vamos a ver ruberperrucho...
yo no uso fedora, uso gentoo... pero....
fedora viene con gnome o con kde???
si viene con gnome tienes GAIM
si viene con kde tiene KOPETE
para que quieres el amsn?
Por si sigues interesdo en el amsn.....
( sacado del wiki de amsn....... simplemente googlea install amsn fedora.... )
Start by downloading the Fedora Core RPM package from aMSN's page.
After you have finished downloading, double click on the file and supply the
root password.
If you don't like the GUI, you can also use the command line. First login as root,
then go to the directory where you downloaded the RPM and then install it using
the rpm command. The following will do it:
su -
cd /path/to/rpm
rpm -i amsn_.rpm
And finally there is the yum way. Login as root and use yum to install it:
su -
yum install amsn