cColores.Add "lightpink", "#FFB6C1"
cColores.Add "lightsalmon", "#FFA07A"
cColores.Add "lightseagreen", "#20B2AA"
cColores.Add "lightskyblue", "#87CEFA"
cColores.Add "lightslategray", "#778899"
cColores.Add "lightsteelblue", "#B0C4DE"
cColores.Add "lightyellow", "#FFFFE0"
cColores.Add "lime", "#00FF00"
cColores.Add "limegreen", "#32CD32"
cColores.Add "linen", "#FAF0E6"
cColores.Add "magenta", "#FF00FF"
cColores.Add "maroon", "#800000"
cColores.Add "mediumaquamarine", "#66CDAA"
cColores.Add "mediumblue", "#0000CD"
cColores.Add "mediumorchid", "#BA55D3"
cColores.Add "mediumpurple", "#9370DB"
cColores.Add "mediumseagreen", "#3CB371"
cColores.Add "mediumslateblue", "#7B68EE"
cColores.Add "mediumspringgreen", "#00FA9A"
cColores.Add "mediumturquoise", "#48D1CC"
cColores.Add "mediumvioletred", "#C71585"
cColores.Add "midnightblue", "#191970"
cColores.Add "mintcream", "#F5FFFA"
cColores.Add "mistyrose", "#FFE4E1"
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